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41. New York University | Bobst Library: Research Assistance -- Rg61b.html Further Access to news and current events in the United States and Abroad NYUtv locations around campus news broadcasts, as well as special programming http://library.nyu.edu/research/rg61b.html | |
42. TvNewsLIES.org Jesse s Thoughts, Politics, current events 1 Comment » Today is just one of those news days were I watch tv news and ask myself what world those http://www.tvnewslies.org/blog/ |
43. E-Reference Links - General Topics - News & Current Events Quick Reference General Topics - news current events WRAL-tv (Raleigh) WRAL is the CBS affiliate television station in the Triangle. http://www.lib.unc.edu/reference/quick/index.php?display=print_items&item_id=31 |
44. Current Events In Criminal Justice news current events IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Courts COURT tv Recent news and events; National Center For State Courts Founded in 1971 to study ways http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/current.htm | |
45. Electronic Reference Sources: Current Events, Consumer Information, And Popular current events and newspapers. General; Government and Politics tvnewsSearch (Vanderbilt Television news Archive) (Rutgers Restricted Access) http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/e_ref_shelf/refcurr.shtml | |
46. Al Mashriq - Middle East - Media And Current Events Media and current events. AlAhram Weekly Middle East Research and (Daily tv news reports); Hunna London ( Here is London - The BBC s Arabic Service http://almashriq.hiof.no/base/media.html | |
47. Vista On Current Events - - A measure that tracks consumers feelings about current economic conditions jumped to 100.8 Public Confidence in Papers, tv news Falls to AllTime Low http://vista.powerblogs.com/ | |
48. Vista On Current Events - Public Confidence In Papers, TV News Falls To All-Time Public Confidence in Papers, tv news Falls to AllTime Low. No big supprise here. Those having a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in newspapers http://vista.powerblogs.com/posts/1118418591.shtml | |
49. RTÃ Television The news and current Affairs division provides the most comprehensive range of provides comprehensive coverage of the days news events with ground http://www.rte.ie/tv/news.html | |
50. WALB-TV, Albany. South GeorgiaÂs #1 News Source: Do You Know Your Current Event Do you know your current events? Click here to find out! Did you know all the answers? Be honest!!! Send your feedback to news@walb.com http://www.walb.com/Global/story.asp?S=3696837&nav=5kZQd5RA |
51. All About Scholastic News Online quiz tests students knowledge of the previous week s current events. Top news stories and Movies, tv, Music features change daily at about 5 pm http://www.scholastic.com/schoolage/middleschool/homework/snews.htm | |
52. Conservative News Current Events current events in the news. CFIF tv Issue Ads Expose Tim KaineÂs Real Record on the Death Penalty and Second Amendment Rights http://www.cfif.org/htdocs/freedomline/current/ | |
53. Current Month's Schedule - GOV TV - City Of Albuquerque About GOV tv. Introduction and History What s a PEG? Policies and Procedures 6 am to 2 pm, Government news and current events http://www.cabq.gov/govtv/currschd.html | |
54. EdGate Summer Games Collect current events articles. Watch one event on tv and write a news article about it. Gifted Students. Watch current events on tv and write a news http://www2.edgate.com/summergames/lesson_plans/lp/?lp=lp12 |
55. News & Current Events : Databases & E-Resources (Library Of Congress) Search over 50000 news Sites, Weblogs and RSS feeds for current events and Breaking news. Middle East Media Research Institute tv Monitoring Project http://www.loc.gov/rr/ElectronicResources/subjects.php?subjectID=72 |
56. Political Science Resources/News Media Selective translations of the Middle East news media on current events, including the war with Iraq Links to over 2800 newspapers, tv and radio stations http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/psnews.html | |
57. News And Media Links news and Media Utah newspapers Utah tv Radio Utah Magazines United States newspaper Resources Magazines news Media current events Journalism http://library.loganutah.org/directory/links/news.html | |
58. U-M Sports - The Detroit News Online - 9/20/05 Entertainment, Books, CD Reviews, Eats/Drinks, events, Movies/tv . Contact a Sales Person Contact The Detroit news newspapers in Education http://www.detnews.com/um/ | |
59. IUB Libraries: Databases By Subject To search up to 8 databases related to news current events at the same time, International newswires and pictures, tv and radio transcripts. http://www.libraries.iub.edu/index.php?pageId=1697&subjectId=70&mode=subjectId |
60. Five Themes Of Geography And Current Events - An Educator's Reference Desk Lesso The current events from the newspaper, television, news magazines, and radio provide excellent CNN and Headline news on tv are also well used sources. http://www.eduref.org/Virtual/Lessons/Social_Studies/Geography/GGR0011.html | |
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