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121. Botball/KIPR Message Boards :: View Topic - New Hardware Introduced For 2005 Bot The Xport Botball Controller hardware has various motor, servo, and digital/analog sensor ports. The controller can be used as a processing platform for http://www.kipr.org/boards/viewtopic.php?p=761 |
122. Evolution Total control for your music software and hardware, UC33e Controller The Evolution UC-33e is the affordable USB hardware controller, designed to be http://www.evolution.co.uk/products/evo_uc33e.htm | |
123. GameSpy.com - Hardware The result is the Xbox Controller S. This allows US gamers to have a second option I picked up one of these fine pieces of hardware, so read on for some http://archive.gamespy.com/hardware/may02/xboxs/ | |
124. PC Hardware Reviews, Overclocking, News - Promise FastTrack100 TX2 1/6 You can achieve the same performance increase with a RAID controller and two IDE harddisks. You can also use two mirror Go to PC hardware main page http://www.pchardware.ro/Reviews/review.php?id=125 |
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