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41. GMWatch.org BBC News Genetically modified cotton crops in India developed to resist insects - have a SubjectIndian Farmers reap benefit of GM cotton crops http://www.gmwatch.org/archive2.asp?arcid=42 |
42. The Star 200: The Major Employers Of Southern Arizona Twothirds of his Marana land is for a cotton crop; on the other third he Among the non-cotton crops grown are chiles and vegetables covering 10000 http://www.azstarnet.com/public/packages/star200/cotfuture.htm | |
43. Water Scarcity May Change China's Wheat, Cotton Crops Increasing water shortages in China could have implications for cotton and wheat production in the US and elsewhere, USDA analysts say in a report released http://southwestfarmpress.com/mag/farming_water_scarcity_may_3/ | |
44. Improved Economics, Water Use Boost New Kansas Cotton Crops Cotton acreage in southwestern Kansas could double in 2003 as more farmers are attracted to improved economics and lower water utilization compared to corn. http://southwestfarmpress.com/mag/farming_improved_economics_water/ | |
45. Fiscal Notes, November 2003 Rainfall has the biggest impact on cotton crops and yields, Dodson said. The quality of the 2003 cotton crop runs the gamut in the Plains region, http://www.window.state.tx.us/comptrol/fnotes/fn0311/cotton.html | |
46. Factsheet: Genetically Modified Crops In The United States GM food crops grown by US farmers include corn, cotton, soybeans, canola, While GM cotton increased its share of the total cotton crop planted in the US http://pewagbiotech.org/resources/factsheets/crops/ | |
47. Trace Chemicals LLC Offers a wide array of products to aid farmers in raising healthy crops, whether it be corn, cotton, soybeans, or small grains. http://www.tracechemicals.com/ | |
48. Home Page Highlights the region's major crops plus legislative, environmental and regulatory issues that affect farmers in the Delta region who harvest cotton, soybeans, rice, wheat, pecans, sorghum or corn. http://deltafarmpress.com | |
49. Georgia Integrated Pest Management Extensive information on pests found in Georgia and IPM for apiculture, livestock and poultry, and field and horticultural crops (including canola, cotton, tobacco, pecans, soybeans, peanuts, and grains). http://www.gaipm.org/ | |
50. Avestha Gengraine Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Agribiotech outsourcing, established in licensing seed for food, plant transformation protocols including rice seedlings, cereals, vegetable crops, oilseeds and cotton, recently entered into the biopharmaceuticals market. Includes partners, fields and profile of company in Bangalore, India. http://www.avesthagen.com/ | |
51. Milan Experiment Station About the station, planned public events, and research projects on notill cultivation and other aspects of producing corn, cotton, soybeans, grain-sorghum, wheat, and cover crops. http://web.utk.edu/~mlnnotil/ | |
52. ::::: Welcome To Nath Seeds :::::: Seed producers, crops including cotton, jowar, maize, bajra, paddy, mustard, wheat. Has its own genebank. http://www.nathseeds.com | |
53. CNN.com - Big Dry Cuts Australian Rice, Cotton - Dec. 1, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/BUSINESS/asia/12/01/aust.crops.biz/index.html | |
54. Report Shows GM Crops Generating Global Economic, Environmental And Social Benef The principal GM crops of soybean, corn, cotton and canola were grown in 13 countries by about 5 million farmers, over 75% of whom were small resourcepoor http://www.monsanto.co.uk/news/ukshowlib.phtml?uid=6880 |
55. Error Recent rains have drenched Louisiana, and the outlook is not good for the stateÂs rice crop. Corn and wheat also have taken a beating  but specialists http://www.agctr.lsu.edu/en/crops_livestock/crops/soybeans/rains batter rice oth | |
56. Error (Distributed 05/21/04)Recent rains have drenched Louisiana, and LSU AgCenter experts and farmers say the outlook is not good for the stateÂs rice crop. http://www.agctr.lsu.edu/news_archive/2004/headline news/rains batter rice other | |
57. North Carolina Pest News - Field And Forage Crops This is still in a critical time period for protecting the cotton crop. This means that cotton crop maturity will become as or more important than the http://ipm.ncsu.edu/current_ipm/96PestNews/News16/fieldfor.html | |
58. GM Crops Generating Global Benefits-¢ÂEÂÃGMÂìÂt¯ÂÃÂÃÂöÂY cotton (7m has.) and canola (3m has.). These GM crops were grown in 13 The study presents a global overview of the cotton crop, an assessment of the http://web-mcb.agr.ehime-u.ac.jp/gmo1/english/2k21213-01.htm | |
59. Update On The 2002 Arizona Cotton Crop (ACIS) This is an Update on the 2002 Arizona cotton Crop , one of a series of cotton production articles written by the University of Arizona s cotton extension http://cals.arizona.edu/crops/cotton/comments/july2002cc.html | |
60. Progress Of The 2000 Arizona Cotton Crop (ACIS) This is a document on the Progress of the 2000 Arizona cotton Crop, one of a series of cotton production articles written by the University of Arizona s http://cals.arizona.edu/crops/cotton/comments/sept2000cc.html | |
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