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41. Pacific Seeds Breeds and supplies seed for field crops and sweet corn to international clients. http://www.pacificseeds.com | |
42. Corn And Soybean Digest Business magazine focusing on production and marketing of the crops. Site contains archive of back issues, product information service, and links to resources. http://www.cornandsoybeandigest.com/ | |
43. Factsheet: Genetically Modified Crops In The United States GM food crops grown by US farmers include corn, cotton, soybeans, canola, squash,and papaya. Other major producers of GM crops are Argentina, which plants http://pewagbiotech.org/resources/factsheets/crops/ | |
44. Ancient Maps And Corn Help Track The Migrations Of Indigenous People From Science Daily, the work of Roberto Rodreguez and Patrisia Gonzales, who study ancient maps, oral traditions and the movement of domesticated crops to learn more about the origins of native people in the Americas. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/06/040616062606.htm | |
45. Kansas Corn Growers Association Eight of the top ten corn producing states had record crops in 2004. Although about60 percent of the US corn crop is fed to US livestock, markets created http://www.ksgrains.com/corn/ | |
46. Plant Disease Central Detailed descriptions of crop diseases commonly occurring in the western corn belt. crops covered include, corn, sorghum, wheat, soybean, dry bean, sugar beet. University of Nebraska Lincoln. http://pdc.unl.edu/ | |
47. Home Page Highlights the region's major crops plus legislative, environmental and regulatory issues that affect farmers in the Delta region who harvest cotton, soybeans, rice, wheat, pecans, sorghum or corn. http://deltafarmpress.com | |
48. USATODAY.com - Worst Midwest Drought In 17 Years Is Wilting Crops Any return of rainfall now would do little to help the corn crop, which passedthrough its pollination period in July when it is the most sensitive to http://www.usatoday.com/weather/news/2005-08-04-midwest-drought_x.htm?POE=WEAISV |
49. Trace Chemicals LLC Offers a wide array of products to aid farmers in raising healthy crops, whether it be corn, cotton, soybeans, or small grains. http://www.tracechemicals.com/ | |
50. Seed Testing Laboratory- Mid-West Seed Services, Inc. Specializes in purity, germination, vigor, herbicide tolerance, and Bt protein testing. Primary crops tested include corn, soybeans, alfalfa, sorghum, sunflowers, cereals and grass seed. http://www.mwseed.com/ | |
51. Agricultural Publishing Farm And Country, Home Page Focus on marketing and management information for the new generation of commercial farmers; includes beef, chickens, corn, dairy, eggs, hay, pork, soybeans, and many other kinds of crops and livestock. http://www.agpub.on.ca/ | |
52. GEO-PIE Project: Genetically Engineered Corn An estimated 40% of the US corn crop in 2003 was grown to genetically engineered By the year 2000, about 25% of the US corn crop was planted with GE http://www.geo-pie.cornell.edu/crops/corn.html | |
53. Ontario Corn Producers Association Information and resources for corn producers including managing, growing, harvesting, storing and marketing grain corn, and corn silage crops. http://www.corninfo.com/ |
54. CBS News | Biotech Crops On The Dinner Table? | March 28, 2002Â 18:17:22 Some 32 percent of the corn crop, or 25.3 million acres, will be of biotechvarieties, The total corn crop is expected to reach 79 million acres, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/03/28/tech/main504902.shtml | |
55. Oneida Indian Nation - Culture & History Cookbook with recipes for the three traditional Native American food crops corn, beans, and squash. http://www.oneida-nation.net/FRAMESfood.html | |
56. Ohio Agronomic Crops Network 200508 Proven Practices for Getting Your corn Crop off to a Good Start, WeedManagement Issues for Early-Planted corn, Stage Wheat to Avoid Injury from http://corn.osu.edu/archive/index.php | |
57. CropDesign An agbiotech company that develops crops with improved traits such as higher yield, heightened tolerance to stress and better quality mainly in rice, corn and other cereals. Gent. http://www.cropdesign.com/ |
58. Idaho Plant Disease Reporter Information on plant diseases affecting local crops including barely, beans, corn, sugar beets, potato and wheat. http://www.uidaho.edu/ag/plantdisease/home.htm | |
59. Illinois Corn Crop Takes A Beating From Lack Of Rain Stunted crops After two years of record harvests, Illinois corn and soybean While 56 percent of Illinois corn crop is rated in very poor or poor http://www.suntimes.com/output/business/cst-fin-corn31.html |
60. CNN.com - Corn And Wheat Crops Doing Well In Indiana - July 25, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/FOOD/news/07/25/flourishing.crops.ap/index.html | |
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