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21. Sowing Seeds Of Discontent - Center For Media And Democracy Center for media and Democracy. Publishers of PR Watch passed ordinances banning the raising of genetically engineered crops and livestock. http://www.prwatch.org/node/3725 | |
22. Rising Rhetoric On Genetically Modified Crops - Center For Media And Democracy Center for media and Democracy. Publishers of PR Watch Rising Rhetoric on Genetically Modified crops. by Andy Rowell and Bob Burton http://www.prwatch.org/prwissues/2003Q1/gm.html | |
23. University Of Sussex Media Release 15 November 1999 University Professor Argues media Release The University of Sussex at Brighton. University Professor argues that GM crops will reduce thirdworld hunger. 15 November 1999 http://www.sussex.ac.uk/information_office/media/media72.html | |
24. DH - Preserving The Identity Of Non-GM Crops In South Australia - Media Release media Release Discussion paper released on preserving the identity of A discussion paper on Genetically Modified crops has been released today by the http://www.dh.sa.gov.au/pehs/Alerts-&-Recalls/preserve-id-non-gm-crops.htm | |
25. Biotechnology Australia Site - Media Releases 2003 Farmers adopt a pragmatic approach to GM crops. (media Backgrounder Slight rise in concerns about GM foods and crops. (media backgrounder http://www.biotechnology.gov.au/index.cfm?event=object.showContent&objectid=0B91 |
26. New Study Indicates Biotechnology-derived Crops Benefit The Environment media ADVISORY. New Study Indicates Biotechnologyderived crops Benefit the To participate in the media briefing by telephone, dial (800) 530-8983 http://www.ncfap.org/CASTmediaadvisory.htm | |
27. AIAST-Media Releases blue logo to the right to download the letter to Dr Diamond and the AIAST media Release. But what happens when GMcrops are eventually released? http://www.aiast.com.au/media.php | |
28. News And Media: Scientists Publish Evaluation Of Biotech Crops, Underscoring Saf The scientific report reviews scientific research on crops protected against insect pests The evaluation reviewed data on three major Bt crops corn, http://www.monsanto.com/monsanto/layout/media/00/12-15-00.asp | |
29. News And Media: Monsanto Welcomes ISAAA Report Highlighting Success For Biotech Monsanto Welcomes ISAAA Report Highlighting Success for Biotech crops in Developing World. ST. LOUIS (Jan.10, 2002) Monsanto Company welcomes today s http://www.monsanto.com/monsanto/layout/media/02/01-10-02.asp | |
30. "GREED OR NEED? Genetically Modified Crops" PANOS Media Briefing 30A, 2/99 Panos media Briefing No 30A (reissue). February 1999. GREED OR NEED? Food Security The Contribution Of Genetically Modified crops http://www.ratical.org/co-globalize/GMcrops.html | |
31. Sewage And Crops To 'green Up' Australian Mine : Media Releases : News : The Uni A small Australian gold mine is becoming the prototype for a radical new way to transform toxic mine waste from an expensive liability into an environmental http://uninews.unimelb.edu.au/articleid_237.html | |
32. Planet Ark : Red Tape, Media Stop Russia Growing GMO Crops Planet Ark gives you up to 40 World Environment News stories every day from the Reuters news agency. Nearly 10000 environmental news stories are fully http://www.planetark.com/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/29761/story.htm | |
33. Abare Media Release 2005 With little rain in sight in south eastern Australia, winter crop production in 200506 is For the three major winter crops, wheat, barley and canola, http://www.abareconomics.com/pages/media/2005/7jun.htm | |
34. GRDC - Media Release - Better Crops Stress Soil Nutrients [North, 30 March 2005] The nutrient balance in northern New South Wales and Queensland soils is going backwards and for some of them - going backwards fast, according to Mike http://www.grdc.com.au/whats_on/mr/north/northern_region05008.htm | |
35. GRDC - Media Release - Crop Management Implications With Late Season In Mallee [ Dry sowing while risky - is a viable option for Mallee grain growers and could produce real benefits if crops were managed the right way according to http://www.grdc.com.au/whats_on/mr/south/southern_region05031.htm | |
36. Developing World Media 'lacks Critical Analysis Of GM' - SciDev.Net *Zambia s media rarely sources comments on GM crops from farmers There, the media is supportive of GM crop technology but journalists do not report on http://www.scidev.net/content/news/eng/developing-world-media-lacks-critical-ana | |
37. Inaccuracy â Not Bias â Is The Scourge Of The Media - SciDev.Net Such criticism ignores the fact that the main problem is not media bias, One of the common misconceptions about genetically modified (GM) crops is that http://www.scidev.net/Editorials/index.cfm?fuseaction=readEditorials&itemid=157& |
38. Red Tape, Media Stop Russia From Growing GMO Crops :: Northwest Resistance Again Red tape and aggressive media campaigns against genetically modified (GMO) Red Tape, media Stop Russia From Growing GMO crops Login/Create an account http://www.nwrage.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=296 |
39. Media Advisory: Local Farm Shares Crops With Community Groups media Advisory Local farm shares crops with community groups. Toronto Public Health staff are joining community agencies tomorrow to harvest crops from a http://wx.toronto.ca/inter/it/newsrel.nsf/0/068b7dc22243247e85256ec80075390a?Ope |
40. Media - Call For Open Minds On GM Crops And Biotechnology (28 June) Professor Stephen Powles an agricultural scientist at The University of Western Australia has called on both city and rural Australians to have open minds http://www.uwa.edu.au/media/statements/2001/06/call_for_open_minds_on_gm_crops_a | |
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