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101. Lingua A monthly international review of general linguistics. Includes description, free sample copy, ordering information, order form, table of contents, authors, editors information, abstracting and indexing. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/lingua/ | |
102. Linguistics And Education A quarterly international research journal on all topics related to linguistics and education. Includes description, free sample copy, ordering information, order form, table of contents, authors, editors information, abstracting and indexing. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/linged/ | |
103. Journal Of Neurolinguistics An international journal for the study of language and the brain. Includes description, free sample copy, ordering information, order form, table of contents, authors, editors information, abstracting and indexing. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/866/description | |
104. Ghostwriter, Editor editors, copyeditors, and Ghostwriters Fourteen years experience assubstantive/copy editor, indexer, proofreader, professional copywriter, http://www.writerfind.com/editors/ | |
105. Ghostwriter, Editor, New Zealand New Zealand editors, copyeditors, Ghostwriters and Researchers report writer,proposal Fourteen years experience as substantive/copy editor, indexer, http://www.writerfind.com/edit.htm | |
106. Courses The course will be useful to those starting as copyeditors and those who Many copy-editors are self-taught or have had limited training on the job. http://www.sfep.org.uk/pages/courses.asp | |
107. Le ëblog Personnelû De Joe Clark » Note To Copy-editors: DonâÂÂt Sell What about ÂabstemiouslyÂ? the copy editor replied. Thurber, who was not easilyimpressed, was finally compelled to ask, ÂWho is Eleanor Gould?  http://blog.fawny.org/2005/03/07/gould/ | |
108. CFEA Creative Director; Nicole Voges, Managing Editor; Carolyn Brothen, Chief copyEditor Krissy Claes, Associate Editor; Carolyn Brothen, copy Editor; http://www.cfea.org/ | |
109. Training Tips About copy Editing, columns from the American Society of Newspaper Editorsmagazine, the American Coaching tipsEditors checklist, by Kevin Cavanagh http://www.copydesk.org/words/ | |
110. McMurry: Subscription Newsletters: Copy Editor: Job Board McMurry is a fullservice marketing firm. Our mission is doing business for profit.First yours. Then ours. We do this by creating marketing communications http://www.copyeditor.com/copy/copy_jobs_jobboard.asp | |
111. Magazine Copy Editing / Copyediting / Subediting / Sub-editing When I started teaching the course, I had been a copy editor at Time magazine for In 1993 I left Time to become a copy editor at The Washington Post . http://www.well.com/user/mmcadams/copy.editing.html | |
112. Editors Guide Redirect Please update your bookmark or link www.calmis.ca.gov/file/occguide/editors.pdfEmployment Development Department Labor Market Information Division http://www.calmis.cahwnet.gov/file/occguide/COPYEDIT.HTM | |
113. Editor Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Washington, DC. It took the copy editor about 12 minutes to edit this page of text. http://jobprofiles.monster.com/Content/job_content/JC_Entertainment/JSC_Writers/ |
114. Writer's Block, Feature, - Summer 1999 Yet editing for style is one of the most vital things a copy editor can do for a A good copy editor can save an author much embarrassment over incorrect http://www.writersblock.ca/summer1999/feature.htm | |
115. RWI CV Or Resume Page -- Freelance Writers, Copyeditors, Ghost Writers, Proofrea freelance writer, contract writer, rewriter, copy editor, copyeditor, copywriter, copywriter, ghost writer, ghostwriter, proof reader and proofreader. http://www.rainbowriting.com/index7a.htm | |
116. Mediabistro.com: Courses And Seminars: EClass: The 6-Week Copy Editor: How To Be Jobs and recruiting for media professionals in journalism, online content, bookpublishing, TV, radio, PR, graphic design, photography, and advertising. http://www.mediabistro.com/courses/cache/crs915.asp | |
117. Schuylkill.com : Contact Us Ed Schreppel Assistant Managing Editor. Katie CampomizziClews News Editor.Brian Smith Night Editor. Leanne Bush copy Editor. Many Zerr copy Editor http://www.schuylkill.com/contactus/copydesk.html | |
118. Copyediting - Meta I recently worked as the copy editor of a small daily newspaper for over threeyears. I ve been a regular contributor and copyeditor on a well visited http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Copyediting | |
119. Editorial Matters The Lincoln Journal Star has openings for two copy editor/designers. Lincoln, avibrant and fastgrowing community, is the capital of Nebraska and home to http://editorialmatters.lee.net/articles/2005/07/28/jobs/copyeditors-lincoln-070 | |
120. The Detroit News Staff E-mail Leslie Crutchfield, copy Editor lcrutchfield@detnews.com Linda Culpepper, LibraryAdministrator Dorothy Hernandez, copy Editor dhernandez@detnews.com http://www.detnews.com/search/staff.htm | |
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