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41. Indian Life: Sobering Statistics - Prison Population prisons / Analysis crime / United States The huge prison bulge may temporarily slow down crime, as it apparently has, but as offenders are released, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0JJC/is_1_22/ai_78544335 | |
42. Prison@Everything2.com prisons are expensive. They rarely enable people to address the behaviour A report published in 2002 by the NSW Bureau of crime Statistics and Research http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=prison |
43. Online Statistics Statistical Abstract of the United States Collection of statistics and graphs on Statistical data tables include budget and taxes; crime and prisons; http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/refstats.htm | |
44. Slingshot! Anyone who believes American prisons have anything to do with crime or criminals no doubt In some states, such as Texas, which pay no prisoner wages, http://slingshot.tao.ca/displaybi.php?0063018 |
45. Prisons From 19801992, for example, the chance of going to prison for a drug A glance at the last 25 years of crime statistics shows that crime rates have http://www.cepr.net/prisons.htm |
46. STATISTICAL RESOURCES ON THE WEB/SOCIOLOGY Annual data, 196097, on types of crime for the US and individual states Number of prisons, prisoners, prison rates, percent female or foreign prisons http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/stsoc.html | |
47. US Prisons Statistics said the United States, which has the largest prison and jail Better education is more effective at reducing crime than large prison http://christianparty.net/prison.htm |
48. Citizenship Foundation:Issues Prisons Statistics Outlined below are some statistics relating to crime and punishment. More than half of all prisons in England and Wales are overcrowded, according to http://www.citizenshipfoundation.org.uk/main/page.php?136 |
49. Prisons: A Booming Industry In The US And Europe Yet most crime statistics show conclusively that the violent crime rate has Some US states are already spending considerably more on their prison http://www.wsws.org/articles/2000/jun2000/pris-j05.shtml | |
50. Australia crime and Justice Statistics for Western Australia 2003 Aboriginal Deaths in Prison 1980 to 1998 National Overview (Trends Issues in crime and http://newark.rutgers.edu/~wcjlen/WCJ/stats/australia.html | |
51. The Crime Of Prisons The United States prison population now numbers over two million, These laws, better known as getting tough on crimeÂ, were created with the intent of http://mit.edu/thistle/www/v12/1/prisons.html | |
52. Neal R. Peirce, Prisons And Crime Rates Subject PRISONACT prisons and crime rates Neal Peirce Essay not be considered crimes at allÂin the United States now lead to a prison term, http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/45/330.html | |
53. Gary Aldrich: Costs Of Crime In fact, crime was the 2 issue on their chart. They proposed that if states would build more prisons, the federal government would help fund them but http://www.townhall.com/columnists/garyaldrich/ga20030729.shtml | |
54. Myths And Realities About Prisons And Jails In this respect New Mexico is like most other states, and for good reason. prisons are a costly enterprise. prisons have failed as deterrents to crime. http://www.religion-online.org/showarticle.asp?title=1731 |
55. Criminon Results And Statistics The United States has the highest per capita prison rate in the world The annual cost of crime in the United States alone exceeds over $128 billion. http://www.criminon.org/results-stats/ | |
56. [HPN] Fwd: [BRC-NEWS] Prisons "R" Us HPN Fwd BRCNEWS prisons R Us data place the United States at about average in its crime rate as compared to countries of similar income. http://projects.is.asu.edu/pipermail/hpn/2000-February/000169.html | |
57. PrisonSucks.com: Research On The Prison Industrial Complex verifiable statistics about the crime control industry. Too often prison activists use statistics that are out of date, provided without citation or http://www.prisonsucks.com/ | |
58. PrisonSucks.com: Research On The Prison Industrial Complex Statistics as of June 30, 2004 from Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 2004, Despite Drop In crime, An Increase In Inmates By Fox Butterfield, http://www.prisonsucks.com/index.shtml | |
59. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Key Crime And Justice Facts At A Glance Charts and tables about trends in crime, Federal investigations and Over half of the increase in the prison population since 1995 is due to an increase http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance.htm | |
60. United States Profile: Crime Prisoners Share of prison capacity filled, c.106%. Property crime I also believe that the crime in the States is more violent, mainly due to guns. http://www.nationmaster.com/country/us/Crime | |
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