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21. ASC | Library | Web Dossiers - Poverty Reduction And Land Issues In East Africa Education and health expenditure and poverty reduction in East africa Madagascarand Land rights of minorities and indigenous peoples/ SEA Mvungi. http://www.ascleiden.nl/library/webdossiers/PovertyReduction.aspx | |
22. ASC | Library | Web Dossiers - Poverty Reduction And Land Issues In East Africa We are as sheep goats Iraqw datooga discourses on fortune, failure thefuture/ Land rights of minorities and indigenous peoples/ SEA Mvungi. http://www.ascleiden.nl/_ASCWebsite/Print.aspx?url=/library/webdossiers/PovertyR |
23. Tanzania peoples 160 indigenous ethnic groups; widespread use of There are about200000 datooga people, none of whom have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and http://gffministries.com/countries/Tanzania.htm | |
24. The Languages And Writing Systems Of Africa Angola, Republic of Angola, República de Angola, former People s Republic of Angola Also includes Mandinka, Wolof, Fula, other indigenous vernaculars. http://www.intersolinc.com/newsletters/africa.htm | |
25. HUNTER-GATHERERS, CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT: FROM PREJUDICE TO POLICY REFORM Almost all confined to eastern and southern africa and the central african Nomadic fishingpeoples exist in an arc between Burma and Sulawesi. http://www.manage.gov.in/managelib/odi/43jun99.htm | |
26. Hunter-gatherers, Conservation And Development: From Prejudice To Policy Reform Warfare in both central africa and Angola has had a major impact on Twa and Khoisan . Nomadic fishingpeoples exist in an arc between Burma and Sulawesi. http://www.odi.org.uk/nrp/43.html | |
27. August 2003 Letter four more people groups  the datooga, Zaramo, Digo the list of least reached peoplegroups in indigenous Missions and Evangelism Organization Formed Key http://www.worldmissioncentre.com/DirReport/DR200308.htm | |
28. CDS News 1997:2 He still relates to CDS as project coordinator of The East African Dryland 07.11 Catherine Marquette, researcher, CMI indigenous peoples , http://www.svf.uib.no/sfu/publ/cdsnews/cds9702.htm | |
29. Red Lion Evangelical Free Church Missions a Bible school to train indigenous church leaders in Ministry AIM (African InlandMission) Current Missionary Assignment Serving the datooga people in Ol Piro http://www.rlefc.com/missionaries.html |
30. NATIONS OF THE OLD WORLD ************** * EUROPE Chagga Chahi, Ginyamunyinganyi Chasi datooga Dhaiso Digo Chinese (15%) see CHINA indigenous (6%) Cambodia Chinese see CHINA China, People s Republic of http://landru.myhome.net/jtrees/text/Nations_of_old-world.txt | |
31. Red Lion Evangelical Free Church Red Lion Evangelical Free Church seeks to bring people to Christ through in East africa, training indigenous Babwisi church leaders through Semuliki http://www.rlefc.org/mission.html | |
32. Mission Network News - July 3, 2003 (Tanzania)And, for two years, African Inland Mission4 team members have beenworking among the datooga people in Tanzania. During that time, a church http://jmm.aaa.net.au/articles/11056.htm | |
33. MSN Encarta - Search View - Tanzania of the population of Tanzania consists of indigenous African groups, PeopleÂs courts function in Zanzibar. Judges are appointed by the president. http://uk.encarta.msn.com/text_761562305__1/Tanzania.html | |
34. Christian Persecution 67thousand people heard the Gospel nearly two-thousand people made (Over 90% of the indigenous population of Papua is officially Christian - mostly http://www.help-for-you.com/persecution/persTue11Mar2003.html | |
35. Ninemsn Encarta - Print Preview - Tanzania More than 90 per cent of the population of Tanzania consists of indigenous Africangroups, The population also includes people of Indian, Pakistani, http://au.encarta.msn.com/text_761562305___5/Tanzania.html | |
36. Sources For The Numbers List Thanks to the following people who ve sent me numbers over the net R.The Harris volume (The indigenous Lgs of the Caucasus) also has Old Georgian but http://www.zompist.com/sources.htm | |
37. Institutt For Sosialantropologi - 1995 23 Gulbrandsen, Ãrnulf The king is king by the grace of the people. The indigenous World 199495. IWGIA, Copenhagen pp 49-53 1995. http://www.ub.uib.no/avdeling/fdok/publ/95kort/96.html | |
38. Institutt For Sosialantropologi - 1995 Tidskr Young People at Risk Fighting AIDS in Northern Tanzania. Red Klepp, KIRed Biswalo, Tidskr Human Adaptations in the East African Drylands. http://www.ub.uib.no/avdeling/fdok/publ/95full/96.html | |
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