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61. Historical Use Of Legal Term "Indigenous Peoples" In UN Declaration - The Concor held in Durban, South africa, where the term peoples was qualified as still The term indigenous peoples was unconditionally adopted for the first http://www.theconcordian.com/news/2003/07/08/News/Historical.Use.Of.Legal.Term.i | |
62. Boekwinkel Pygmies in central africa peoples of the forest. Tuareg in north africa desertdwellers indigenous peoples in Siberia peoples of the frozen north http://astatine.webfusion.co.uk/~survival/nl/books.htm | |
63. ARTICLE RESOURCES/READINGS: "Environmental Rights" Lessons from Southeast Asia and Southern africa, Marine Policy 28.2 Cohan,John Alan, ÂEnvironmental Rights of indigenous peoples under the Alien Tort http://www.carnegiecouncil.org/viewMedia.php/prmTemplateID/8/prmID/4965 | |
64. APA Newsletters 98:1 - Report From The Committee On International Cooperation indigenous peoples and Human Rights, addressing indigenous rights in The promising proposals for an APAafrica Teaching and Research Seminar and http://www.apa.udel.edu/apa/archive/newsletters/v98n1/international/comnews.asp | |
65. Indigenous: To Capitalize Or Not In the US, we invariably capitalize African American and Hispanic, I m notsure that indigenous peoples of the Americas give offense, http://www.wame.org/indigenous.htm | |
66. From The November 2004 Anthropology News Michelle Bigenho And The year 2004 has marked the end of the UN Decade for indigenous People. This is not only an issue in places such as africa and Asia, where indigenous http://www.aaanet.org/apla/anewsnovember2004.html | |
67. Encyclopedia: Native American Other indigenous peoples that are native to territorial possessions of American African Americans, also known as AfroAmericans or black Americans, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Native-American | |
68. Encyclopedia: Race (U.S. Census) It includes people who indicated their race or races as Black, African Am., Alaskan Natives, or indigenous peoples of America) are the indigenous http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Race-(U.S.-Census) | |
69. BERGHAHN BOOKS International Journal of African Historical Studies Contents IntroductionConservation and Mobile indigenous peoples Dawn Chatty and Marcus http://www.berghahnbooks.com/title.php?rowtag=ChattyConservation |
70. UNITED OUTCRY AGAINST MINING GREENWASH A global coalition of indigenous peoples organisations, mineaffected communitiesand civil African indigenous WomenÃs Organisation Lucy Mulenkei http://www.sacredland.org/resources/Greenwash.html | |
71. Lantern Forum > An Evening With Daniel Silau, A Maasai From Kenya In order for africa and other continents to realize peace and security and for the I think they think so; and yet other peoples have adapted to a new http://www.lanternbooks.com/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t17.html | |
72. Indigenous Russian Association of indigenous peoples of the North Fourth World DocumentationProject, African Documents including, Genocide against the Nuba, http://globalcircle.net/00indigenous.htm | |
73. ENBOTS @ WSSD Trevor Manuel, South African Minister of Finance, noted that countries population Results of the indigenous peoples summit on sustainable development http://www.uneptie.org/outreach/wssd/news-media/enbots2708.htm | |
74. Indigenous Peoples Day - October 12, 1999 We honor October 12th as indigenous peoples Day, a day to heal what 507 years of in recent timesÂAfrican Americans, Mexicanos/Chicanos, Asian Americans, http://www.iacenter.org/indg1012.htm | |
76. MUSEUM International N°224: UNESCO Culture Sector The PanAfrican Museum of Music the Need for Partnership Ferréol Constant A new partnership indigenous peoples and the United Nations system A New http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php-URL_ID=24779&URL_DO=DO_PRINTPAGE&URL_ | |
77. Peer Reviewed CINE Publications- 2003 ÂDocumenting traditional food systems of indigenous peoples Process and African and Middle Eastern food and dietary change of indigenous peoples. http://www.cine.mcgill.ca/pub2003.htm | |
78. ColorQ's Color Club: Black Indians (Afro-Native Americans) In the early days of slavery, indigenous peoples of the Americas and Africans Sometimes, African slaves escaped to Native American villages on various http://www.colorq.org/MeltingPot/America/BlackIndians.htm | |
79. Knowledge Centre | Dev-Zone indigenous peoples. only this category, More search options Top Societyand Culture indigenous peoples Articles. LINKS. Pages 1 2 http://www.dev-zone.org/knowledge/Society_and_Culture/Indigenous_Peoples/Article | |
80. Indigenous Peoples indigenous peoples. Books at Golda Meir Library What s been happening inAfrica with indigenous peoples and the African Independent Churches. http://www.uwm.edu/People/backes/jmc225/interact2/indigenous.htm | |
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