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41. Civil Society Organizations Around The World Call On The International Commissio Network for Advocacy of Water Issues in South africa (NAWISA) South africa indigenous peoples Links UK. Dr. Ute Collier Dams Initiative Leader http://www.ciel.org/Ifi/varma_13jun03.html | |
42. PUBLICATIONS ON THE SAN OF SOUTHERN AFRICA BY ROBERT K Biodiversity Preservation and indigenous peoples in africa. indigenous Affairs1/965053. Lee, Richard B., Megan Biesele, and Robert K. Hitchcock (1996) http://www.kalaharipeoples.org/documents/RKHSanpubsbyrkhJan02[1].htm | |
43. UN Conference On Self Determination, 2000 surrounding the draft Declaration on the Rights of indigenous peoples. Attorney Musa danFodio noted that the African American struggle has gone http://www.tamilnation.org/selfdetermination/00conference.htm | |
44. Indigenous Peoples indigenous peoples Sites that deal with issues affecting the indigenous This is a place to meet Chief dan George, Black Elk, Tecemsh and many others. http://v.webring.com/hub?ring=indigenous |
45. Mining, Environment And Development > Social And Cultural indigenous peoples and Mining Strategies and Tactics for Encounters (PDF) dan Sonnenberg (lims) Frauke Münster, African Institute of Corporate http://www.natural-resources.org/minerals/CD/social.htm | |
46. Dictionary Of The Taino Language This dictionary of words of the indigenous peoples of caribbean is from the Dominaba en el cacicazgo del Bahoruco, situado en las sierras que dan a la http://members.dandy.net/~orocobix/terms1.htm | |
47. Austral Ed Children's Books - Books About Australian Indigenous Peoples Books about the Middle and Near East and North africa *The Macmillan Encyclopediaof Australia s Aboriginal peoples 9 Volume Boxed Set $355.00 Teacher http://www.australed.iinet.net.au/aust_aborigines.html | |
48. World History Connected | Vol. 1 No. 1| Book Review Headrick, who focuses primarily on India and africa, notes that while tropical to Europenot so that they might directly benefit indigenous peoples. http://worldhistoryconnected.press.uiuc.edu/1.1/br_2.html | |
49. Indigenous People's Secretariat indigenous peoples have always opposed the present land policies of the Durban, South africa, NGO Forum for the World Conference Against Racism http://www.cbin.ec.gc.ca/ips/ibin21.cfm?lang=e |
50. RaceSci: History Of Race In Science: Links Aims to aid indigenous peoples in the protection of their indigenous knowledge Discusses overpopulation in africa. A Eugenics Watch section tracks the http://web.mit.edu/racescience/links/ | |
51. Water Wars: One In Three People Won't Have Access To Sufficient Water By 2025 The Yellow River in China, the Nile in africa and the Indus and the Perversions of Justice indigenous peoples and AngloAmerican Law by Ward Churchill. http://www.mapcruzin.com/news/war081601a.htm | |
52. BBC News | TALKING POINT | Does Africa Need Lessons In Democracy? One of the factors that has hurt democracy in africa is that leaders of the Britain s legacy to indigenous peoples, in whose affairs they have meddled http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/talking_point/newsid_699000/699726.stm | |
53. United Nations Studies At Yale Contemporary Legal Issues in africa Lea Brilmayer, Daniel Wade and preservation,the fluidity of culture, and the protection of indigenous peoples. http://www.yale.edu/unsy/courses/law.htm | |
54. IMPORTANCE OF INDIGENOUS EDUCATION AND CULTURE HIGHLIGHTED, AS PERMANENT FORUM C HASSAN IDBALKASSM, representative of the indigenous peoples of africa CoordinationCommittee (IPACC), said that the adoption of ILO Convention 169 on http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2003/hr4674.doc.htm | |
55. OneWorld Africa Home / In Depth / Human Rights / Indigenous Rights indigenous Islanders Used as Nuclear Guinea Pigs Cry No More! Petnaest godinakasnije, na ovaj dan, prvi put ce se obele?iti Medunarodni dan protiv http://africa.oneworld.net/article/archive/67/80 | |
56. VII. INDIGENOUS LAND RIGHTS The relationship between indigenous peoples and land and its legal implicationsis developed in Direktorat Inventarisasi dan Tata Guna Hutan (INTAG), http://www.hrw.org/reports/2003/indon0103/Indon0103-06.htm | |
57. IK Monitor 3(2) Publications Among communities in africa, there is a growing gap between the demand for health Publications are available to indigenous peoples organizations in all http://www.nuffic.nl/ciran/ikdm/3-2/communications/publications.html | |
58. Anthropology And The Environment Section The World Bank has begun consultations on a draft indigenous peoples ApproachPaper. Brazil, Philippines and a number of locations in africa. http://dizzy.library.arizona.edu/ej/jpe/anthenv/9810.html | |
59. Books At Random House Of Canada - Author Spotlight: Dan Sleigh Author Catalog. dan Sleigh. *. *, *, Author Spotlight, *. Author Bookshelf For the indigenous peoples click for more http://www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/author.pperl?authorid=58401 |
60. Eugene Weekly : Views : 06.03.04 As an Indian I note that in 117 indigenous North American languages there occur throughout africa, in several different places among different peoples. http://www.eugeneweekly.com/2004/06/03/views.html | |
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