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Home - Basic_C - Currency General Resources |
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81. University Of Leicester Library: E-reference general Reference. All that JAS Journal Abbreviation Sources This sitecontains links to reference resources, factsat-a-glance (dictionaries, http://www.le.ac.uk/li/sources/genres/ | |
82. CURIOSCAPE.COM - Antique Resource Locator - Coins And Currency RR RARE COINS currency general (PayRate 0.00 Relevance 1.000 Rating 0.00) AC All Collectibles - Welcome to Your Resource for unique Collectibles http://search.tias.com/cgi-bin/curioscape/search.fcgi/browse/price/Coins_and_Cur | |
83. CURIOSCAPE.COM - Antique Resource Locator - Coins And Currency/Paper Money/Gener Coins and currency/Paper Money/general AC All Collectibles Welcome to YourResource for unique Collectibles Art Deco, Antiques, Graphics, Memorabilia http://search.tias.com/cgi-bin/curioscape/search.fcgi/browse/price/Coins_and_Cur | |
84. Economic And Financial Data general resources. USFederal Reserve. Other Central Banks. Money, Banking, Finance.Brokerage Firms. Mutual Funds. Personal Finance. US Gov t Macro Data http://www.sp.uconn.edu/~cunning/resources.html | |
85. Cyndi's List - Money Category Index. general Resource Sites The Leslie Brock Center for the Studyof Colonial currency Original articles and essays and information on http://www.cyndislist.com/money.htm | |
86. European Union - Delegation Of The European Commission To The USA Other Euro sites from this Directorate general include Euro Websites, Euro Information The Official Treasury Euro Resource (Official UK Government http://www.eurunion.org/infores/euroweb.htm | |
87. Giddy's Web Resources In Finance Global finance resources on the Web, including annotated links, articles, general Finance and The Economy. Bloomberg Business News, A sampling of its http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~igiddy/ | |
88. Collection Depth Indicators The basic collection depth indicators provide the general umbrella definitionsand the The collection should be systematically reviewed for currency of http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/services/colldev/collection-depth.html | |
89. Internet Quick Reference Shelf Indiana resources State, Bloomington, Monroe County, Hoosier. Industry andManufacturing Money car prices, cost of living, currency, salary equivalents http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/internet/ | |
90. Journalist Express: News And Research Portal For Reporters Research and resources Click here to discover how to add and remove links. Research by general Topic Argus Clearinghouse Internet Public Library http://www.journalistexpress.com/ | |
91. Princeton University Library | Electronic Reference Shelf Cheat Sheet for Travelers includes currency conversion table for each of 164currencies. Foreign Governent resources on the Web (University of Michigan) http://www.princeton.edu/~pressman/genref.htm | |
92. Helpful Resources Missions Information - Worldwide Missions Helpful articles, information, statistics and resources relating to worldwide The Universal currency Converter allows you to perform interactive foreign http://www.wholesomewords.org/missions/mslink.html | |
93. College Of General Studies - Summer The College of general Studies at the University of Pennsylvania is the oldest Travel resources. Agencies. US State Department Travel advisories, http://www.sas.upenn.edu/CGS/summer/abroad/resources.php | |
94. CWES/EUC general Links. As a service, this site provides links to a variety of Internetresources. Media; currency Converters; American Chambers of Commerce http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/cwes/Links/links.html | |
95. Transaction Net: Local Exchange Trading Systems - LETS LETSystems measure Green Dollars in the corresponding national currency unit . Related resources. Also on the Transaction Net site http://www.transaction.net/money/lets/ | |
96. Money@Everything2.com currency is a form of money but it is, by far, not the predominant form of moneytoday. In general, wealth; property; as, he has much money in land, http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=money |
97. About Us - General Information general Procedures 1. Before a country may join the International Bank for These additional subscriptions are payable in the member s currency, http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTABOUTUS/0,,contentMDK:20122595~menuP | |
98. Evaluation Of Information Sources general selection criteria. Bibliography on Evaluating Internet resources/ Critical Evaluation of resources/ Margaret Phillips, UC Berkeley Library. http://www.vuw.ac.nz/staff/alastair_smith/evaln/evaln.htm | |
99. LSU Libraries -- Business Subject Guides Market quotes, current and historical statistics, and other resources. Current day currency figures from Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa Middle East, http://www.lib.lsu.edu/bus/finance.html | |
100. Fiat Money - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Fiat money or fiat currency, is money such as paper money, The generalterm paper money was used to cover such fiat money during the 18th and early http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_money | |
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