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61. CNN.com - Farmers To Harvest Record Crops Of Corn, Soybeans - August 11, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/08/11/crop.report.ap/index.html | |
62. Action AlertStop The EPA S Reapproval/Reregistration Of Bt Corn Bt crops Bt corn, cotton, and potatoes. There should be a moratorium on One Bt crop StarLinkT corn - has already been withdrawn from http://www.organicconsumers.org/patent/btactionalert080301.cfm | |
63. Milan Experiment Station About the station, planned public events, and research projects on notill cultivation and other aspects of producing corn, cotton, soybeans, grain-sorghum, wheat, and cover crops. http://web.utk.edu/~mlnnotil/ | |
64. Spring Fork Farms, Inc. crops include corn, soy bean and wheat. http://www.springforkfarms.com/ |
65. CNN.com - Food Central - New Rules Considered To Track Biotech Crops - November CNN http://cnn.com/2000/FOOD/news/11/30/biotech.corn.ap/index.html | |
66. Farmdoc - Marketing&Outlook: CORN AND SOYBEAN CROPS ARE HUGE Farm.doc seeks to improve farm decisionmaking under risk through education andresearch. http://www.farmdoc.uiuc.edu/marketing/weekly/html/101204.html | |
67. Goebel Farms Evansville Indiana farm growing pumpkins, specialty squashes, gourds, Indian corn, Christmas Trees, and field crops. http://members.aol.com/goebelfarms/index.htm | |
68. Farmdoc - Marketing & Outlook: CORN: Five Consecutive Large Crops? Farm.doc seeks to improve farm decisionmaking under risk through education andresearch. http://www.farmdoc.uiuc.edu/marketing/grainoutlook/0700corn/0700corn_text.html | |
69. VEGETABLE IPM-UCONN Provides information for growers of tomatoes, peppers, beans, cole crops, corn, cucurbits, potatoes and other vegetable crops. While it may be beneficial to homeowners, control methods will apply to the commercial scale grower. http://www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/ipmveg.htm | |
70. Untitled Comprehensive review of pest and diseases affecting this state's crops. http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/corn/diseases/corn_diseases.html | |
71. Wagon Wheel Seed Corporation Home Page Grower, processor, and wholesaler of certified seed of cereals, oilseeds, pulses, special crops, forages, and corn and soybeans. Located in Saskatchewan, Canada. http://www.wagonwheelseeds.sk.ca/ | |
72. SMALL GRAIN COVER CROPS IN CORN-SOYBEAN ROTATIONS There are several ways to establish small grain cover crops in a corn and soybean Seeding cover crops into fields planted to seed corn or silage corn, http://www.nstl.gov/research/onepage/overseed.html | |
73. EMS - Biotech Guide Bt crops include several dozen varieties of corn, cotton and potatoes. Other Btcrops in development include rice, tomatoes, squash and apples, http://www.ems.org/biotech/bt_crops.html | |
74. Agricultural Outlook: Field Crops Overview - Wheat Output Drops, Corn Planting U Full text of the article, Field crops overview wheat output drops, corn plantinguneven, world oilseed output to climb, cotton stocks to rise; http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3778/is_1991_July/ai_12034653 | |
75. Agricultural Outlook: Field Crops Overview - For 1990/91 Low Rainfall Affects Co As much of the corn crop entered its critical growing period in July, Weather Curtails US corn and Soybean crops 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 Million metric http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3778/is_1991_Sept/ai_12056527 | |
76. Minding The Storage: Make Plans Now For Big Crop Harvest WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. Farmers are a few months away from harvesting what couldbe record corn and above-average soybean crops. They might need every day http://news.uns.purdue.edu/UNS/html3month/2004/040728.Hurt.storage.html | |
77. US Figures For 2002 GE Crop Planting Released Today Among Worldwide Rejection Of Just two crops (soya and maize/corn) account for 82 percent of that acreage. Some 32 percent of the corn crop, or 25.3 million acres, will be of biotech http://www.mindfully.org/GE/GE4/Crop-Planting-Figures28mar02.htm | |
78. Planting Corn For Silage After A First-Cut Alfalfa Harvest Alfalfa will provide nitrogen (N) to the subsequent corn crop at amounts similar A of N needed for the corn crop. For low or medium corn yield potential http://www.uwex.edu/ces/crops/uwforage/CornAfterAlfFOF.htm | |
79. REGISTER USER ACCOUNT That is 4 percentage points higher than last year s biotech corn crop. State farmers are also estimated to plant 11 percent of their corn crop to a http://www.theindependent.com/stories/040103/new_report01.shtml | |
80. Brazil Crop Situation Update March 2005 - Soybean And Corn Estimates Fall In Res Major summer crops of soybean, corn, and rice were in mixed condition depending The summer corn harvest was just beginning, whereas the soybean crop was http://www.fas.usda.gov/pecad/highlights/2005/03/BrazilSoy/ | |
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