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61. Journal Of Paleontology -- Table Of Contents (January 1 1987, 61 [ 1]) James E. Sorauf The rugose coral Tabulophyllum traversensis from the Onate Formation Craig S. Feibel Fossil fish nests from the Koobi Fora Formation http://jpaleontol.geoscienceworld.org/content/vol61/issue1/ | |
62. ANT Photo Library - Australian Wildlife And Environment, And Animals Of The Worl fish over 840 species from Australia and around the World - Coral Reef fish Archaeology and paleontology- Archaeological sites and digs - Dinosaur http://www.antphoto.com.au/main/subjects.htm | |
63. Crustacea Section, Natural History Museum Of Los Angeles County components for fish and invertebrates; development of associated coral reef Implement research programs associated with scleractinian corals and http://crustacea.nhm.org/people/trautwein/ | |
64. Biology Resources Cnidarians Cnidaria corals, Sea Anemonies, Jellyfish, etc. Nematodes NEODAT InterInstitutional Database of fish Biodiversity in the Neotropics http://www.geocities.com/peterroberts.geo/biology.htm | |
65. H- Paleontology And Geology Glossary: H Helicoprion was an ancient fish from the Late Paleozoic (it appeared during Horn coral is a type of large, hornshaped coral (order Rugosa) that lived http://www.zoomdinosaurs.com/subjects/dinosaurs/glossary/indexh.shtml | |
66. K-12: Biology : MARINE LIFE (GENERAL) Stunning color views from a living reef aquarium featuring corals, invertebrates and tropical fish with live views, archived images, timelapse movies and http://www.ceismc.gatech.edu/busyt/bio_marine.shtml | |
67. Science -- Science Collections: Paleontology (So far, one invertebratea coralis included. Too much and you can kiss those fish goodbye. www.consecol.org/Journal/vol3/iss2/art4. Dinomite. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/nw_paleo?page=3&display=summary |
68. News Of The Centre For Coral Reef Biodiversity ecology, geology, paleontology, climatology and economics. Dr. David Bellwood (fish Ecologist), Director Centre for Coral Reef Biodiversity, http://www.jcu.edu.au/school/mbiolaq/ccrbio/Tsv forum.htm | |
69. Refereed Publications Determinants of social organization in a coral reef fish, the blue tang, J. paleontology 75 546563. PANDOLFI, JM, JACKSON, JBC and GEISTER, J. 2001. http://www.mcgill.ca/bellairs/publications/refereed/ | |
70. NOAA Ocean Explorer: Gulf Of Mexico Deep Sea Habitats Image courtesy of Dr. Andre Friewald, Institute of paleontology, Deepsea corals are an important part of deep-sea ecosystems because their branches http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/explorations/03mex/background/coral_diversity/cora | |
71. Deep-sea Coral Statement Ariel Poholek, BS, Florida fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida, USA Axel Munnecke, Ph.D., Institute of paleontology, Erlangen, Germany http://www.mcbi.org/DSC_statement/sign.htm | |
72. Marine Life Books Pisces Guide to Watching fishes/Understanding Coral Reef fish Behavior Long (vertebrate paleontology, Western Australian Museum, Perth) describes the http://www.planet-pets.com/bookmrne.htm | |
73. CBPDS - ICTIOLOGIA ON-LINE Cyanide effects on coral reefs and marine fish in the Phillipines International Marinelife Great white shark exhibit UC Berkeley Museum of paleontology http://www.antares.com.br/~cbpds/icti-online.htm | |
74. The Silurian paleontology The Silurian Period was one of the shorter periods of the geologic time scale. Within the Silurian rocks, we find the first coral reefs, http://www.paleoportal.org/time_space/period.php?period_id=14 |
75. Texas Memorial Museum: Template For NPL Pages Nonvertebrate paleontology collections at the Texas Memorial Museum. Glossary Genus of scleractinian coral known from the Upper Jurassic to the Recent. http://www.tmm.utexas.edu/npl/glossary.htm | |
76. Collections - Natural History Canadian paleontology Conference 2001, London (Ont.), Program and Abstracts No.11, p. 6566. Canada, is a coral. Journal of paleontology, 74179-180. http://www.manitobamuseum.ca/mu_natural_hist.html | |
77. GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY OF THE NEW YORK BIGHT Before this century fishermen reported that coral reefs existed in the NY Large fish and mammal vertebrae. Modern bone can turn black fairly quickly. http://www.geo.hunter.cuny.edu/bight/fossil.html | |
78. Introduction To Cnidaria Sea anemones, medusae, jellyfish, corals. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/cnidaria/cnidaria.html | |
79. The Ordovician An overview of the period from the UC Berkeley Museum of paleontology. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/ordovician/ordovician.html | |
80. Largest No-Fishing Zone Declared In Great Barrier Reef Coral Reef fish. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has recently designated one third of the park as a notake zone, making it the largest fully http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/06/0615_040615_tvgreatbarrierreef_2 | |
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