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81. Scottish Cult Information & Support cults have money and lawyers, the individuals opposing them often have nothing.general UK Information. Cult Information Centre. Specific Group Information http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/nj/99/ | |
82. Freedom Of Mind Recommended Reading cults general. cults in Our Midst by Margaret Thaler Singer. Snapping America sEpidemic of Sudden Personality Change by Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman http://www.freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/books/reading.htm | |
83. Christian Answers To The Cults Christian books answering the false cults. Home Books Other Religionsand cults Books on general cults. There are literally hundreds of false http://www.penfoldbooks.com/category/53 | |
84. Refomed Network -The Apostate Church cults in general. Christian Research Institute (CRI). (US). Many resources oncultish organizations, cults and religions. Especially good on Word of Faith http://reformednet.org/refnet/cults.htm | |
85. The Anti-Cult Movement against the cults in general and the Unification Church, in particular. a negative image of cults among both the media and the general public, http://www.americanreligion.org/cultwtch/anticult.html | |
86. Hilfe Für Aussteiger, LINKS (englisch) "Destructive Cults - General" Translate this page Wo die christliche Kirche versagt, beginnt die Sekte. http://www.karin-jaeckel-autorin.de/infosekten/adessenenglisch.html | |
87. PPE - General Information C9 The common denominator of all the modern cults is an emphasis on community In a cult, participants often find a level of social support and acceptance http://www.embassy.org.nz/encycl/c9encyc.htm |
88. Maharaji And Elan Vital Related Links Prem Rawat, tprf, self knowledge, cult, Maharaji s excerpts, useful linksrelating to Maharaji in particular and cults in general - by clicking here. http://www.ex-premie.org/pages/links.htm | |
89. Information & Articles On Cults, Abuse, Grace & Legalism general articles on cults and mind control/thought reform Leaving how to helpsomeone involved in a cult Articles on grace and legalism http://www.spiritualabuse.org/articles.html | |
90. The Most Tragic Betrayal Hare Krishnas general information All cults - general information All cultsgeneral Information. The Cult Information Link Page at this site http://surrealist.org/betrayalofthespirit/ | |
91. Review Of "Misunderstanding Cults" (Introvigne) Misunderstanding cults a dialogue book between cult apologists and to thetheory as it was commonly used against cults at that time in general. http://www.cesnur.org/2001/mi_dic03.htm | |
92. CESNUR - Appendix B - Cult Awareness Network, Inc. Jewish cults general. Jewish Defense League. Jewish Federation Council ofGreater Los Angeles. Jewish Involvement Jewish, DC. Jews for Jesus http://www.cesnur.org/2001/CAN/appendix_B.htm | |
93. The Inside Story Of A Strange Cult Whether or not to label a particular congregation of people a cult is a matter As with cults in general, there is more to trainspotting than this simple http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~toby/writing/Skeptic/pd83.html | |
94. U-wire : Alexander Explains Inspiration For The Profit I wanted to show people how a cult brainwashes people. The movie is not directedat Scientology, but at cults in general. http://www.skeptictank.org/gen3/gen01783.htm | |
95. Suzan Mazur: Time To Rescind Utah's Statehood? No general Shurtleff, polygamy cults are not okay. As Utah s Attorney generaland a boy scout leader for over 20 years, you should know better than to post http://www.counterpunch.org/mazur03022005.html | |
96. ROMANIA RomaniaÂs Law And Practice On The Conflicts Of Fundamental There is nî other law of religious cults to explicitly abrogate the DecreeLaw 17711948 regarding general regime of religious cults. http://www.concourt.am/hr/ccl/vestnik/4.22-2003/ROMANIA.htm |
97. Ex-cult Resource Center general / Articles. Usenet newsgroup alt.support.excult Jews for Judaism The Unlikeliest Cult in History (Michael Shermer); On the psychology of http://www.ex-cult.org/ | |
98. Cult Information Centre - Home Page CIC believes that these cult methods present a threat to the wellbeing of the CIC provides information to the general public when questions are asked http://www.cultinformation.org.uk/home.html | |
99. AllRefer.com - Cult (Religion, General) - Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon cult, Religion, general. Includes related research links. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/C/cult.html | |
100. Cult Apologists? New Religious Movements, NRM, anti cult movement, Jeffrey Hadden, general. Cult is a loaded word Cult apologists pop up in news coverage about http://www.rickross.com/apologist.html | |
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