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21. Untitled Document Catalyst, the UW campuswide initiative to help teachers teach and learners Coutu also has used a Catalyst tool called EPost to create virtual quiz http://depts.washington.edu/~uweek/archives/2001.03.MAR_08/_article7.html | |
22. Enhancing Teaching And Learning This tutorial will teach you to incorporate someone elseÂs words into your own You can create a quiz using questions from the categories available. http://www.cet.sfsu.edu/index.cfm?section=etl&content=studentsupport/faculty&men |
23. USDA Regional Teaching Workshop And Awards Programs create an advising handbook; Implement a teaching/advising fellows program Students read lectures before class and take online quiz before class http://teach-usda.ahnrit.vt.edu/best_practice/exemp_teach/pages/barrett.html | |
24. Teach Yourself Visual C++® 5 In 24 Hours -- Hour 24 -- Creating ActiveX Control In this hour you learned how to create and test ActiveX controls. The answers to the quiz are in Appendix B, quiz Answers. http://cma.zdnet.com/book/visualc/ch24/ch24.htm | |
25. Utilizing Quizzes To Teach Agricultural Literacy One simple method to teach agricultural facts is to create a quiz or list of questions for the audience to answer. A quiz activley involves the audience. http://www.joe.org/joe/1997august/tt1.html | |
26. For Geography Teachers create A Continent instructions Crossword Puzzle Maker - from teach-nology Submit a quiz - If you have written a quiz and you want to publish it http://members.aol.com/bowermanb/teach.html |
27. DiscoverySchool Offers Teacher Resources And Tools For Creating Classroom Materi Take advantage of the most powerful quizmaking tool online. create and administer quizzes that are graded online and that provide instant feedback to you http://school.discovery.com/teachingtools/teachingtools.html | |
28. E. L. Easton - English - Exercises, Quizzes, Tests Materials for Teaching and Learning English. quiz Makers allthetests quiz Makers lexically.net create Audio Exercises G. Mitrevski . http://eleaston.com/quizzes.html | |
29. TAC-Software - Educational Software And More - Teaching Templates, WebWrap And T Teaching Templates, WebWrap and the Multiple Choice quiz Maker After selecting the font and background color, create the test by filling in the fields http://www.tac-soft.com/ | |
30. TAC-Software Products: Teaching Templates, WebWrap And The Multiple Choice Quiz July 5th 2005 Multiple Choice quiz Maker 2.6.0 and Teaching Templates The opportunity to create quizzes with a quiz user interface other than English. http://www.tac-soft.com/News/news.html | |
31. Create A Quiz - Computer Assisted Learning Software - Testing Tool This is the create A quiz editor, where you (the teacher) would enter assisted training and testing, create A quiz will make your teaching job easier. http://www.pc-shareware.com/quiz4win.htm |
32. Create A Quiz Download From Teaching Tools Category create a quiz download create A quiz is a. You are here -» SofoTex Education Teaching Tools create A quiz http://www.sofotex.com/Create-A-Quiz-download_L20537.html | |
33. Teach ICT - Software Section Software section of the www.teachict.com site. This free software allows you to create multiple choice, true/false, hotspot, menus, long essay and drag http://www.teach-ict.com/software/free/free.htm | |
34. Instructor Tutorial: Quiz And Survey Tool With the quiz Tool you can create quizzes and surveys for students to take through WebCT. graded by WebCT or be graded by you or a teaching assistant. http://teaching.unr.edu/OTL/webct/facres/quiz/ | |
35. Frequently Asked Questions quiz Wizard(tm) allows you to create and administer online quizzes without knowing 13) Can my teaching assistant (TA) or staff assistant access my quiz http://qw.its.psu.edu/help/faq.html |
36. Tools For Teaching - Chapter Cheating means getting unauthorized help on an assignment, quiz, or examination. create individualized tests for students, if appropriate. http://teaching.berkeley.edu/bgd/prevent.html | |
37. Teaching Tools - Reviews And Free Downloads At Download.com Make vocabulary worksheets and prepare versatile teaching materials. create HTML quiz pages for your Web site. OS Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003 Server http://www.download.com/Teaching-Tools/3150-2051_4-0.html | |
38. Teaching Tools - Reviews And Free Downloads At Download.com create HTML quiz pages for your Web site. OS Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003 Server Make vocabulary worksheets and prepare versatile teaching materials. http://www.download.com/sort/3150-2051_4-0-1-2.html | |
39. Medical Image Database, Radiology Teaching Files And Cases, MedPixÂ: Quiz Folde Radiology Teaching Files and Cases, Online Medical Image Database, radiology website, You Must be Signed In to create a Personal quiz Folder http://rad.usuhs.mil/medpix/medpix.html?mode=quiz_folder |
40. CB PUTNAMÂS SPANISH TEACHING SITES ONLINE Spanish online teaching lessons to examine, arranged for HS, FunbrainÂs quiz Lab http//www.funbrain.com/quiz/index.html create quizzes, let students http://www.ea.pvt.k12.pa.us/htm/Units/Upper/modlang/putnam/spanish/Spanish Onlin | |
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