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Crime Stats General: more detail | |||||
81. Clery (Campus Security) Act - Crime Statistics - Student Life Office - Luther Co crime statistics do not include general theft. Vulnerable items have includedunattended bicycles (particularly high value bikes), backpacks or book bags http://studentlife.luther.edu/office/crime/clery/ | |
82. CCC Security: Reporting A Crime general PROCEDURES FOR REPORTING A crime OR EMERGENCY. Community members, students,faculty, staff and guests are encouraged to report all crimes and public http://www2.cedarcrest.edu/security/reporting.htm | |
83. The Office Of General Counsel At The Catholic University Of America In Washingto crime statistics must also be given to the US Secretary of Education. a dailylog that records crimes by their nature, date, time, general location, http://counsel.cua.edu/fedlaw/campussecurity.cfm | |
84. FBI - Crime In The US, 2002 - Crime Index Offenses Reported FBI Seal, crime in the United States, 2002, Department of Justice, This lawrequired the Attorney general to collect data about crimes that manifest http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius_02/html/web/offreported/02-nhatecrime12.html | |
85. Crime Statistics/Clery Act Follow this link to query crime statistics for Penn State University. general information relative to University policies can be viewed by selecting the http://www.psu.edu/dept/police/CrimeStats.htm |
86. Security Brochure Text Campus agencies involved in the collection of crime statistics are provided the campus community, the general public, and the US Secretary of Education. http://www.utexas.edu/student/vpsa/SecurityBrochure/SecurityText.html | |
87. Campus Safety Online The crime statistics are compiled using reports made to campus safety, deans,coaches, 2001, general Campus, Residence Hall, Off Campus Property* http://departments.oxy.edu/safety/crimestats.html | |
88. Ratboy's Anvil: Political Influence On Crime Data Agencies he sent statistical reports about crime to Attorney general Janet Reno, The dispute about control of crime statistics and research came into the http://www.deeperwants.com/cul1/homeworlds/journal/archives/000390.html | |
89. The Daily, Tuesday, June 1, 2004. Pilot Survey Of Hate Crime In Canada, the definition of hate crime has evolved out of the Criminal Code almost twice the proportion of 25% among hate crime victims in general. http://www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/040601/d040601a.htm | |
90. United Nations Civilian Police In Kosovo - Crime Statistics crime STATISTICS general Andrzej STEPIEN, Pristina 4 Feb 2001. Source UNMIKPolice crime Analysis Statistics, Situation Reports. IMPORTANT NOTICE http://www.civpol.org/unmik/statistics.htm | |
91. New Jersey State Police - 2005 News Releases The Attorney general expressed concern about a number of the crime category trendsfound in the report. He noted, for example, that the number of sexual http://www.njsp.org/news/pr072105.html | |
92. Doe/Moffitt Libraries general Resources and by Subject. American Factfinder Interactive College andUniversity Campus crime Statistics via Security On Campus, Inc http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/doemoff/gov_usstat.html | |
93. IPL General/Reference Collection: Crime News and information about crime in the United States and around the world, The site provides general information about what to do if you are assaulted http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/soc80.20.00.html | |
94. Criminal Justice Statistics Center - California Dept. Of Justice - Office Of The Return to the Attorney general Home Page, Criminal Justice Statistics Center Attorney general Logo, OFFICE OF THE AG PROGRAMS SERVICES NEWS http://ag.ca.gov/cjsc/ | |
95. Crime Data Sources In Criminal Justice National Center on Institutions and Alternatives ranks the states in terms ofwhere Hate crime Statistics - The latest numbers available from the FBI. http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/data.htm | |
96. Statistics - Crime Prevention & Restorative Justice - Alberta Solicitor General Provides statistics on crime in Alberta and comparisons of Alberta crime ratesto other provinces. http://www.solgen.gov.ab.ca/crime_prev/statistics.aspx?print=true |
97. Savannah College Of Art And Design > About The College > Security > Clery Act St general Info Daily Log Hurricane Preparedness Each school must disclosecrime statistics for the campus, unobstructed public areas immediately http://www.scad.edu/about/security/statistics/index.cfm | |
98. Policies And Crime Statistics Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus crime Statistics In UNO mayalso provide this information to the United States Department of Education. http://www.unomaha.edu/security/campus.htm | |
99. Hate Crime Statistics:2003 Congress passed the Hate crime Statistics Act. This law required the AttorneyGeneral to collect data Âabout crimes that manifest evidence of prejudice http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/hate03.html | |
100. RAPE, ABUSE AND INCEST NATIONAL NETWORK (RAINN) National crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Advocates,prosecutors, and survivors are working together in states across the http://www.feminist.com/rainn.htm | |
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