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61. Criminal Justice criminal Justice rehabilitation - Available for those students who wish to pursue a career in the treatment and rehabilitation of offenders. http://www.desales.edu/default.aspx?pageid=683 |
62. SUNO Academics-CDSubstance Abuse 319 criminal JUSTICE AND THE ADDICTIONS, credit, 3 hours. 423 THE POST ADDICTION CAREER rehabilitation AND REENTRY INTO SOCIETY, credit, 3 hours. http://www.suno.edu/academics/course_descriptions/substance_abuse.htm |
63. ExecSearches.com Non Profit Jobs - Fundraising, Executive & Management Jobs - No Juvenile rehabilitation is one of five administrations in the Department of Social execSearches.com features careers in non profit, philanthropic and http://www.execsearches.com/exec/detailNew.asp?job_id=9013 |
64. Criminology - It Sounds Fun, But Is It Legal? A criminology degree opens doors to careers ranging from the police, Crime problems do not stop at national borders, and organised criminal empires such http://www.ca.courses-careers.com/criminology.htm | |
65. What Can I Do With An Undergraduate Degree In Criminology - Career Resource Cent careers in Criminology and criminal Justice Career Planning in criminal Justice. The information included on this career sheet has been collected from http://www.umanitoba.ca/student/counselling/WhatCanIDo/criminology.html | |
66. Careers In Criminal Justice What Does a Career in criminal Justice Mean? criminal justice careers include professional positions in probation departments, law enforcement agencies, http://www.bsu.edu/cjc/careersincjc/ | |
67. CSUH Catalog 2005-2006: Criminal Justice Admin. (Undergraduate) acquire knowledge of criminal justice, a career area with high employment prospects. Analysis of concepts of rehabilitation, punishment and revenge. http://www.csuhayward.edu/ecat/20052006/u-crja.html | |
68. Criminal Justice Subject Guide, Lane Library, AASU industrial security, drug rehabilitation, and criminal and family law. Jumpstarting Your Career An Internship Guide for criminal Justice http://www.library.armstrong.edu/subguidecriminal.html | |
69. Hq|education - The World Of Law & Order: Your Career In Criminal Justice The World of Law Order Your Career in criminal Justice of our country s law and court systems, and criminal sentencing and rehabilitation procedures. http://www.hqeducation.com/schools-education/popular-degrees/the-world-of-law-or | |
70. Department Of Sociology And Anthropology - SFU Criminology assistant; Police officer; rehabilitation counselor; criminal investigator; Occupational/Career counselor; Homeless/Housing worker; http://www.sfu.ca/sociology/06career/ | |
71. Administration Of Justice law, criminal behavior studies, rehabilitation programs or the like should Anyone contemplating a career in the criminal justice ?eld should http://www.dvc.edu/catalog/current/ii/aoj.htm | |
72. Buffalo State - CDC - Criminal Justice Corrections And rehabilitation Workers in this category maintain the security, Great Jobs for criminal Justice Majors. Chicago, IL VGM Career Books. http://www.buffalostate.edu/offices/cdc/crj.html | |
73. CRC // UF Guide // Liberal Arts & Sciences // Criminology criminal Justice careers Guidebook, Opportunities in Paralegal careers. Law Enforcement criminal Justice careers, careers in Government http://crc.ufl.edu/ufguide/LiberalArts/majors/LAS_Criminology.php | |
74. Error Page The rehabilitation Assistants will be trained to be competent in a number of areas of stroke NHS Jobs Join the team and make a difference NHS careers http://www.jobs.nhs.uk/cgi-bin/vacdetails.cgi?search_db_no=2&selection=911588819 |
75. Error Page Intermediate Care provides shortterm rehabilitation support for people Bedford PCT will apply for a criminal Records disclosure from the CRB for all http://www.jobs.nhs.uk/cgi-bin/vacdetails.cgi?search_db_no=2&selection=911588146 |
76. Forensic Psychology You Are Here BPS careers Areas of Psychology Forensic Psychology psychology applying psychological theory to criminal investigation, http://www.bps.org.uk/careers/areas/forensic.cfm | |
77. East Central University Arrow Bullet Point, Undergraduate Program rehabilitation Degree programs include counseling, criminal justice, and social work. http://www.ecok.edu/academics/schools/hss/hr/default.asp | |
78. The CSP - Careers And Learning - Careers Information Try calling the CSP careers line on 020 7306 6600 or contact us using the form below. The nature of certain criminal convictions will debar successful http://www.csp.org.uk/physiotherapy/careersfaq.cfm | |
79. Psychology Department @ Oakland University - Advising - OtherCareers Ordinarily this requires a Masters in Vocational rehabilitation. The Sociology Department also has a Concentration in criminal Justice, which includes http://www2.oakland.edu/psych/advising_othercareer.cfm | |
80. Lethbridge Comunity College // LCC Online Disability and Community rehabilitation. Links on this page; Career Opportunities The consequences of a prior criminal conviction will be examined and http://www.lethbridgecollege.ab.ca/programs/rehab.shtml | |
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