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21. Leroy Automation Systems for factory automation and IT networks control and command hardware and software, remote inputs and outputs, Ethernet TCP/IP controllers. http://www.leroy-automation.com/index_gb.html | |
22. Hyperstone AG [Startpage] RISC/DSP processors, flash memory controllers and cards (and compact cards), ASIC design, IP hardware, biometric devices, digital still cameras. http://www.hyperstone-electronics.com/ | |
23. Express Dictate Professional Dictation Software - Hand And Foot Controller Hardw Information about hardware that lets you control Express Dictate with handcontrollers or foot pedals. http://www.nch.com.au/express/controllers.html | |
24. Computer Wholesalers, Inc. - Specializing In SYMBOL! Data General computer hardware. Resale of servers, workstations, processors, disk drives, tape drives, memory, crt, terminals, and controllers. http://www.computerwholesalersinc.com | |
25. Sejin - Contract Manufacturer For Custom Designed Keyboards And Network Imaging Korean distributor of computer hardware including keyboards, mice, game controllers, and remote controls. http://www.sejin.com/ | |
26. Sun Microsystems - BigAdmin HCL: Hardware Certification Test Suite The Solaris OS Controller hardware Certification Program enables IHVs who have If you have questions about the Controller hardware Certification Program http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/hcl/hcts/controllers/L2_controller_desc.html | |
27. Analog & Digital Peripherals, Inc. Provides peripheral solutions to industry and end user. Offering embedded single board computers, controllers, data acquisition tools, and custom hardware and software design. http://www.adpi.com |
28. Motion Controllers - Hardware And Software Motion controllers hardware and software. ACS - Tech80. Redefining motion control. Precision MicroDynamics, Inc. Technologies for motion control, http://www.ee.polyu.edu.hk/staff/eencheun/WebPages/Links/motion controllers - ha | |
29. AC Micro Offers computer hardware, cases, software, controllers and complete systems. http://www.acmicro.com/ |
30. Oregon Embedded Software and hardware design for Embedded Systems. Expertise in bar code scanners, IO controllers, single board computers, signal converters, proprietary networks, and media duplication equipment. http://oregonembedded.com | |
31. Thermionics Vacuum Products Manufacturer of vacuum systems, components and hardware for all vacuum applications including XYZ manipulators, sample handling devices, motor controllers, valves, feedthroughs, gauges and controls, and flanges. http://www.thermionics.com/ | |
32. Intel(R) 82559 And 82559ER Controllers - Hardware Design Support FAQ hardware Design Support Product FAQs Intel® 82559 and 82559ER controllers. Product FAQs. Intel® 82559 and 82559ER controllers http://www.intel.com/design/support/faq/networking_comp/82559.htm | |
33. Xilag USA Manufacturer of miniature size controllers. Provides embedded software and hardware services and solutions for process automation industry. http://www.xilag.com | |
34. Bradford J. Rodriguez, Ph.D. Freelance embedded systems engineer; focus hardware and software development for lowend (8/16-bit) microcontrollers. Created CamelForth ANS Forth compiler for embedded controllers, Chromium Forth meta/cross-compiler, Scroungemaster II educational multiprocessor system. http://www.zetetics.com/bj/ | |
35. PC Home Automation Controllers - Hardware And Software - SmartHomeUSA.com JDS Technologies PC Home Automation controllers Residential Control Systems Network Elk Magic Module Security Home Automation Products X10 Pro PC http://www.smarthomeusa.com/Shop/PC-Home/ | |
36. E.R.I.K.A. Educational Microkernel RTOSs and set of integrated tools to develop embedded realtime applications, made to support all architectures used in power train controllers in automotive industry. Kernels have 2 main layers Kernel Layer, hardware Abstraction Layer, HAL. GPL http://erika.sssup.it/ | |
37. Remote Meter Controllers - Hardware Solutions - Omni Flow Computers Home / hardware Solutions / Remote Meter controllers. Remote Meter Controller, Remote Meter Controller. The SmartBus Series fieldmounted remote meter http://catalogue.omniflow.com/category80106.html | |
38. Local Meter Controllers - Hardware Solutions - Omni Flow Computers Home / hardware Solutions / Local Meter controllers. Local Meter Controller, Local Meter Controller. The SmartBus Series local meter controller (LMC), http://catalogue.omniflow.com/category90106.html | |
39. Home Page, Escotech Inc Representation and distribution of industrial process instrumentation, controllers, valves, steam handling hardware and other products. http://www.escotechinc.com/ | |
40. Connecticut Solar Retail solar electric components, Siemens solar modules, mounting hardware, charge controllers, inverters and metering devices. Also featuring the Sea Marshall personal rescue beacon. http://www.ctsolar.com/ | |
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