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21. No-Nonsense Christian Links Links for Christians. Most of the links are for Christian content such as creation, missions, and cults. Some are for more general topics such as health. http://www.osterholm.info/links/ |
22. IDENTIFYING A CULT There Has Been Much Confusion About Cults And It does not cover cults within other world religions such as Islam and Hinduism . US VERSUS THEM MENTALITY Isolation from the community in general. http://www.ex-cult.org/General/identifying-a-cult |
23. Welkom Op Www.exbaba.com ! Contains testimonies and articles about his deception, sexual abuse and the killings in 1993. general information on cults is also available. http://home.hetnet.nl/~ex-baba/ | |
24. General Interest Programs On Various Cults A British documentary that covers religious cults and other instances of mind The Hare Krishna s and the Moonies are featured in this look at cults. http://www.xenutv.com/cults/ | |
25. Cult Information Network Provides general information about cults. http://hometown.aol.com/joriz/express/index.htm | |
26. Trancenet.org General Cult Links general Cult Information. blackball.GIF excult.org Huge archive on many, ifnot most, groups. Steve Hassan Steve Hassan Author of the best-selling book http://www.trancenet.org/links/cults.shtml |
27. Mason's Opinions On Cults And Religious Abuse Poetry, news, legal counsel, a moderated message board, personal stories, and general information and support from exmembers of a destructive cult. http://www.gospelassemblyfree.com/ | |
28. "Cults:" From Positive To Homicidal Faith Groups cults and new religious movements. bullet, general Information about cults .bullet, Definitions of terms cults, sects and denominations http://www.religioustolerance.org/cultmenu.htm | |
29. Ankerberg Theological Research Institute - The John Ankerberg Show general apologetics, cults, and the occult. http://www.ankerberg.com/ | |
30. Promoting Religious Understanding, Tolerance And Freedom. Attitudes about new religions, general info, Countercult Anti-cult movement,Dangerous cults, Groups targeted as cults .. http://www.religioustolerance.org/ | |
31. Spotlight Ministries. British Christian site examining cults, the occult and the New Age. Articles on general apologetics and theology and help for those involved with abusive religious groups. http://www.spotlightministries.org.uk/ | |
32. THERAPYHELP - Home - Cults, Motherless Daughters, General Psychotherapy With 20 years of experience in general psychotherapy I have successfully assistedclients in healing, understanding and integrating their experiences. http://www.colleenrussellmft.com/ | |
33. THERAPYHELP - Home - Cults, Motherless Daughters, General Psychotherapy With 20 years of experience in general psychotherapy I have successfully assistedclients in healing, understanding and integrating their experiences. http://www.colleenrussellmft.com/homepage.html | |
34. Religious Cults Religious cults. general Information. There is no definition of cult that isuniversally accepted by sociologists and psychologists of religion. http://mb-soft.com/believe/text/cults.htm | |
35. Cult Information Centre - Article: Caring For Cult Victims general Secretary, Cult Information Centre. Caring for Cult Victims Read inPDF Format Cult Concerns An Overview of cults and their Harmful Methods in http://www.cultinformation.org.uk/article3.html | |
36. General Information On Cults And Aberrant Groups Emotional, spiritual, and intellectual problems of cults and aberrant groups discussed. http://www.dtl.org/cults/subject/general.htm | |
37. Bible - General Information And Research Resources - News About Religious Cults Research resources on religious cults, sects, and alternative religions Bible -general Information and Research Resources. http://www.apologeticsindex.org/b44.html | |
38. Switzerland - General Info On Cults, Sects, And Alternative Religious Movements cults, Sects and Alternative Religious Movements in Switzerland. http://www.apologeticsindex.org/switzerland-00.html | |
39. FACTNet Message Board: Cults In General Religious cults and sects discussion group. Message board. Newsgroup.Brainwashing.Mind control. http://www.factnet.org/discus/messages/4/1653.html?1097782243 |
40. Child Abuse + Child Deaths In Cults + Sects You can also see the latest newspaper reports about general child abuse aroundthe world Pentecostal Cult with Aid of System Promotes Child Sexual Abuse http://www.factnet.org/CIF/child_abuse.htm?FACTNet |
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