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21. Men, Women, Crime, And Prison Some relevant information it is claimed (I don t have the stats) that on the What is intriguing about the statistcal sentencing literature is that http://www.menweb.org/throop/criminal/stats.html | |
22. Sources Of New Zealand Statistical Information crime, Statistics New Zealand http//www.stats.govt.nz/ Recorded crime statistics Best source sentencing in New Zealand a statistical analysis. 1999 http://www.library.auckland.ac.nz/subjects/stats/nz_pacific/nzsources1.htm | |
23. Justice And Crime - Statistics New Zealand Statistics about crime include numbers of convictions by the type of crime committed on the kind of sentencing imposed on people convicted of crimes, http://www.stats.govt.nz/people/justice-crime/ | |
24. Small Dead Animals McIntosh Family Crime Stats McIntosh Family crime stats. Top 10 murder rates by city (per 100000 population) Bird s upbringing should be factored into sentencing when considering http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/archives/002388.html | |
25. Institute On Race And Justice At Northeastern University Bureau of Justice Statistics, Key crime Justice Facts at a Glance United States sentencing Commission. http//www.ussc.gov/linktojp.htm http://www.irj.neu.edu/stats/ | |
26. Crime Statistics - LexisNexis InfoPro - Zimmerman's Research Guide Links to other crime statistics Web sites are posted by The Corrections Web site of the United States sentencing Commission (www.ussc.gov/linktojp.htm). http://www.lexisnexis.com/infopro/zimmerman/disp.aspx?z=1362 |
27. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Criminal Sentencing Statistics Statistics about court sentencing of persons convicted of crimes. crime and Justice in the United States and in England and Wales, 198196, 10/98. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/sent.htm | |
28. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Courts And Sentencing Statistics publications about courts, adjudication, and sentencing in the United States. These counties account for about half the serious crime nationwide. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/stssent.htm | |
29. Sensible Sentencing Trust For A Safe Crime Free New Zealand Sensible sentencing NZ; against violent crime in New Zealand. 9) Abolish concurrent sentencing for all crimes under the crimes Act with particular http://www.safe-nz.org.nz/ | |
30. Lawlink NSW:Sentencing High-range PCA Drink-drivers In NSW Lawlink NSW Bureau of crime Statistics and Research Media Releases sentencing highrange PCA drink-drivers in NSW, print Print page http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/bocsar/ll_bocsar.nsf/pages/bocsar_media171 | |
31. Lawlink NSW:Publications And Statistics By Subject (A To C) sentencing drinkdrivers The use of dismissals and conditional discharges Recorded crime Statistics Regional analysis of crime trends http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/bocsar/ll_bocsar.nsf/pages/bocsar_pub_atoc | |
32. Bulletins: Community Correction In Sentencing (Crime Statistics) Community Correction in sentencing crime Statistics Bulletin 8. This bulletin contains information about the use of community correction in sentences http://www.oesr.qld.gov.au/queensland_by_theme/society/crime_justice/corrections | |
33. Bulletins: Imprisonment In Sentencing (Crime Statistics) Release, HTM, PDF, PDF Size. Imprisonment in sentencing crime Statistics Bulletin 3, (171 Kbytes). Print Order Publication Related Pages http://www.oesr.qld.gov.au/queensland_by_theme/society/crime_justice/corrections | |
34. USSC - Research Products & Special Projects Bullet Report of the United States sentencing Commission to the Judicial Bullet sentencing for the Possession or Use of Firearms During a crime (January http://www.ussc.gov/research.htm | |
35. Public Hearing Testimony And Transcripts Bullet Transcript of Proceedings United States sentencing Commission Public States sentencing Commission, Before the Senate Subcommittee on crime and http://www.ussc.gov/HEARINGS.HTM | |
36. Crime - Youth Crime - Tougher Sentencing Youth crime Tougher sentencing. We have recently introduced a number of justice reforms, including. The Action Plan Order  a three-month, http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/crime/youthcrime/sentencing.html | |
37. National Statistics Online More detailed topics for crime Contains information on crime, victims, offenders, the prosecution process, sentencing, imprisonment, expenditure and http://www.statistics.gov.uk/CCI/nscl.asp?ID=5685 |
38. The Sentencing Project Overall, the rate of violent crime was 60 percent higher in 1996 than in 1971(in The prison incarceration rates of some states were considerably higher http://www.sentencingproject.org/losing_05.cfm | |
39. Criminal Justice Resources : Sentencing Special report to Congress, United States sentencing Commission, August 1991. Information about crime, courts, sentencing, criminal justice policy http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/crimjust/sentence.htm | |
40. Crime In America Documents the rise of crime in America. Discusses how to fight crime in your Many states are enacting truth in sentencing laws that require violent http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/crime.html | |
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