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21. Criminal Justice Resources Resources: Crime Statistics crime State Rankings crime in the 50 United States Statistics on weapons Violence The latest edition, 1996, is available under the call number HN90 . http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/crimjust/stats.htm | |
22. 1999-2001 CSU Stanislaus Crime Statistics (Liquor Law, Drug, weapons). Stockton Number of Arrests/Referrals (Liquor Law,Drug, weapons). Turlock Local crime stats Stockton Local crime stats http://www.bf.csustan.edu/dps/Web Stats/1999to2001/clery stats.html |
23. Non-Contiguous Properties: Crime Stats - Almanac, Vol. 44, No. 25, 03/17/98 There were no arrests at the University Boathouse for weapons Offense, Note crime statistics from the Philadelphia Police Department for this property http://www.upenn.edu/almanac/v44/n25/noncontigcrime.html | |
24. PBA-Safety & Security-Crime Statistics weapons Possession, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1. For a more detailed breakdown of crime statisticsby venue click below. US Department of Education Website http://www.pba.edu/safsec/crime stats.htm | |
25. Plattsburgh State Crime Statistics Statistics. Annual crime stats Firearms and dangerous weapons of any typeare not permitted on campus. Intentions use, possession, or sale of firearms http://www.plattsburgh.edu/offices/admin/universitypolice/crimestats.php | |
26. Crime Stats crime stats 19972004 crime stats 1994-96 Select the link below for the descriptionof weapons Possession. 1996. 1995. 1994. Carrying gun without permit http://www.lhup.edu/safety/crimestats.html | |
27. District Police Crime Stats crime Statistics. The West ValleyMission College District Police submits monthlycrime statistics to Other crimes. weapons, 3, 1, 4, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 http://www.wvmccd.cc.ca.us/police/stats.html | |
28. Duquesne University | Department Of Public Safety crime statistics are obtained from criminal incidents reported to the Department of weapons Possession, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0. CAMPUS DISCIPLINARY REFERRALS http://www.duq.edu/administration/publicsafety/stats.html | |
29. University Of Baltimore--Crime Statistics Illegal weapons Possession Referred for Disciplinary Action Hate crime stats.public safety office. Charles Hall, Room 55 University of Baltimore http://www.ubalt.edu/publicsafety/clery_stats2.html | |
30. Crime Statistics crime STATISTICS. Georgetown College crime stats (January2003to the present) weapons possession, escort services, sexual assault, and crime prevention. http://spider.georgetowncollege.edu/safety/crime statistics.htm | |
31. The Chronicle: Crime On College Campuses Campuses reporting the most alcohol, drug, and weapons arrests; crimes on 481 Survey of Campus crime Reveals Steep Increase in Drug Arrests (4/26/1996) http://chronicle.com/stats/crime/ | |
32. Campus Crime Stats The following statistics, provided in compliance with the crime Awareness andCampus Security Act of weapons Possession Referred for Disciplinary Action http://www.trinity.edu/departments/safe/index_files/Page578.htm | |
33. Crime Statistics crime stats in reference to Campus Security Act 1990 Statistics for Alcohol,Drugs, and weapons Violations on Campus http://www.ncsu.edu/public_safety/campus_safety/stats.htm | |
34. University Police Department The following crime statistics are recorded from August 1, 2005 to July 31, Drug Abuse Violations, 0, 0, 0. weapons Possessions, 0, 0, 0 http://www.shsu.edu/~upd_www/stats.html | |
35. Crime Statistics The crime in the United States volume is publicly accessible via the FBI website or Other weapons, 276, 258, 307, 408, 339. Hands/Fists/Feet, 2973, 2912 http://www.sjpd.org/CrimeStats.cfm | |
36. Crime Rate Decreases In São Paulo And Bogotá - Worldpress.org ÂWe believe this method is better than paying in cash for the weapons, for thisway the money ÂThe standardization of the crime assessment methodology, http://www.worldpress.org/Americas/2119.cfm | |
37. UNH - Student & Academic Services UNH Crime Stats crime Statistics for UNH and adjacent areas are provided below. and WeaponsPossession. On Campus Arrests, Including Residence Halls, 2001, 2002, 2003 http://www.unh.edu/vpsas/crimestats.html | |
38. Bethel Seminary San Diego Crime Statistics - Bethel University Illegal weapons Possession Violations Referred for Disciplinary Action, 0, 0, 0,0 The San Diego Police Department publishes their crime statistics http://www.bethel.edu/campus-security/bssd-crimestats.html | |
39. Uniform Crime Reporting Program Press Release--10/13/96 The 1995 data appear in crime in the United States, the FBI s annual publication A special study focusing on the use of weapons in violent crimes is http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/ucr95prs.htm | |
40. Federal Bureau Of Investigation - Uniform Crime Reports - 2003 Table 1 crime in the Unites States, by Volume and Rate, 1984 - 2003 Table 2.8 - Murder, Types of weapons Used, Percent Distribution by Region, 2003 http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/03cius.htm | |
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