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         Creation Vs Evolution Religion:     more detail
  1. Creation vs. Evolution: What Do the Latest Scientific Discoveries Reveal? (Examine the Evidence®) by Ralph O. Muncaster, 2000-03-01
  2. CREATION Spelled Out for Us All by Mark W. Cadwallader, 2007-12-01
  3. The Facts on Creation vs. Evolution by John Ankerberg, John Weldon, 1993-08
  4. The 10 Things You Should Know About the Creation vs. Evolution Debate (Rhodes, Ron) by Ron Rhodes, 2004-01-01
  5. Christian Perspective on Creation Vs. Evolution by Michael L. McCoy, 1996-10-01
  6. Creation Vs Evolution Handbook by Thomas Heinze, 1988-09
  7. Creation vs. Evolution: What You Need to Know (Quick Reference Guides) by John Ankerberg, John Weldon, 1999-02-01
  8. Special Creation Vs Evolution: by Edward F. Blick, 1995-01
  9. Monkey Business: Creation Vs. Evolution by Jeff Diedrich, 1999-10
  10. Bible-Creation Vs Evolution-12: by Muncast, 1997-03
  13. Skewed study on Wiccans and Creationists.(Creation and Evolution Forum): An article from: Skeptic (Altadena, CA) by Joseph Max, 2004-01-01
  14. History of Life: Creation Studies 290 by Ph.D. David A. DeWitt, 2004

81. Creation Versus Evolution
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance evolution and creation Science the best, web page Frequently Encountered Criticisms in evolution vs.
Kheper Home Alternative Evolution models Evolution Topics Index ... Guestbook
Creation versus Evolution
Creationism: the belief that a literal interpretation of one's preferred religious scripture is more in line with the empirical observations of science than the Darwinian paradigm (and any similar paradigms, e.g. Punctuated Equilibrium, Lamarckism, etc) The Creationist-Evolutionist controversy represents a clash of paradigms , of two ways of relating to the world. This clash is like a mighty battle between the two pillars of our Western society - the scientific rationalistic approach (stemming ultimately from the Greeks, men like Thales and Aristotle , and reinterpreted through Galileo, Newton, and others of their calibre) and the Judeo-Christian theistic but also in its own way rationalistic approach, deriving from post-medieval religiosity, especially the Protestant revolution with its reliance on strict biblical literalism It is precisely because Creationism comes from the same Protestant milieu as Science, Creationists try to take a scientific slant on things. In fact, they claim that they are actually the one's who are scientific and rational, and it is the evolutionists who are the irrational, religious dogmatic ones! Strange claim indeed! Is there is any truth in it? Well, I am not here to persuade anyone, but if you want to decide for yourself you can check out some of

82. Intelligent Design?  A Special Report From Natural History Magazine
Intelligent design is about politics and religion, not science. NOVA Online asked two leading spokesmen in the evolution/creation debate to discuss the
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Natural History magazine is the voice of The American Museum of Natural History. Its April 2002 issue featured the special report "Intelligent Design?" which is reprinted here by permission.
on contributing authors
evolution science and belief
Intelligent Design?
a special report reprinted from
Natural History
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report highlights

Three proponents of Intelligent Design (ID) present their views of design in the natural world. Each view is immediately followed by a response from a proponent of evolution (EVO). The report, printed in its entirety, opens with an introduction by

83. 9 God As An Artist;Creation Verses Evolution; God And Christianity Vs Evolutioni
God the artist created man vs evolution theory. Creationists, the Bible, Christianity, and other religions say space, the universe, man and living
Evolution Theory verses Creation of man and Universe by God the Christian Artist: Recent discoveries by science indicate the theory of evolution is not true. Creationists, the Bible, Christianity, and other religions say space, the universe, man and living things were created by God's Grace not evolution, thermodynamics and the big bang theory.
Earth Harvest
By faith, we understand that the universe has been framed by the word of God, so that what is seen has not been made out of things which are visible.(Hebrews 11:3)
9~ God As An Artist
Creation or Evolution? Created or Evolved? Earth, Uniquely Designed For Supporting Life: Cosmological Argument For God's Existence Fingerprints of God in the Creation of the Universe
But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation. Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens. He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion. (Jeremiah 10:12)
Creation or Evolution? Created or Evolved?

84. Christian Reflections Of Scott Thile
F. creation and evolution is not religion versus science, but is really the science of one religion versus the science of another religion.
Who is God?

The Bible

Intelligent Design

Christian Stewardship
Recommended links
Stand to Reason (Christian Apologetics)

Eternal Perspectives Ministries

Reasons to Believe
Answers in Action ... Learning New Testament Greek Other Thile web sites Ham Radio Family Work Nickel Creek The Origins of Life In Light of Contemporary Research THESIS: For generations now we have been taught to believe that general evolution is the only scientific explanation to the origins of life, with some teachers insisting that it is a proven fact. The way we think and teach about the origins of life should be reevaluated in light of the lack of evidence supporting the neo-Darwinian Evolution Model, and the increasing evidence in support of Intelligent Design. OUTLINE: I. Defining the terms used in the discussion of creation versus evolution is essential to

85. Evolution Vs Creation Science
1 front to back page summary of evolution vs. creation science, with 1 page illustration of creation science is 1 of many religions; it is NOT science.
(Creation "Science" is now sometimes called Intelligent Design Theory) 1. Who is anti-evolution?
    a. Creation "science," although even creationists accept much of evolution,
    = groups of fundamentalist who literally interpret parts of the Bible
    b. NOT most Christian and Jewish denominations: not United Methodist, Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Prebyterian, American Jewish Congress
    c. NOT the overwhelming majority of scientists
2. What is evolution?
    A change in the percent of different genetic traits over time.
3. Isn't evolution just a theory?
    a. You can measure evolution in nature, in the lab, on the farm. (see references and web links below).
    b. Evolutionary theory is the verbal and mathematical ideas about how (NOT whether) evolution occurs
    just like talking about the theory of gravity doesn't reflect doubt about whether gravity occurs
    c. To see how easily and obviously evolution can occur, play candy evolution it's fun and tasty
    (For other exercises, go to
4. Why not teach creation science in science classes alongside evolution?
    a. Creation science is 1 of many religions; it is NOT science.

86. CreationversusEvolution
creation versus evolution Truth versus a Lie Science versus religion . David Jay Jordan s evolution is a religion evolution is a Big Lie
Creation versus Evolution
Truth versus a Lie "
" Science versus Religion" David Jay Jordan's Home Science Earth ... Unified Field Force Be Scientific and be a Creationist .... IMSO Human Evolution Creation in 24 Hour Days Unicorns and Prehistoric Dinosaurs 15 Reasons against Evolution ... Jesus is the Creator Keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
( I Timothy 6: 20 ) The Earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
( Psalm 24: 1 )
Species Problem Design shows Intelligent Designer Thus saith the Lord 'Evolutionists are Nothing' Darwin admits Catastropic Events ... Earth is the Center of the Universe For more information write Institute of Creation Studies Website Geology and the Flood Nuclear decay shows young Earth Questions Evolutionist's can't Answer ... Adam and Eve

87. In The Beginning: Compelling Evidence For Creation And The Flood - Index.html
The issue is Does the scientific evidence favor creation or evolution? debate will not include religion that he now misleads by saying that Walt Brown
Center for Scientific Creation In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood
Search WWW
This is the online edition of In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood
(7th Edition) by Dr. Walt Brown.
Click here to order the hardbound print edition of this online book.
Index About This Site The 7th Edition of In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood by Dr. Walt Brown is available to order here . It can also be read or printed out at this web site; just use the links to the left to navigate through the outline of the entire book. New developments since the 7th Edition was published in April 2001:
  • Living bacteria have been found in meteorites. For details and to see how this relates to the global flood, go to page . This amazing discovery does not mean that life on earth came from outer space. Prediction 1 of the hydroplate theory, first published in 1980, appears to have been confirmed: A one-mile-thick layer of salt water has been detected 10 miles below the Tibetan Plateau. For details, see page (To fully understand the above discoveries, be sure to read Part II, beginning on page

88. Creation Vs. Evolution: No Contest
creation vs. evolution No Contest. Sermon given October 16, 1998, by Rabbi Barry H. Some religious people have branded evolution a “godless doctrine.
Creation vs. Evolution: No Contest
Sermon given October 16, 1998, by Rabbi Barry H. Block
Jewish people are known for an irritating tendency to answer each question with another question. Rabbis are worst of all. Some answers, though, can be even more annoying than another question. For example, I am often asked whether this or that story in the Torah is true. Those who study with me regularly have stopped asking questions like that, because they can already anticipate my frustrating response. “Yes,” I’ll say, “of course it’s true. It’s in the Torah. On the other hand, it’s probably not historically accurate.” So it is with creation, the central focus of this week’s Torah portion. This biblical account of creation is true, which is not to say that it is historically accurate. Ever since Charles Darwin first taught his theory of evolution, some religious people have been threatened by that scientific discovery. If evolution happened like the scientists teach us; if the universe began with a “Big Bang,” billions of years ago; if single-cell organisms evolved into more complex plant and animal life, and eventually into humans; well, then, creation did not take place as described in Genesis. Some religious people have branded evolution a “godless doctrine.” They have tried to ban its teaching in our public schools. Failing that, they have insisted that so-called “creation science,” supporting the Genesis tales, be offered as an alternative theory in science classes. Efforts of this nature continue to this day, and are particularly concerning in our own state, since the Texas Board of Education could fall completely into the hands of the religious right, if we’re not careful.

89. Teaching Science - Creation Vs. Evolution
Teaching Science In the evolution vs. creation debate, what route can a As a somewhat religious scientist myself, I find it necessary to clarify some
Teaching Science
A Balanced Perspective on the Evolution vs. Creation Debate
Johann Christoph Arnold
Excerpted from A Little Child Shall Lead Them , available FREE in e-book format.
In the same way that we can see the hand of God in the world around us, we can recognize it in the branches of science that analyze it: biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and mathematics. Far from weakening our faith, these can strengthen our awe at the power of God manifested in creation and strengthen our love for him. Second, modern science directly implies that there are no inherent moral or ethical laws, no absolute guiding principles for human society. how human beings came about, but what they are in relation to the rest of life. Even if it were proved that we humans evolved from apelike creatures, I would still believe we are set apart; that we are not just one species among the many that inhabit our earth, but exist on a higher plane. As human beings, we possess consciences to know right from wrong; hearts that can feel love and compassion, and minds able to acquire and develop abstract knowledge. Because of this, we are responsible for our thoughts and actions and must answer to God for the choices we make. See all articles by:
Johann Christoph Arnold
Visit the author's website at:

90. Evolution Versus Creationism By Brig Klyce
On the creationevolution debate, I foresee continued conflict. Michael Ruse, Is evolution a Secular religion? summary, p 1523-1524 v 299 Science,
Evolution versus Creationism What'sNEW
A modern imagination predisposed to a belief in science... will generally find that neither creation nor evolution overcomes its profound conviction of ignorance. The big bang theory presents an interesting meeting place for modern science and established western religion. Both groups seem happy to agree that the universe originated out of nothing in an explosion at a definite time very long ago. A few scientists may go on to assert that no further explanation of the universe is necessary, because before the big bang there was no time, so there was no "before the big bang." Stephen Hawking likens the problem to "What's north of the North Pole?" In western religious philosophy the big bang implies the existence of a creator outside of physical existence to launch the whole thing. Pope Pius XII stated so on 22 November 1951, early in the development of the theory . Either way, as long as the conversation keeps to the near side of the big bang, the theory holds nothing for science and religion to disagree about The same kind of truce has helped, to a lesser degree, the Darwinian paradigm for evolution and the origin of life on Earth. The theory says life originates out of nonliving chemicals and evolves to higher levels of organization simply by following mechanistic laws. Western religions say yes, and every mechanism has a creator. But here the truce has been uneasy. On October 22, 1996, in a message to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope John Paul II (right) acknowledged the significance of the mainstream theory of evolution. But his overal tone was cautious. And that evolution was now "more than just a hypothesis," as he was widely reported to have said

91. Creation Vs. Evolution ( Science News, Educational Issues )
Frequently Encountered Criticisms in evolution v. creation creation vs. evolution Australian Skeptics Book List Australian Skeptics Publication
South Shore Skeptics' Link Library
'Creation Science' and Education
see also Pseudo-Science in Education ( last updated 7-03-01 )
" It is very disgraceful and mischievous, and of all things to be carefully avoided, that a Christian ... should be heard ... talking such nonsense that the unbeliever can hardly restrain himself from laughing." Saint Augustine in "De Genese ad litteram"
Skip Thiis Intro "In the 1920s, several states banned the teaching of evolution. The 1925 Scopes trial resulted in the conviction of a Tennessee high school teacher. Only in 1968 did the Supreme Court declare such laws unconstitutional on First Amendment grounds. In the late 1970s, Arkansas andLouisiana required that if evolution were taught, equal time must be given toGenesis literalism. The Supreme Court rejected those laws in 1987. " American Association for the Advancement of Science, presss release Oct. '99 Skip The Intro J.K. Who Besides Skeptics Opposes Creationism In School Science Classes American Physical Society Statement on Creattionism in Science Education National Association of Biology Teachers Statement on Teaching Evolution American Association for the Advancement of Science Press Release Oct. 1999

92. Rockridge Forums | Evolution Vs. Creation
evolution vs. creation has always been an interesting case. “They have held creation theory is religious based, so we have to be very careful how we

93. Defender's Guide To Science And Creationism
Since most creationists are deeply concerned about religion, in this project (formerly titled Frequently Encountered Criticisms in evolution vs.
Defender's Guide to Science and Creationism Mark I. Vuletic Last updated 17 September 2005
useful links archive
The most extensive and professional collection of articles on science and creationism. the panda's thumb The best source of news on what's new in science and creationism. national center for science education The premier nonprofit center defending the science classroom from creationist legal and political gambits. The purpose of the Defender's Guide to Science and Creationism is to equip the public with responses to common creationist arguments against various aspects of science. The arguments dealt with here are part of what is commonly known as the "creationism vs. evolution" controversy; that name, however, is misleading, as the creationist disagreement with science usually extends to far more than just evolution. Accordingly, the Defender's Guide deals with creationist arguments in seven categories: I Cosmology II Geology III Abiogenesis IV Evolutionary biology V Paleontology VI Moral and theological issues related to science VII Miscellaneous issues related to science The reader is forewarned that there are many different kinds of creationists, and not all of them make all of the claims discussed in the

94. The Ultimate Creation Vs. Evolution Resource: 2001 Crevo Threads
There is No Religious Bias in the PBS evolution Project Because Ken Miller Says crevo_list This list for articles that debate creation vs. evolution
Free Republic
Browse Search ... The Ultimate Creation vs. Evolution Resource: 2001 Crevo Threads
Free Republic and various other websites.

Posted on 04/08/2002 11:30:41 AM PDT by Junior
Crevo Threads

95. Creation Or Evolution
A uniquely American debate, the argument over creation versus evolution ties together politics, religion, education, and science. creation (or creation
Note: My Web pages are best viewed with style sheets enabled. Unrated
Creation or Evolution
2000, 2003-2005 by David E. Ross
Homo sapiens Kathy Martin,
Kansas State Board of Education Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and Haym Salomon would disagree. So would millions of Jewish, Moslem, Buddhist, Hindu, and atheist American citizens. Martin's quote attempts to justify changing state public school curricula by altering the definition of science, not limiting it to theories based on natural explanations. She wants to include supernatural, pseudo-scientific explanations. The result will be students unqualified to compete for jobs in a technological economy. 6 May 2005
Only a Theory
Since even its supporters use the term theory of evolution , its opponents deride it as merely a theory . This, however, merely exposes the ignorance of creationists regarding science. A scientific theory is not a mere guess, something to be dismissed as if it were a conjecture. A theory is a scientific principle derived through logical inference from carefully conducted experiments or from collected observations. The whole of the evidence is weighed when developing a theory. And when new evidence is found to contradict the theory, the evidence rules: The theory must then be changed. Denigrating evolution as merely a theory flared up in Cobb County, Georgia (suburban to Atlanta) in November 2004, when the school board there inserted stickers in biology text books. The stickers assert evolution is "a theory, not a fact" that should be "critically considered." The school board clearly showed its ignorance regarding scientific theories, bringing into question its own fitness to lead a system of education.

96. : Message Boards
Tonight s Nightline on the topic of creation vs evolution, unfortunately, creationism is nothing but religious dogma, THE END, it is not nor will it

97. The Panda's Thumb
In it he argues that evolution and religion are fundamentally incompatible. An adaptation of his chapter “creation Science 2.0” is now up at American
The Panda's Thumb is the virtual pub of the University of Ediacara . The patrons gather to discuss evolutionary theory , critique the claims of the antievolution movement , defend the integrity of both science and science education, and share good conversation.
Authors are solely responsible for the content of their articles on Linked material is the responsibility of the party who created it. Commenters are responsible for the content of comments. The opinions expressed in articles, linked materials, and comments are not necessarily those of
Must Read Entries
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98. Creation Vs. Evolution - MavicaNET
Discussions on opposing religious beliefs about evolution; both biblical and scientific evidence presented; creation vs. evolution II English
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Sister categories ... Abiogenesis Adaptationism Agassiz, Jean Lui Agnosticism Angels Atheism Biblical Archaeology Buddhism Christianity Classification of Religions Comparative Mythology Comparative Studies in Religio... Creationism Cults Cuvier, Georges Darvinism Deism Dualism Eschatology Evolution Resources Evolutionary Biology Software Evolutionism and Darwinism Pro... Hinduism History of Religion Islam Jainism Judaism Lamarckism Monotheism Mutationism Nature and Attributes of Deity Neocatastrophism Neutralism Pantheism Phylogenetics Polytheism Psychology of Religion Punctualism Saltationism Science and Religion Shinto and Religious Tradition...

99. | Faith And Life Commentary: Creation Vs. Evolution - A Misplaced
Faith and Life commentary creation vs. evolution a misplaced That theory is not inconsistent with the religious doctrine of creation.
From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Faith and Life commentary: Creation vs. evolution - a misplaced
Date 26 Oct 1999 13:49:55
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100. Beliefs About Origins, Including The Theory Of Evolution And Creation Science
Overview and history of the evolution/creation debate.

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This section compares and contrasts three main beliefs about origins of the universe, of the Earth, its life forms, etc:
Hundreds of diverse, conflicting, religiously-based beliefs, including
Creation Science (in North America, this is mainly a Christian belief ).
The consensus of scientists (includes the theory of evolution
Theistic beliefs about origins: a blending of scientific and religious beliefs (includes theistic evolution).
The media delight in talking about the warfare between evolution, creation science, and the new kid on the bloc: intelligent design. However, there are not just three conflicting belief systems concerning the origin of plants, animals, humans, the rest of the world and the rest of the universe. There are literally hundreds of theories which can be grouped into three categories: Many diverse, conflicting religious views: According David Barrett et al, editors of the " World Christian Encyclopedia " there are 19 major world religions which are subdivided into a total of 270 large religious groups, and many thousands of smaller ones. Among these various faith groups, we estimate that there are hundreds of significantly different creation stories to draw from. Included among these hundreds of belief systems is a group of beliefs which is particularly popular in North America: Creation science: This consists of about a dozen different, conflicting, belief systems, based on different interpretations of the

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