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61. Press Release: Crime Costs Nova Scotians $1.2 Billion A Year The report challenges the current practice of counting crime costs as a crime costs Nova Scotians an estimated $550 million a year in economic losses to http://www.gpiatlantic.org/releases/pr_crime.shtml | |
62. Death By "Gun Control" the discussion sometimes bogs down into whose crime stats to believe and how to John R. Bolton, an underSecretary of State for the United States, http://www.jpfo.org/deathgc.htm | |
63. Crime Data A Mistake - Decatur Police 2 Months Of 2001 Statistics The misleading statistics, Gilliam said, nearly cost Decatur state grant money to each community based on the population and crime stats, Gilliam said. http://www.decaturdaily.com/decaturdaily/news/031214/crime.shtml |
64. Crime In America - Probe Ministries When you add up all the costs, crime costs Americans a stunning $675 billion Many states are enacting truth in sentencing laws that require violent http://www.probe.org/content/view/111/169/ | |
65. Sperling's Best Places Statistics » Cost of Living » crime Rates» Climate Profiles » Find Your Best Place Best and Worst Cities for crime Most and Least Stressful Cities http://www.bestplaces.net/ | |
66. Crime Comparison - Sperling's Best Places Compare Cities » City Profile» Neighborhood Profiles » School Statistics » Costof Living » crime Rates» Climate Profiles » Find Your Best Place http://www.bestplaces.net/crime/ | |
67. HomeFair.com Welcome: Real Estate, Mortgage Loans, Relocation, Moving, Van Line, including The Salary Calculator for costof-living comparisons; cost-of-livingcomparison, city report, school reports, crime statistics, http://new.homefair.com/homefair/servlet/ActionServlet?pid=27&cid=homefair |
68. Research - Multnomah County Library City Profiles Schools crime Statistics Cost of Living Salary Currently,resources for 47 states and the District of Columbia are listed. http://www.multcolib.org/ref/reloc.html | |
69. Crime Statisitcs crime Button to see actual computer crime news articles. Replacement costswhich deflate your department s budget directly affect raises, improvements, http://www.worldsecuritycorp.com/crime.htm | |
70. PrisonSucks.com: Research On The Prison Industrial Complex First Real Cost of Prisons comic book Prison Town Paying the Price Despite Drop In crime, An Increase In Inmates By Fox Butterfield, http://www.prisonsucks.com/ | |
71. West Haven Crime Statistics (CT) - CityRating.com West Haven crime statistics including violent and property crime rates, City Guides School Rankings City Search Cost of Living crime Statistics http://www.cityrating.com/citycrime.asp?city=West Haven&state=CT |
72. Richmond Crime Statistics (CA) - CityRating.com Richmond crime statistics including violent and property crime rates, City Guides School Rankings City Search Cost of Living crime Statistics http://www.cityrating.com/citycrime.asp?city=Richmond&state=CA |
73. Online Statistics crime Statistics US. - Bureau of Justice Statistics data on the US murder Inflation Calculator - NASA s Parametric Cost Estimating Reference Manual http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/refstats.htm | |
74. White Collar Crime Statistics- Online Lawyer Source collar crime incidents has also contributed to a rise in cost to the nation.According to National Fraud Center statistics, the cost of economic crime http://www.onlinelawyersource.com/criminal_law/white_collar/statistics.html | |
76. Lawlink NSW - Publication Price List Cannabis and crime Treatment programs for adolescent cannabis use New SouthWales Drug Court evaluation Costeffectiveness http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/bocsar/ll_bocsar.nsf/vwPrint1/bocsar_pub_p | |
77. Stolen LaptopsâÂÂLaptop TheftsâÂÂComputer Theft AbsoluteÂs collection of laptop theft statistics shows the cost of Baseline 2004;Computer crime statistics reveal that approximately 80 percent of http://www.absolute.com/Public/main/laptop-theft-statistics.asp | |
78. Statistical Resources On The Web/Cost Of Living Compare two US cities by crime, housing, economic, education, Compare approximately400 cities in the United States on cost of living, housing value, http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/steccpi.html | |
79. STATISTICAL RESOURCES ON THE WEB/SOCIOLOGY Criminal victimization, its cost, offender characteristics, terrorisim, Annual data, 196097, on types of crime for the US and individual states http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/stsoc.html | |
80. Atlanta Crime Statistics For Metro Area Cities In addition to schools, climate, cost of living, real estate prices, Now youcan compare for yourself the actual crime statistics for all the major http://www.wesellptc.com/crime.html | |
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