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Crop & Soil Science Courses: more detail |
81. Natural Resource Sciences NRSC Courses - Graduate Catalog Fall 2003 - University Role and importance of crop and soil resources in the development of human NRSC 454 Environmental Issues in Plant and soil Sciences (3 credits) http://www.gradschool.umd.edu/catalog/courses/NRSC.html | |
82. Crop And Soil Environmental Sciences - College Of Agriculture And Life Sciences, two majors crop and soils Environmental science and Environmental science. crop and soil Environmental science students may choose from one of five of http://www.cals.vt.edu/departments/cses.html | |
83. Soil Science (SOILS) The soil science program is administered in the Department of crop and soil soil science (soilS) course list. The Pennsylvania State University © 2004 http://www.psu.edu/bulletins/whitebook/programs/soils.htm |
84. Course List - OSU Online Catalog Exposure to career opportunities in crop and soil science. PREREQ One year biological science and one course in organic chemistry. Lec/lab. http://catalog.oregonstate.edu/CourseList.aspx?subjectcode=CSS |
85. MSUE Campus Units Portal The Department of crop and soil Sciences has a strong extension/outreach part of five courses taught in the department of Horticulture and crop and soil http://www.msue.msu.edu/portal/default.cfm?pageset_id=38331&page_id=113257&msue_ |
86. Courses courses in soil science. 132 Earth s Water Natural science and Human Use. Discussion of plant nutritional topics unique to horticultural crops http://www.soils.wisc.edu/soils/grad-undergrad/courses.htm | |
87. Knight Center For Environmental JournalismÂLearning Administered By crop and soil Sciences Course CSS 211 Turfgrass and the Environment Semester Spring of every year. http://environmental.jrn.msu.edu/css.html | |
88. UMass Amherst: Department Of Plant, Soil, And Insect Sciences Department of Plant and soil Sciences banner with UMass Amherst logo crop production, secondary school instruction, and golf course and parks management http://www.umass.edu/plsoils/undergrad/ | |
89. UMass Amherst: Department Of Plant, Soil, And Insect Sciences The undergraduate curriculum in Plant and soil Sciences is unique, developed so crop production, secondary school instruction, and golf course and parks http://www.umass.edu/plsoils/offerings/undergrad/ | |
90. UHM Graduate Studies - Tropical Plant And Soil Sciences The Department of Tropical Plant and soil Sciences (TPSS) at the University of Hawai i at They also study related disciplines such as crop ecology, http://www.hawaii.edu/graduatestudies/fields/html/departments/stuz/tpss/tpss.htm | |
91. WSUGradSchool Crop And Soil Sciences The Department of crop and soil Sciences offers extensive and diversified programs of Cooperative course taught by WSU, open to UI students (soil 521). http://www.gradsch.wsu.edu/catcourses_cropsoil.html | |
92. CTE/Agricultural Education Course Description - Plant And Soil Science & Technol Standard 02041103 Students will demonstrate an understanding of soil science. Students will describe the growth and development of major crops. http://www.uen.org/core/core.do?courseNum=20411 |
93. Graduate Courses Offered, Plant And Soil Sciences Special Topics in Plant and soil Sciences. (19). Advanced course in soil fertility; special emphasis on all soil conditions affecting plant growth. http://www.msstate.edu/dept/pss/public_html/graduate.html |
94. Crop And Soil Environmental Sciences - College Of Agriculture And Life Sciences, crop and soil Environmental Sciences is about people and their environment. Course work emphasizes soil properties, taxonomy, origins, and uses. http://www.cals.vt.edu/students/undergraduate/majors/cses.html | |
95. AGRONOMY (AGRO) crop and soil Sciences. DAVID M. SYLVIA, BS, MS, Ph.D., Department Head and Professor of soil Microbiology DOUGLAS B. BEEGLE, BA, MA, Ph.D., Professor of http://www.psu.edu/bulletins/bluebook/faculty/agro.htm |
96. Organic Gardening & Farming (Soils 101) Department of crop soil Sciences Organic Gardening Farming (soils 101). Course home Course soils 101Organic Gardening and Farming (3 credits) http://classes.css.wsu.edu/soils101/ | |
97. CANR - Careers In Crop & Soil Sciences Careers in crop soil Sciences. Department of crop and soil Sciences crop Consultant; Agronomist; cropping Systems Analyst; Golf Course Superintendent http://www.canr.msu.edu/canrhome/career_css.htm | |
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