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Crisis Intervention Suicide: more books (48) | ||||
61. American Association Of Suicidology - Dedicated To The Understanding And Prevent Organizational AAS assists suicide prevention and crisis intervention centers throughout the US and Canada provide quality services by developing http://www.suicidology.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1 |
62. American Association Of Suicidology - Dedicated To The Understanding And Prevent The American Association of Suicidology promotes suicide prevention and a better Directory of crisis intervention/suicide Prevention Centers http://www.suicidology.org/storelistitem.cfm?itemnumber=74 |
63. May 1990 HIGH SCHOOL SUICIDE CRISIS INTERVENTION By David Fisher STUDENTS AT RISK suicide crisis intervention team members are trained to The main operating principle of the suicide crisis intervention team is to http://www.textfiles.com/law/lebmay03.law | |
64. Crisis: The Journal Of Crisis Intervention And Suicide Prevention How to access this electronic journal. Other information includes what is available, password required, current availability and links to subjects that http://www.library.soton.ac.uk/info/journals/16940.shtml | |
65. Seniors Guide - Health Services - Mental Health Services crisis intervention and suicide Prevention crisis intervention suicide Prevention. Addiction Info. Mental Health Info http://www.mcaws.gov.bc.ca/seniors/guide/3_health_services/3_mental_health.htm | |
66. Military-Civilian Teamwork In Suicide Prevention Elsewhere includes the adjacent civilian community s crisis intervention resources, specifically, the suicide prevention telephone hotline where the caller http://www.menweb.org/throop/health/milsui.html | |
67. Internet Resources Links crisis/suicide intervention California Youth crisis Line 1800-THE-5200, http//www.mhsanctuary.com/suicide (suicide crisis intervention and http://webserve.govst.edu/trauma/link.html | |
68. National 1-800 Crisis Hotlines cancer child abuse crisis intervention/suicide domestic violence crisis intervention/suicide. Boys Town suicide and crisis Line 800448-3000 or http://www.allaboutcounseling.com/crisis_hotlines.htm | |
69. ACR8 ACR8 ACR Crisis Intervention Section Befrienders International suicide prevention and support information in 40 countries and in 12 New Links for crisis intervention and Management http://www.mediate.com/acrcrisisnegotiation/pg16.cfm | |
70. Suicide Prevention Center - 24 Hour Crisis Line - Los Angeles County The suicide Prevention Center is a 24 hour crisis Line based in Los Angeles County. SPC volunteers perform telephone crisis intervention, http://www.suicidepreventioncenter.org/ | |
71. EMC: Topics For: SUICIDE PREVENTION AND CRISIS INTERVENTION: CASE HISTORY B, 20 EMC Topics for suicide PREVENTION AND crisis intervention CASE HISTORY B, 20 YEARS AND OUT (2. CONTENT). EMC Home New Titles All Titles http://www.css.washington.edu/emc/topics.php?mid=2746 |
72. EMC: Topics For: SUICIDE PREVENTION AND CRISIS INTERVENTION: CASE HISTORY B, 20 EMC Topics for suicide PREVENTION AND crisis intervention CASE HISTORY B, 20 YEARS AND OUT (1. INTERVIEW). EMC Home New Titles All Titles http://www.css.washington.edu/emc/topics.php?mid=2747 |
73. On-Scene Guide For Crisis Negotiators techniques of crisis and suicide intervention and hostage negotiation. Exposed Faceto-Face in suicide Situations crisis intervention Techniques http://www.rothstein.com/drjbooks/drj713.htm | |
74. BCPL Connections Suicide Provides crisis intervention and support. suicide prevention. Maryland Poison Center 20 N. Pine Street Baltimore, MD 21201 1800-222-1222 TDD 410-706-1858 http://www.bcplonline.org/commpg/connections/ewbsuicide.html | |
75. The Bright Side - Support & Resources For Coping With Depression, Grief, Suicide suicide is final and once you ve succeeded, you cannot change your mind! crisis intervention hotlines in Florida. Tell a friend http://www.the-bright-side.org/site/thebrightside/section.php?id=326 |
76. Untitled Document We contacted the crisis intervention center of Vienna and a professional from Besides we are planning to start working on a suicide prevention program http://www.med.uio.no/iasp/dec2002/6.html | |
77. SUICIDE HOTLINES IN PENNSYLVANIA Prevent Suicide Now.com crisis / suicide Hotlines in Pennsylvania. Allentown crisis intervention Team Lehigh County (610) 8203127 Altoona Altoona Hospital Center for Mental Health http://www.preventsuicidenow.com/pennsylvania-suicide-hotlines.html | |
78. CQ Vol. 30, #4: Best Practices In School Crisis Prevention & Intervention And who could ever think of suicide terrorists commandeering four airlines and This book provides crisis prevention and intervention team members with http://www.nasponline.org/publications/cq304BPSCPI.html | |
79. NASP Crisis Resources suicide Natural Disasters Trauma General crisis Resources 9/11 Natural Disasters, crisis intervention, and School Psychology Melding Human Needs http://www.nasponline.org/NEAT/crisismain.html | |
80. Paper On GLB Suicide Problems For Crisis, The Journal Of Crisis Intervention And *crisis The Journal of crisis intervention and suicide Prevention Published under the Auspices of the International Association for suicide Prevention http://www.fsw.ucalgary.ca/ramsay/homosexuality-suicide/05-crisis-suicide-paper. | |
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