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21. Texas Coastal Bend Farmers Bracing For Big Grain Sorghum, Corn Crops Texas Coastal Bend farmers have dodged a few bullets this season to make whatlooks to be a binbuster grain sorghum crop, and if they can dodge a few more http://southwestfarmpress.com/news/062904texas-coastal-bend/ | |
22. Expect Soybean, Corn Crops To Decline It s not what USDA did in its July 11 report that s important. It s what it didn tdo lower US trend yields for soybeans and corn. http://southwestfarmpress.com/mag/farming_expect_soybean_corn/ | |
23. Islam Online- Environment corn crops Thrive on Malawi Sugar. By Charles Mkoka. 19/12/2004 The resultswere wilting of crops such as maize and beans. The need for undertaking the http://www.islamonline.net/English/Science/2004/12/article07.shtml | |
24. New Farm Research: Can Organic Crops Tolerate More Weeds? Interestingly, however, in most of these cases our corn crops still yieldcompetitively. According to the Penn State agronomy guide, these corn crops should http://www.newfarm.org/depts/NFfield_trials/0705/weeds.shtml | |
25. EPA Puts Minimal Limits On Biotech Corn Crops EPA Puts Minimal Limits On Biotech corn crops farmers to plant at least 20%of their corn crops as traditional corn, with no more than 80% as Bt corn, http://www.environmentalnutrition.com/pub/23_2/justin/ | |
26. January 2005 In most parts of the country rice and corn crops continued to experience Crop condition for the May as well as June planted rice and corn crops in http://www.pagasa.dost.gov.ph/cab/impact.htm | |
27. Release And Potential Impacts Of Biological Toxins Bt Genetically-Modified Corn Bt GeneticallyModified corn crops and Biopesticide Application Levelsof -endotoxin in the environment near a Bt-corn crop. http://www.mindfully.org/GE/GE3/Bt-St-Lawrence-River-GagneDec01.htm | |
28. Southeast Missourian: Story: Corn Crops May Produce 40 Bushels Below Average corn crops may produce 40 bushels below average. Tuesday, August 2, 2005 WhitneyMcFerron ~ Southeast Missourian. Despite aboveaverage rainfalls for July, http://semissourian.rustcom.net/story/1112276.html | |
29. PLoS Biology: Genetically Modified Corn— Environmental Benefits And Risks In fact, corn, along with rice and wheatÂtoday s global crop staplesÂwould not exist They result from fungal activity in insectinfested corn crops. http://biology.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=get-document&doi=10.1371/journ |
30. London Free Press Careers Online After two months of hot, dry weather, area corn crops have been getting what Rain conditions this summer have meant corn crop yields are average to http://www.lfpress.ca/cgi-bin/niveau2.cgi?s=careers&p=97929.html&a=1 |
31. Economy - Corn Crops 1838 Economy corn crops 1838. Back to the Indian Removal through Arkansas, The crops of corn, which promised so favorably two months ago, http://www.anpa.ualr.edu/trail_of_tears/indian_removal_project/economy/corn_crop | |
32. This Week In Petroleum Printer-Friendly Version RWill a Record Corn Crop Impact Midwest Propane Markets? While the lastseveral years have seen record corn crops, Midwest propane markets have http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/twip/twiparch/041020/twipprint.html | |
33. Local News - Battle Creek Enquirer - Www.battlecreekenquirer.com It s the soybean and corn crops that farmers are keeping their eyes on. His corn crop pollinated well but needs water to fill the kernels out, he said. http://www.battlecreekenquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050810/NEWS01/50 |
34. CBC News - Activists Destroy GM Corn Crops In France The corn crop destroyed by activists Wednesday was run by biotech food giantMonsanto. Cochet condemned the raid on the Monsanto field, but said the issues http://cbc.ca/cgi-bin/templates/view.cgi?/news/2001/08/23/crops010823 |
35. US Environment Agency Applies New Conditions To GM Bt Corn Crops US Environment Agency applies new conditions to GM Bt corn crops This posting ongenetically engineered Bt corn varieties is courtesy of the http://www.netlink.de/gen/Zeitung/1998/981004a.htm | |
36. UCR News: Researchers Discover New Way To Boost Grain Crops Drought Tolerance Researchers Discover New Way to Boost Grain Crops Drought Tolerance. Newsroom.Current Releases Archived Releases corn crops Under Drought Stress http://www.newsroom.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/display.cgi?id=928 |
37. Reports On Insects Injurious To Hop Plants, Corn Crops And Fruit Crops In Great II insects injurious to corn, grass, pea, bean and clover crops. Short title,Insects injurious to corn, grass, pea, bean and clover http://www.bopcris.ac.uk/bopall/ref4267.html | |
38. Ten U.S. Food Industry Groups Urge Halt To "bio-pharm" Crops Some had also claimed that their nonStarLink corn crops were tainted by the variety In Iowa, StarLink corn represented 1 percent of the total crop, http://ngin.tripod.com/070203c.htm | |
39. Record US Corn Crops This Season Record US corn crops this season. Charles Abbott Washington. US farmers willharvest their biggest corn and soybean crops ever, the Government said Friday http://www.financialexpress.com/fe/daily/20000814/fco14007.html | |
40. Kentucky American Seed Information on soybeans, wheat, grasses, corn, specialty crops, legumes, seed treatments and seed conditioning. http://www.kentuckyamerican.com | |
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