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61. ¼¼°èû¼Ã³â亸¸Ã/ÃÃÃ
óÃû¼Ã³â»çÃÃî As part of the state s criminal justice system, the California Youth This is the homepage of Knox County teen court, featuring information about the http://youth.unesco.or.kr/pds/atlas/sub4.asp?code=006 |
62. TheDenverChannel.com - News - Parents Of Crash Victims Want Reduced Charges For It deserves to be in the juvenile court system, said a friend of Stansfield. Coroner teen Killed In Joy Ride Crash Was Drunk http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/4780348/detail.html | |
63. Browse Opportunities teen volunteers have the opportunity to learn about the court system and participate in community problem solving. They may serve as clerk of court, http://www.volunteersolutions.org/uwwc/org/opp/dir-t-1.html | |
64. The Washington Monthly - The Wrong Answer To Littleton A few teen criminals belong in prison, but most do not In most cases, youths under age 18 who break the law enter a juvenile court system. http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/1999/9906.twohey.littleton.html | |
65. Vera Institute Of Justice | Institutions For Youth | History Whenever troubled youngsters interact with government systems, Adolescent Portable Therapy Drug Treatment for courtInvolved Youth http://www.vera.org/section5/section5_3.asp | |
66. Supporting Your Adolescent: Tips For Parents You also can seek support and guidance on dealing with your teen through other (Juvenile court staff include intake or probation department staff who http://www.ncfy.com/supporti.htm | |
67. The Whipped Parent - Hope For Parents Raising An Out-of-Control Teen These teens consistently and seriously violate the rules and laws of society. MI, resulted in the Genesee County Juvenile court System ordering many http://www.parentsuccess.com/whippar.php3 |
68. Yaledailynews.com - Texas Teen Charged In Yale Hacking Probe A teen accused of hacking into Yale University computers surrendered to the FBI He was arraigned Thursday in New Haven Superior court, with bond set at http://www.yaledailynews.com/article.asp?AID=22436 |
69. Programs Guide for Implementing teen court Programs Fact Sheet, August 1996. Provides information on the role of teen courts in the justice system and discusses the http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/programs/ProgSummary.asp?pi=23&ti=&si=&kw=&PreviousPage=P |
70. Home Page(TCAP) represent an alternative approach to the traditional juvenile justice system. In a teen court, juvenile offenders are held accountable for substance use http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/tcap/resources.html | |
71. Social Services Services children placed through the court system or at the request of their families. Domestic Violence Services/teen Age Dating Violence Program 6343344 http://www.co.rockland.ny.us/Social/socialservices.htm | |
72. Online NewsHour: Research Indicates Teen Brains Work Differently Than Adults -- The findings could have a major impact on US court cases, teen brain graphic BETTY ANN BOWSER Baird says, regardless of their conclusions, teens used a http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/science/july-dec04/brain_10-13.html | |
73. American School Board Journal: December 2000 ERIC Express Lines teen courts are catching on across the country as an alternative to processing youthful offenders In the current juvenile court system, researchers say, http://www.asbj.com/2000/12/1200expresslines.html | |
74. Updated Guidelines For Schools On Addressing Teen Dating Violence - Massachusett Through the teen Dating Violence Intervention and Prevention Program (TDVIP) their legal rights by supporting appropriate referrals to the court system. http://www.doe.mass.edu/hssss/tdv/tdv1.html | |
75. Most U.S. Teens Try Marijuana For First Time During Summer Reserve SystemUtah Okays Progay PlateSupreme court - A Brief HistoryIs a In the good-old summertime, more American teens try marijuana for the http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/healthcare/a/summerweed.htm | |
76. Untitled Document When it came to helping troubled teens what could, and did, Adams points out, the court system doesn t want to deal with your kids, they want you to http://www.coopmet.org/youthviolencenov.html | |
77. Juvenile Justice System The Juvenile Justice System How Juveniles get to criminal court. Psychiatric Disorders Common Among Detained Youth Among teens in juvenile detention, http://www.karisable.com/crpunyouth.htm | |
78. Law-Related Education Rather, it is a guide to how the US court system works in practice the system s Teens, Crime and the Community Teens, Crime and the Community is a http://www.jud.state.ct.us/lawlib/education.htm | |
79. Juvenile Drug Courts And Teen Substance Abuse - Preface As often happens in the justice system, juvenile drug courts became popular Juvenile Drug Courts and teen Substance Abuse, edited by Jeffrey Butts and http://www.urban.org/pubs/JuvenileDrugCourts/preface.html | |
80. COURT TV ONLINE - CHAT A Juvenile court Magistrate Looks at kids, crime and respect June 4, 2001 prarry_girl2000 How do you feel about cops hurting teens for a crime? http://www.courttv.com/talk/chat_transcripts/2001/0604yourturn-magistrate.html | |
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