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41. The ANNALS Of The American Academy Of Political And Social Science -- Sign In Pa Key Words juvenile curfew  juvenile crime  crime prevention  law enforcement. References. Adams, Kenneth. 2002. The effects of juvenile curfew on http://ann.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/587/1/136 | |
42. Johnson County Juvenile Crime Prevention Program A state juvenile crime prevention grant and matching funds from local governments, The juvenile crime prevention Program wants to reach children and http://www.johnson-county.com/countyattorney/jcjcpp.shtml | |
43. A/RES/40/35. Development Of Standards For The Prevention Of Juvenile Delinquency Acknowledging that one of the basic aims of the prevention of juvenile delinquency and the regional commissions in the field of crime prevention; 2. http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/40/a40r035.htm | |
44. 1996/16. United Nations Standards And Norms In Crime Prevention And Criminal Jus 1/ the United Nations Guidelines for the prevention of juvenile Decides that the Commission on crime prevention and Criminal Justice should consider http://www.un.org/documents/ecosoc/res/1996/eres1996-16.htm | |
45. Clackamas County Office For Children & Families: Juvenile Crime Prevention juvenile crime prevention. juveniles whose behavior can cause a danger to themselves or to the public are referred to the Clackamas County juvenile http://www.co.clackamas.or.us/ocf/juvenile/main.htm | |
46. Guilford County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Meetings of the Guilford County juvenile crime prevention Council are held at 830 am on the fourth Thursday of each month. The legislation forming the http://www.co.guilford.nc.us/government/children/jcpc.html | |
47. American Civil Liberties Union : Fact Sheet: Juvenile Justice System Below are some littleknown, but basic facts on juvenile crime. What Ever Happened to prevention? crime prevention programs work and are cost-effective. http://www.aclu.org/CriminalJustice/CriminalJustice.cfm?ID=4999&c=46 |
48. American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Fact Sheet On The Juvenile Justice System Below are some littleknown, but basic facts on juvenile crime Dozens of crime prevention programs across the country have been held up as successful http://www.aclu.org/CriminalJustice/CriminalJustice.cfm?ID=9993&c=46 |
49. Statement By Senator Herb Kohl The juvenile crime prevention and Control Act increases the authorization of Title V, Of course, prevention is not the sole answer to juvenile crime. http://www.senate.gov/~kohl/crime.html | |
50. WriteAPrisoner.com - Crime Prevention crime prevention. Office of juvenile Justice and Delinquency prevention The OJJDP addresses a multitude of social concerns including causes and http://writeaprisoner.com/crime-prevention.htm | |
51. Budget - Crime Prevention Aid In Peril - Sacbee.com estimated $100 million in annual juvenile Justice crime prevention Act funding. If the cut goes through as currently written, juvenile justice officials http://www.sacbee.com/content/politics/ca/budget/story/12013875p-12884336c.html | |
52. SafeYouth.org - Violence Prevention Topics - Law Enforcement Office of juvenile Justice and Delinquency prevention (OJJDP) www.ojjdp.ncjrs.org OJJDP provides a comprehensive Law Enforcement and juvenile crime http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/topics/law.asp | |
53. Addison Police Department juvenile crime prevention Seniors Law Enforcement Together (SALT) crime prevention Officers conduct First Nighter events and coordinate the http://addisonadvantage.org/Police/crime/juvenille.htm | |
54. Juvenile Justice Programs Popular Methods of Youth crime prevention May Not Always Be Best, Office of juvenile Justice and Delinquency prevention Fact Sheet, FS 200105 March 2001 http://www.mrsc.org/subjects/pubsafe/le/le-juvenile.aspx | |
55. Practical Prevention Guides [Young People And Crime] Preventing juvenile crime practical guides. Anti social behaviour toolkit crime Reduction (UK); Best practices of youth violence prevention a sourcebook http://www.aic.gov.au/research/jjustice/prevention/guides.html | |
56. Crime Prevention [Young People And Crime] prevention programs and responses to juvenile crime. AIC publications juvenile crime and juvenile justice conference towards 2000 and beyond, 1997 http://www.aic.gov.au/research/jjustice/prevention/ | |
57. DAILY BRUIN ONLINE - Prop. 21 Ignores Root Of Juvenile Crime Problem Where is the juvenile crime prevention in that? Another area of prevention also lies in education. As it stands, the California education system ranks as http://www.dailybruin.ucla.edu/db/issues/00/02.03/view.doan.html | |
58. Hawaii Attorney General - CPJA: Research & Statistics Hawaii State Department of the Attorney General crime prevention and Justice crime Mapping Applications for Hawaii s juvenile Justice Information System http://www.cpja.ag.state.hi.us/rs/index.shtml | |
59. Hawaii Attorney General - CPJA: Crime In Hawaii Hawaii State Department of the Attorney General crime prevention and Justice juvenile crime cut in half over last 10 years to reach record low level http://www.cpja.ag.state.hi.us/rs/cih/ | |
60. Para Los Niños: Juvenile Crime Prevention Program Para Los Niños juvenile crime prevention Program takes a communitybased approach to solving juvenile crime problems in inner-city neighborhoods. http://www.paralosninos.org/2002/prog/crimeprevention.html | |
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