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81. Past Tips Of The Week 2004- 2005
Charting mental math sores (Click HERE to see and participate in Very Happy Tuesday, Oct 19, 2004 Alicia Madeka, Kenwood elem, Grade 3 in Hammond
Tips of the Week 2004- 2005
Click here for tips of the week in 2003-2004 3rd grade Lesson 10.7 on mean and median
HERE to see and participate in discussions about this on the IMI Discussion Forum.)
Charting mental math sores (Click
HERE to see and participate in discussions about this on the IMI Discussion Forum.)
The biggest motivator in my room has been that of using the 3-minute tests and having the students do the charting of their scores! This is the first year I have used the chart, and I have noticed a big difference in the level of interest and motivation. I admit it was very frustrating at first to have my fourth graders chart their own one-minute and three-minute scores. I can now say though that all are very proficient at it. They love seeing their growth - and I've noticed their willingness to encourage each other and praise others for their growth! Click HERE to join in the discussion. Rhonda McCort , Valley Mills Elem, Grade 4 in Decatur Latitude/longitude lesson (Click HERE to see and participate in discussions about this on the IMI Discussion Forum.)

82. M1 902: IAI GECC Number, Results
Black Hawk College, math 108, Statistics for General Education, 3.00 (sem. Eastern Illinois University, MAT 2290G, elem Statistics, Honors, 4.00 (sem.

83. ETRL Software
Look and Listen (preK elem) Look Listen is a very basic cause effect Six action-packed activities cover critical math skills count whole numbers,




... Home
ETRL Software
(all links open in a new window) Following the name of each software program is the publisher's website and the approximate age level for which the software is designed. Art Authoring Communication Math ... Typing Tutorial Art
  • Color A Story in 3D
    Part of the Crayola Kids Adventure Series. This program combines coloring and storytelling. The stories are: Gulliver's Travels, The Trojan Horse and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Intellipics Studio
    Intellipics is a drawing, painting, presentation, and authoring program that is appropriate for students of all ages and abilities. The program includes 24 ready-to-use activities and templates. Intellipics studio is designed to be accessible by mouse, keyboard, the IntelliKeys or IntelliKeys USB keyboard, and switch users. Kid Pix Deluxe 3 (preschool, early elementary)
    Building on the original Kid Pix program, this multimedia exploration and art program offers drawing, painting, stamping, animations, slide show, movies and coloring options such as hidden pictures, and fill-in coloring pages. Each choice provides great sound effects. Kidworks Delux (preschool, elementary)

84. Oct4-1 System Wide Math Course Comparisons
On Saturday, October 4 representatives of the various math Departments in the UH including mathematical reasoning as well as counting and algebra.
Mathematics across the UH system
October 4 System-wide Math Course Coordination Meeting

Lower Division Math Courses

Calculus Courses

Syllabi for UH Manoa Calculus Courses

October 4 System-wide Math Course Coordination Meeting
On Saturday, October 4 representatives of the various Math Departments in the UH System met at Kapiolani CC to discuss the coordination of our programs. There were
7 faculty members from UH Manoa
2 from the UH office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs,
1 from UH Hilo,
1 from UH West Oahu,
5 from Kapiolani CC, from Honolulu CC, 4 from Leeward CC, 2 from Windward CC, 1 from Kauai CC, 1 from Maui CC, 1 from Hawaii CC, for a total of 25. This report is an informal summary of the discussion. I. Calculus Overall we are in fairly good shape with respect to calculus. The course syllabi are similar at the different campuses, and articulate smoothly. We will obtain the course descriptions/syllabi and make them available for comparison. These should be sent to J. B. Nation (email address listed at the bottom). UH Manoa has revised its numbering scheme for calculus (241-242-243-244), while the other campuses have kept the traditional scheme (205-206-231-232). The system would like us to eventually adopt a uniform scheme.

85. Classes Associated With Counting Vector */ Import Java.util
Generally tries to make an exact count, but the count for more abstract calls * might increment lastIndexOf(elem); } public Object remove(int index){

86. Torsten Sillke, 1998-05-11 1-4 Given A Square With Vertices
Label the regions in the circle with at most 4 elem subsets of n1. X.1 counting TRIANGLES Som98 Steven E. Sommars, Tim Sommars; The Number of

87. Grades K-2 Scope And Sequence - MCSD Mathematics Curriculum Information
K5 math Curriculum 6-8 math Curriculum 9-12 mathCurriculum Count backwards from 20 to 0 orally and in written form. Count by 2’s and 3’s to
MCSD Home Schools Web Mail Intranet ...
Web Mail

MIFFLIN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT MCSD Mathematics Curriculum K-5 Math Curriculum 6-8 Math Curriculum 9-12 MathCurriculum Mathematics Curriculum Main Page ... MCSD Departments Main Page
Mathematics Scope and Sequence
Grades K-2
Pennsylvania Content Standards – Mifflin County Benchmarks
Completed April 18, 2001 2.1 Numbers, Number Systems, and Number Relationships K A. 1. Count using whole numbers to 20 by ones. 2. Skip count by multiples of 10 to 100. Count by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s to 100. Count using whole numbers to 1,000. Count backwards from 20 to orally and in written form. Count by 2’s and 3’s to 100. B. Use whole numbers up to 20 to represent quantities. Recognize and color ½, 1/3, and ¼ of a set, object, or shape. Interpret whole numbers and fractions which represent quantities. C. 1. Represent the numbers 1 through 10 using concrete objects. 2. Represent the numbers 1 through 10 using drawings.

88. Lesson Exchange: Counting Skills Through Manipulative Skills (Elementary, Mathem
I. Title of Lesson Plan counting skills through manipulative skills. II. Objectives The goal of this lesson plan is to improve counting skills as well as

  • Chatboards Print Lesson
    #1823. Counting skills through manipulative skills
    Mathematics, level: Elementary
    Posted Tue Jun 27 17:13:22 PDT 2000 by Lesley Montgomery (, Morehead, Ky
    Materials Required: balloons, assessment books, counting book
    Activity Time: 20 minutes
    Concepts Taught: counting 1-10 with integrated P.E.
    I. Title of Lesson Plan: Counting skills through manipulative skills.
    II. Objectives: The goal of this lesson plan is to improve counting skills as well as their recognition of the numbers through the use manipulative skills.
    III. Connections: Pl-E-2.1.2 there are fundamental manipulative skills (eg., hitting, kicking, throwing, trapping, striking.
    6.2 Use what they already know to acquire new knowledge, develop new skills, or new interpretations. 6.3 Expand understanding of existing knowledge by making connection new knowledge Through the use of their knowledge of the numbers, basic counting concepts and manipulative skills, the students can meet the specified goals.

89. Lesson Exchange: Count By Calisthentics (Elementary, Mathematics)
Then another student is chosen to lead. That student may do pushups while counting by 2 s. Each count by goes up to the multiple of 10.

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    #1289. count by calisthentics
    Mathematics, level: Elementary
    Posted Mon Sep 6 18:19:00 PDT 1999 by sherry ernst (
    Santa Clara, Ca USA
    Materials Required: nothing
    Activity Time: 5 minutes
    Concepts Taught: multiplication facts
    Count By Calisthentics Students stand up and one student is chosen to come to the front and lead an exercise which the students do while counting by 2's, or 3's, or anything up to the 9's.
    If the student leader chooses jumping jacks, the students all do jumping jacks while saying, " 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20". Then another student is chosen to lead. That student may do push-ups while counting by 2's. Each count by goes up to the multiple of 10.
    Web Teachers.Net
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90. Math Sites 1
math Flashcards (Operation, comlexity, size) math Games math Invaders (+, , *, /, mixed) Count My Change Time Clock (move hands) ArithmAttack$10
Chuck Friesen
Elem Sites Math Sites Manila Google EDU Mimio ... LangCom
Math Sites 1
Last update: Sunday, July 28, 2002 at 11:46:57 PM.
Last update: Sunday, July 24, 2005 at 10:39:02 PM.
This site is using the Vanilla Manila 1999 theme.

91. Mathematics/Literature Teachers' Bibliography
Teachers should not only use literature to supplement the math curriculum Estimate if that is really true that you can count to 1 million in 23 days.
Standard Alignment with Literature
To quote Read Any Good Math Lately? By David Whitin and Sandra Wilde. Teachers should not only use literature to supplement the math curriculum but to also explore through literature the mathematical aspects of human experience and our physical world. "Good literature emulates life and can in turn lead back to emulations of literature as mathematical explorations in the classroom." Using literature will help students see how math in school relates to math in the real world. 2 X 2= Boo! Loreen Leedy
Basic facts, demonstrating the understanding of multiplication - for the introduction of facts, younger students. Unrelated in the fact that they teach to different aspects of multiplication - Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies squares of multiplication Too Many Kangaroo Things to Do ones up to four, 2 X 2 - zero to fives by fives. Computation - Multiplication facts
Facts organized differently. Each chapter is a specific factor - ex. - zero , ones, twos, etc. up to fives. Shows arrays. Could be extension of addition. Have students move further on to the sixes, sevens, etc. Draw their own arrays. The 329 th Friend - Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Emery Raccoon is feeling lonely. He thinks it is a good idea to invite some guests for lunch. He invites 328 guests in hopes of getting at least from that. He goes through elaborate plans, but when his guests come and eat, they totally ignore him. He's feeling very dejected, but in the end realizes his best friend is he, himself.

92. 2nd Grade
So if you have loose change around the house, have your child count it for you! Second Grade has been working hard on our math facts.
n d G r a d e N e w s Elem. News Elem. Grades/Depts. Activities Elem. Guidance Counselor ... Click Here to go the Second Grade Benchmarks Second Grade Teachers
Mrs. Wingert
Mrs. Petersen
Mr. Larsen It was nice to see so many parents at Open House. If you did not get a chance to go, please check with your child’s teacher to see if there was any information that you may need to know. The students have taken the Star Reading Test which places them at their own reading level. This makes it easier to check books out at the library and give us an idea of the grade level that they are at with their reading. Make sure to see what library books they are bringing home. Read with them daily to improve reading. The Star Reading Test will be taken at the beginning of each new quarter. Math has been a review of addition and subtraction. The math homework will give them more practice, so that the students will feel more comfortable with the concepts and not feel frustration. Our class continues to walk everyday. It gives them a break in the day, since our lunchtime is not until 12:30. As it gets cooler, make sure your child has a jacket or long sleeves, as we will still go to the track. When the weather gets too cold, we will move to the Middle School Gym. Remember if there is ever a question that you might have, do not hesitate to call the teacher. We also have email on the Tri-Center website.

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