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41. Miscellaneous Resources network ) to locate a germplasm source or the stock center of your favoritecrop plant. Crop Index Indiana Center for New crops and Plant Products http://www.arabidopsis.com/main/msc/misc.html | |
42. Crop Development Centre - University Of Saskatchewan dry bean, chickpea, linseed flax, solin flax and other miscellaneous crops.In both support of these efforts and to improve Saskatchewan field crops, http://www.usask.ca/agriculture/plantsci/cdc.html | |
43. Kern County Crop Report - 1965 processed Squash TOTAL 1965 75695 $87551400 1964 56076 59874200 *Included inFresh Market **Included in miscellaneous FRUIT AND NUT crops PRODUCTION http://www.co.kern.ca.us/kernag/crop60_69/crop65.html | |
44. Kern County Crop Report - 1966 ton 162.00 306000 * Included in miscellaneous VEGETABLE crops PRODUCTION 1 = 30337 ** Included in miscellaneous FRUIT AND NUT crops PRODUCTION VALUE http://www.co.kern.ca.us/kernag/crop60_69/crop66.html | |
45. Decennial Census Of The United States miscellaneous field crops; farm gardens; vegetables harvested for sale; tobacco, sugar crops, miscellaneous field crops, potatoes, farm gardens, http://www.rosspub.com/census18.html | |
46. Fertilization Of Pecans And Miscellaneous Nuts And Fruits Intercropping involves growing cash crops between rows of trees. A reasonablespacing between the tree crop and the intercrop lessens the possibility of http://www.ncagr.com/agronomi/stnote15.htm | |
47. North Carolina Dept Of Agriculture & Consumer Services All Other crops, 1088779, 1057374, 944791, 951909, 13.8. Greenhouse NurseryChristmas Trees and Greenery miscellaneous crops 5, 986177 http://www.ncagr.com/stats/cashrcpt/cshcomyr.htm | |
48. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTY SEED CROPS INVESTIGATIONS miscellaneous Specialty Seed crops Investigations. greyblueline.gif (2537 bytes).Seed/grain production of seed crop species not involved in defined http://ag.montana.edu/carc/SpCrops/1998/98MiscSpecCrops.htm | |
49. Crop Post-Harvest: Science And Technology Volume 2 - Book Information Chap. 9 Canola Canada Chap. 10 miscellaneous oilseeds Worldwide. Section 4 Âmiscellaneous crops Chap. 11 Copra Philippines Chap. 12 Coffee Worldwide http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/book.asp?ref=0632057246 |
50. Agricore United - Miscellaneous - Site Map Beans and Special crops. Â, Commodities Summary Sell Your Crop. *, Sell YourCrop. *, Grain Prices. Â, CWB° IP/Specialty crops. Â, Linola Program http://www.agricoreunited.com/cgi-bin/bvsm/AU/Misc/SiteMap/index.jsp |
51. Insect Pests Of Field Crops, Bulletin 545 Ohio State University Extension Bulletin. Insect Pests of Field crops. Bulletin 545.Small Grains. miscellaneous Pests of Wheat http://ohioline.osu.edu/b545/b545_46.html | |
52. Martindale's Calculators On-Line Center: Part I:A-E - Agriculture: Crops & Horti Cereal and Oil crops; Forage crops; Fiber and miscellaneous crops; Tree and Fruitcrops Vegetable crops For more information see the Plants National http://www.martindalecenter.com/Calculators1_2_Ag_Crops.html | |
53. Category Codes (O) Sugarand-Starch-crops. (P) miscellaneous-crops-and-Agroforestry. (Q)miscellaneous-Subjects *. * Categories which do not correspond with the categories http://www.ovid.com/site/products/fieldguide/trag/Category_Codes.jsp |
54. AGRICOLA Subject Category Codes F140 Plant Production (miscellaneous crops). F200 Plant Breeding and Genetics.F300 Plant Ecology. F400 Plant Structure. F500 Plant Nutrition http://www.ovid.com/site/products/fieldguide/wlas/AGRICOLA_Subject_Category_C.js |
55. Soil: General Information crops and soils library, Kansas State Lots of links about farming and growingin Kansas General and miscellaneous aspects of soil. This page http://web.ukonline.co.uk/fred.moor/soil/links/l0105.htm | |
56. Sensoryimpact.com » Miscellaneous and when they are poured on crops they attract ants which in turn feed on thelarva of insects. miscellaneous. adnan @ 1240 am , Comments (1) http://sensoryimpact.com/category/miscellaneous/ | |
57. Inka Crops | Terms And Conditions by other reliable method to the address you have provided to Inka crops.miscellaneous You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Inka crops, http://www.inkacrops.com/legal.htm | |
58. 404 FIELD CROP FARMING OCCUPATIONS, N potatoes, sugar beets, sugarcane, and tobacco; and miscellaneous crops, and miscellaneous crops are those that cannot be classified as grain, http://www.cnr.berkeley.edu/ucce50/ag-labor/7manual/7dao404.htm | |
59. RIRDC - New Plants Products Program prospective grain and pulse crops; miscellaneous crops and activities.Testing new crops and their potential in the value chain as well as reexamining http://www.rirdc.gov.au/programs/npp.html | |
60. 2003 Crop Report FIELD CROPS Crops For 2003 Safflower is now included in miscellaneous Field crops. (7). For 2003Silage (Alfalfa) has been added as a new Field Crop category. http://web.co.merced.ca.us/ag/croprpt03/field crops.htm | |
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