Arizona Fossil Record , vol. 7, no. 7, September 1991, pages 1-5 INDEX TO ARTICLES ON PALEONTOLOGY APPEARING IN THE ARIZONA GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY DIGEST by Jack D. Mount INTRODUCTION The Arizona Geological Society Digest is the scholarly, scientific publication of the Society. It has been published irregularly, generally no more than one number per year, since the first issue in 1958. This index lists the titles of the articles appearing in the Digest about paleontology or mentioning fossils in chronological order and gives the author, number, year, pages, if there are maps, and if there are illustrations of fossils (ill.). Following this list are three alphabetical indexesauthor, geographic, and subjectkeyed to the titles by the numbers appearing in brackets to the left of each title. There is also a list of individual volume titles given to some of the numbers of the Digest ARTICLES [2] Research program, Geochronology Laboratories, University of Arizona; by Terah L. Smiley. n.1, 1958, p.19-27. [3] A Miocene camel from Wellton, Yuma County, Arizona [abstr.]; by Paul A. Wood. n.1, 1958, p.54-55. | |