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61. Millennium Websites This site has it all built in for youlesson plan, resources and Endof-the-yearnews summaries are just one way to make current events a part of your http://www.springfield.k12.il.us/resources/2000.html | |
62. Why Y2K Was A Non-Event Why was y2k a virtual nonevent? Why was there no pre-y2k crash? lesson Themessage of the alarmists and activists was heard loud and clear, http://www.gold-eagle.com/editorials_00/dfisher011500.html | |
63. EconEdLink | EconomicsMinute | Y2K, Currency, Banking, And The Fed Find other related lessons Find related lessons. EconomicsMinute y2k, Currency,Banking In the unlikely event that a recession arises from y2k shocks, http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.cfm?lesson=EM34&page=teacher |
64. EconEdLink | Y2K, Currency, Banking, And The Fed In the unlikely event that a recession arises from y2k shocks, monetary policycould be Discuss this in the context of the numbers used in the lesson. http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/print.cfm?lesson=EM34&page=teacher |
65. Jones Lang LaSalle: Research - Current Perspectives- The 2003 Blackout: Lessons The 2003 Blackout Lessons for Property Owners and Managers As they preparedfor y2k and responded to 9/11, building managers introduced major http://www.joneslanglasalle.com/research/documents/research_perspectives_blackou | |
66. Computerworld This Week In Print 21, Some Key Facts and events in y2k History s y2k worries fade, IT execsplan to boost spending on strategic projects while cutting costs overall in http://www.computerworld.com/news/weekinprint/0,10878,DAY01-03-2000,00.html | |
67. Millennium 2000 You can enter from the current week s feature, and you ll need the Shockwave/Flashplugins, New Centuries and Millennia Introduction (Sample lesson) http://annettelamb.com/42explore/millenn2.htm | |
68. Here Comes The Millennium There s a fair amount of coverage of y2k issues and other technical goings on, This lesson is one of a series created by teaching fellows at the Library http://www.teachersfirst.com/2000.shtml | |
69. Sample Lesson It became the basis for dating religious celebrations and secular events. We now have a new FREE lesson plan available on line by Clicking Here. http://www.angelfire.com/biz/tchpr/sample.html | |
70. Home Land Security It seems that the implementation of y2k related plans have had some extraordinarily The lessons learned and to be learned from y2k can be expected to http://users.rcn.com/pgordon/homeland/homeland_strat.html | |
71. Shared Problems, Shared Solutions - EXPERT ADVICE - CIO Magazine Aug. 15, 2000 Commercial and government y2k contingency plans routinely covered what to do The y2k event offered some lessons, but for those lessons to be valuable, http://www.cio.com/archive/081500/ea.html | |
72. CSO Fundamentals: The ABCs Of Business Continuity And Disaster Recovery Planning These days, the list of potentially businessdisrupting events seems almost endless At bare minimum, you might want to subject your old y2k plan to http://www.csoonline.com/fundamentals/abc_continuity.html | |
73. SurvivalRing > News > Start Page > The SurvivalRing Watchdog y2k was a nonevent but we can discuss other things. It will contain scannedin ORIGINAL CD docs, both historic AND current, or as current as can be http://www.survivalring.org/watchdog.htm | |
74. WVIZ/PBS Educational Services content library (featuring educational media, lesson plans, and assessmenttools) that responds directly to schools; educational needs. http://www.wviz.org/edsvcs/index.asp | |
75. ISTE | Home Dr. Moursund calls these interdisciplinary IT (or IIT) lesson plans. Turn Y2Kinto a math lesson using spreadsheets to analyze number patterns in http://www.iste.org/inhouse/publications/ll/27/2/summaries.cfm | |
76. Y2K Problem, 2/99 security implications of the y2k problem, and offer some lessons learned from The current Solution DOD has an extensive plan for tackling the y2k http://www.bens.org/pubs_0299-y2k.html | |
77. Continuity Of Operations Plan (COOP) Then, incorporate lessons learned from each event into subsequent and otherelements of y2k plans provided an excellent point of departure for COOP. http://csrc.nist.gov/fasp/FASPDocs/contingency-plan/TreasCOOPBSP.htm | |
78. PZ Site Features prophezine, bible, prophecy, events, news, world, global, rapture, tribulation, hal lindsey,chuck missler, koinonia house, articles, current events, http://www.prophezine.com/PZSiteFeatures/tabid/56/Default.aspx | |
79. U.S. House Of Representatives, Committee On Science y2k Lessons Learned and Critical Infrastructure Protection Reuse Additionally,these plans are durable beyond y2k and establish the foundation for all http://www.house.gov/science/burbano_012700.htm | |
80. Neo-liberal News For Kids: Citizenship Lessons From Channel One Here was an event that seemed to have taken the news media, between and amongcompeting models of democracy as we develop our lesson plans and teach. http://www.utpjournals.com/simile/issue13/bybeefulltext.html | |
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