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Crime Stats General: more detail | |||||
41. Hawaii Attorney General - CPJA: Crime In Hawaii Hawaii State Department of the Attorney general crime Prevention and crime inthe United States 1998 is available at the FBI s web site at www.fbi.gov. http://www.cpja.ag.state.hi.us/rs/cih/ | |
42. Boulder County Civic Forum - Indicators - People - #22 General Crime Statistics general crime statistics are a common measure of public safety. Distinguishingbetween people and property crimes is useful in that the two tend to be http://www.bococivicforum.org/indicators/people/22.html | |
43. Statistics / Crime : US National Crime Statistics, General Crime, Wo Statistics, crime Government and industry sources of statistical data on crime. http://www.rmis.rmfamily.com/sites/stxtxcrime.php?mcat=Statistics&scat=Crime |
44. Statistics: Justice, Crime - National Center For Victims Of Crime, Uniform Crime Statistics crime general crime Statistics 715 Provides crime statisticsin the United States on a variety of crime measures. Statistics crime http://www.rmis.rmfamily.com/db/stxjustice.php | |
46. Almanac Of Policy Issues: Criminal Justice crime in the United States has declined substantially in recent years. Identity Theft Growing Prevalence and Cost (general Accounting Office February http://www.policyalmanac.org/crime/index.shtml | |
47. Hate Crime: A Summary A total of 11987 law enforcement agencies in 49 states and the District of As part of the Attorney generalÂs Hate crime initiative, the Bureau of http://www.policyalmanac.org/crime/archive/hate_crime.shtml | |
48. News Releases - Attorney General Mark Barnett Releases South Dakota Crime Statis (Pierre) Â Attorney general Mark Barnett has released the 2000 crime The Stateranked 50th out of 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. http://www.state.sd.us/attorney/applications/documents/oneDocument.asp?DocumentI |
49. University Of Toronto, Data Library Service general social survey, cycle 13 victimization, 1999. Annual Juristats areproduced in the following areas crime statistics, homicide, impaired driving http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/datalib/major/crime2.htm | |
50. Complying With The Jeanne Clery Act Guide to federal college and university campus crime statistics 34 CFR §668.41 (general information disclosure regulations which also apply to the http://www.securityoncampus.org/schools/cleryact/ | |
51. Answers To Frequently Asked Jeanne Clery Act Questions Answers to the most common questions about federal campus crime reporting law . The general public, including parents and the news media, have access to http://www.securityoncampus.org/schools/cleryact/faq.html | |
52. Statistics / Crime Data : US National Crime Statistics, General Crime, Wo Statistics, crime Data Government and industry sources of statistical data on crime. http://www.thesafetylibrary.com/sites/staticrdat.php?mcat=Statistics&scat=Crime |
53. Statistics: Justice, Crime - National Center For Victims Of Crime, Uniform Crime Statistics crime general crime Statistics 715 Provides crime statisticsin the United States on a variety of crime measures http://www.thesafetylibrary.com/db/stxjustice.php | |
54. The Redwood Highway: Crime, Law And Related Links general Information About crime. The Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics The Federal Bureau of Investigation s 2003 crime in the United States, http://www.sonoma.edu/cja/info/infop1.html | |
55. UNM Campus Safety And Security Introduction The UNM Police Department compiles and reports annual crime statistics to inform the located at 1716 Las Lomas NE is open to UNM and the general public. http://www.unm.edu/news/safety.html | |
56. Former Australian Attorney-General - 1995 National Crime Statistics Archive for Daryl Williams Attorneygeneral for Australia 1996 - 2003 The statistics show the level of crime reported to State and Territory police http://www.ag.gov.au/agd/WWW/attorneygeneralHome.nsf/Page/Media_Releases_1996_19 | |
57. 2004 Student Right-to-Know And Crime Statistics 2004 Student Rightto-Know and crime Statistics. Fuller Home Financial Aid Admissions H. general financial aid information contact. http://www.fuller.edu/finaid/0405_consumerinfo.html | |
58. North Carolina Department Of Justice Includes photo of North Carolina Attorney general Roy Cooper and Attorneygeneral s Office crime Law Enforcement State Bureau of Investigation http://www.ncdoj.com/ | |
59. NJ Office Of The Attorney General - Department Of Law & Public Safety - News Rel Latest crime Data Show Statewide crime Rate Down 4 Percent Overall Violent The Attorney general expressed concern about a number of the crime category http://www.state.nj.us/lps/newsreleases05/pr20050721b.html | |
60. FAQ: Crime And Violence Statistics: General Crime Statistics A reference point for Canadian Statistics on the internet. An excellent referencefor statistics, demographics, market research, industry research, http://www.gdsourcing.ca/works/faqcrime.htm | |
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