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81. Volunteer Opportunity Foreign Language Copy Editors - Stop Abuse Stop Abuse For Everyone offers the opportunity to serve your community through Foreignlanguage copy editors . This ongoing opportunity is located in , . http://www.volunteermatch.org/results/opp_detail.jsp?oppid=129073 |
82. American Copy Editors Society : CafePress.com Home of the American copy editors Society. American copy editors Society.More items for editors Houston conference items http://www.cafepress.com/aces_items | |
83. Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Maybe The Post Needs New Copy Editors Maybe the Post Needs New copy editors. I planned to stop writing about theWashington Post tonight, I really did, but I just clicked back on the main page http://www.nationalcenter.org/2003/07/maybe-post-needs-new-copy-editors.html | |
84. The Guardian Jobs Media Publishing Copy Editors Applicants must have at least three years copy editing experience on newspapers,weeklies or monthlies; must be proficient in Quark or QPS Copydesk; http://jobs.guardian.co.uk/browse/media/publishing/vacancy-983369.html |
85. L.A. Observed: Copy Editors Honor LAT copy editors honor LAT. A team of LA Times headline writers won the top It s obvious that these copy editors expect their readers to be smart, too. http://www.laobserved.com/archive/001570.html | |
86. SAGE Publications - Careers Description Copy Editor. Department. JOURNALS PRODUCTION copy editors. Contact. Human Resources.Email Address. hr.resume@sagepub.com. Job http://www.sagepub.com/careersDescription.aspx?jobid=129 |
87. Editorsweblog.org: Will Weblogs Make Copy Editors Obsolete? Your editor checks it. Your copy editor checks it. The story runs. Then your watcher reads it and writes a scathing critique on her Weblog. http://www.editorsweblog.org/2004/02/and_now_the_wat.html | |
88. System A quarterly publication of particular interest to researchers and practitioners in the fields of educational technology, applied linguistics, and language teaching and learning. Includes free sample copy, ordering information, order form, table of contents, authors, editors information, abstracting and indexing. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/system/ | |
89. Plant Pathology Home Page Print and online journal on all aspects of phytopathology. Includes table of contents (1997 to present) with selected papers, list of editors, author instructions, subscription information, request form for free sample copy, and relevant links. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0032-0862&site=1 |
90. Alpha Science Editors: Copy Editing And Language Correction For Scientific Manus Provides a file structuring, copy editing and language correction service for scientific and academic manuscripts for publication. http://www.alphascienceeditors.com | |
91. Editing Services: Copy Editing & Proofreading - Professional Editing Services Canadian editing company provides copy editing and proofreading for essays, term papers, thesis, dissertations, resumes, cover letters and websites. http://www.premiereditors.com | |
92. Spyder (OffshoreTek Software) Securely and confidentially upload and consult documents online with no physical trace on local harddisk of these files. A full file-management system featuring infinite sub-directory creation, cut/copy/paste functions, various access level to control the documents viewers/editors and a versioning engine to keep track of any change occured on them is built in. http://www.offshoretek.com/spyder.html | |
93. Dynamic Patterns Editing A fullfeatured copy and content editing service from our staff of professional editors. Let us help you perfect your literary patterns. http://www.dynamicpatterns.com/editing/ | |
94. Freelance Proofreading And Copy-editing - Index Information about becoming freelance proofreaders or copyeditors. Contact details. http://www.copyediting.co.uk | |
95. Journal Of Pragmatics Monthly publication of language studies. Includes description, free sample copy, ordering information, order form, table of contents, authors, editors information, abstracting and indexing. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/pragma/ | |
96. Forest Pathology Home Page Print and electronic journal on tree diseases and phytopathogens. Includes table of contents (1997 to present), list of editors, author instructions, subscription information, and request form for free sample copy. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1437-4781&site=1 |
97. Language Communication Publishes contributions from researchers in all fields relevant to the study of verbal and nonverbal communication. Includes description, free sample copy, ordering information, order form, table of contents, authors, editors information, abstracting and indexing. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/langcom/ | |
98. Molecular Plant Pathology Home Page Print and online journal on molecular analyses of phytopathogens, determinants affecting host response to pathogens or the interaction of both. Contains pathogen profiles, table of contents and abstracts (2000 to present), author instructions, list of editors, subscription information, and request form for sample copy. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1464-6722 |
99. Language Sciences A forum for debate on conceptual and theoretical issues in the various branches of general linguistics. Includes description, free sample copy, ordering information, order form, table of contents, authors, editors information, abstracting and indexing. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/langsci/ | |
100. EPPO Bulletin Home Page Print journal on all aspects of plant pathology with emphasis on those of concern to government services. Table of contents (1998 to present), author instructions, list of editors, subscription information, and request form for free sample copy. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0250-8052 |
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