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181. Conozca Costa Rica - Sitios Relacionados Tours e informaci³n de paques nacionales. http://www.conozcacostarica.com/info/links.htm | |
182. OMS | Costa Rica EstadÂsticas sobre la salud en el paÂs. Indicadores b¡sicos, leyes, recursos, emergencias e incidencias de enfermedades. http://www.who.int/country/cri/es | |
183. Escuela De SociologÃÂa De La Universidad Nacional De Costa Rica Presentaci³n y plan de estudios de la Escuela de SociologÂa de la Universidad Nacional de costa rica. MaestrÂa en SociologÂa con Menci³n en Gesti³n Social del Desarrollo Humano Sostenible . http://www.una.ac.cr/soci/ |
184. Cerro De La Muerte Biological Station -- Costa Rica's Paramo And Cloud Forest The station is a living library focused on teaching and research. The major objective is to preserve the paramo's biodiversity and costa rica's highest watershed. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~fvalverd/cerro.html |
185. La Suerte And Ometepe Biological Field Stations Opportunity to study abroad at field stations in costa rica and Nicaragua. Includes course and current research project information, and species list. http://www.lasuerte.org/ |
186. Bill Beard's Costa Rica - Scuba Diving And Adventure Tours In Costa Rica Scuba diving and adventure tour packages from the N.W. Pacific coast. List of specials, prices and dive sites. http://www.billbeardcostarica.com/ | |
187. Spanien, Chile, Argentinien, Costa Rica: Spanisch, Tango, Flamenco, Surfen, Port Vermittlung von diversen Schulen und Unterk¼nften in Andalusien und costa rica. Kurze Beschreibungen der Orte sowie Angaben zu Schulen und Kursen. Angebote oft verbunden mit Tanzkursen. http://www.alitas.ch/ | |
188. EvR Online Reisinformatie over costa rica, Florida, Aruba and Toscane, gebaseerd op de reiservaringen van de auteur. http://members.brabant.chello.nl/~e.vroekel/ |
189. Cocina Costarricense Sitio dedicado a la cocina y gastronomÂa de costa rica. Incluye recetas tradicionales. http://www.guiascostarica.com/al01.htm | |
190. Introflash , Hostel Costa Rica, Hostels Costa Rica, Hostel Booking, Guesthouse C A hostel where everyone meet with swimming pool, free internet 24/7, free coffee/tea, kitchen facilities, cable tv, downtown area, music by the pool in our tropical garden. http://www.costaricabackpackers.com |
191. Horseback Ride Costa Rica - Unique Equestrian Adventures Offers escorted treks in small groups, details and pictures of horses and rides. http://www.horsebackridecostarica.com | |
192. Fundación Costa Rica Para El Desarrollo Sostenible Descripci³n de las iniciativas que promueve. http://www.entebbe.org/ | |
193. Banco Central De Costa Rica Banco estatal, encargado de fiscalizaci³n, emisi³n de papel moneda y respaldo del sistema bancario nacional. http://www.bccr.fi.cr | |
194. Intercultura Language School Heredia Costa Rica Spanish Cultural School Heredia and Samara campuses. Teaches in a warm yet intellectually challenging environment, using the Communicative Approach. Cultural activities allow opportunity to come to know costa rica, its traditions and its rich cultural heritage. http://www.spanish-intercultura.com/ | |
195. The ORIGINAL CANOPY TOUR® Offers tours in costa rica's rainforest with a mixture of ecology and adventure tourism. Includes photos, packages, rates, and related links. http://www.canopytour.com | |
196. BINASSS - Costa Rica Adscrito al programa de bibliotecas virtuales de la Organizaci³n Mundial de la Salud OMS, ofrece consultas a bases de datos de referencias, revistas, articulos, directorios y acceso a bibliotecas en las ¡reas de la salud y la seguridad social. http://www.binasss.sa.cr/index.html | |
197. Zà Nenalezen Informaci³n sobre esta representaci³n diplom¡tica, relaciones bilaterales, visados y relaciones bilaterales, noticias e introduci³n al pais y su cultura. http://www.czechembassy.org/wwwo/default.asp?idj=46&amb=66 |
198. RoverCam Daily surf report and surfing pictures from costa rica. Travel guide also. http://www.rovercam.com | |
199. Costa Rica Resort Divers, Scooter Rental Exploring a tropical forest in Guanacaste on 4wheel ATVs. http://www.resortdivers-cr.com/quad.html | |
200. PRETOMA - Home Protects and conserves the populations of sea turtles that use the marine environment of costa rica. Describes environmental issues, action programs, and opportunities to participate. English/Spanish http://www.tortugamarina.org | |
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