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Home - Basic_C - Constellations Stars & Galaxies |
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61. Discovering Stars Discovering stars. Identifying and comparing constellations. VOCABULARY.constellation; galaxy; light year; nebula; star; universe. MATERIALS http://www.msnucleus.org/membership/html/k-6/uc/universe/2/ucu2_1a.html | |
62. Constellation Virgo Gamma Vir consists of two yellowwhite, nearly equal stars in brightness onewith 3.6 As noted above there are lots of galaxies in this constellation; http://www.seds.org/Maps/Stars_en/Fig/virgo.html | |
63. HubbleSite - All FAQs For Stars And Star Clusters The stars in a particular constellation are not necessarily related to one another, But Hubble pictures of other galaxies sometimes reveal globularlike http://hubblesite.org/reference_desk/faq/all.php.cat=stars | |
64. HubbleSite - Glossary The collision rips streamers of stars from the galaxies, Constellation.A geometric pattern of bright stars that appears grouped in the sky. http://hubblesite.org/reference_desk/glossary/c-e.shtml | |
65. SPACE.com -- Sky Survey Captures The Universe A member of the constellation Coma Berenices, M 99 is a bright galaxy in the Virgo Like stars, galaxies often form close groupssystems that contain http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/astronomy/sky_survey_000720.html | |
66. Galaxies It s easy to create a galaxy of glowing constellationsincluding Libra, Orion, You can project bright starsincluding Southern constellations, http://www.historyoftheuniverse.com/galaxy_2.html | |
67. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Astronomy stars, main object of study in astronomy Astronomy of the 20th Century (table) calculating time constellations diagrams and illustrations http://encarta.msn.com/related_1741502444/Astronomy.html | |
68. JBO - Ursa Major Constellation: Alcor And Mizar, M81 And M82 And M51 The AList Objects in the constellations. Ursa Major and Canes Venatici. Alcor andMizar - Multiple star system. M81 and M82 - galaxies http://www.jb.man.ac.uk/public/AList/UrsaMajor.html | |
69. NSO/EO: Mr. Sunspot's Answer Book: General Questions Astronomers deal often with faint stars and galaxies that do not have He numbered the brightest stars in each constellation, going from west to east. http://eo.nso.edu/MrSunspot/answerbook/general.html | |
70. Galaxies, Stars, And Planets, Oh My! galaxies, stars, and Planets, Oh My! An Internet WebQuest on Science stars andConstellations. Use the website below to answer these questions http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/websciencejo.html | |
71. BUBL LINK: Stars Resource type document; Constellation Index Offers data on all recognised for celestial objects outside the solar system stars, galaxies, http://bubl.ac.uk/link/s/stars.htm | |
72. Quickie Questions - Astronomy Anomalies - Stars We see those stars to day and therefore see the constellations! The numberof stars in each galaxy varies widely, but each galaxy probably has a couple http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/kids_space/qastr_star.html | |
73. Hawaiian Astronomical Society -- Dorado This a more detailed view of the constellation. The map displays stars to Three bright spiral galaxies anchor the southwest (bottom, right) corner of http://www.hawastsoc.org/deepsky/dor/ | |
74. Stars And Galaxies In 3D By Jeff Rogers Software - Review And Download stars and galaxies in 3D 2.10, Jeff Rogers Software Find stars and galaxiesby name, constellation, or distance and fly to them with a keypress. http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/downloads/Stars_and_Galaxies_in_3D_4217_p/ | |
75. Virgo, An June Constellation A Constellation visible from the Southern Hemisphere in the coming month. Virgo contains a rich cluster of galaxies which is the nearest major galaxy http://www.faster.co.nz/~rasnz/Stars/Virgo.htm | |
76. EXPLORIT Science Center - Astronomy Club Newsletter All stars, nebulas, galaxies, etc. are assigned to the constellation in whoseboundaries they appear to be in, with the brightest stars acting like http://www.explorit.org/astronews/astroApr-05.html | |
77. Structure Of The Galaxy Are all of these stars inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy or are some of theminside other galaxies? INSERT STAR Constellation Map IMAGE. FIGURE 210 http://solar.physics.montana.edu/tslater/plunger/galaxy.htm | |
78. Star Chart All of the stars used in our galaxy model are parts of constellations (or starpatterns) that are very easy to observe in the night sky from almost anywhere http://www.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/teachers_corner/lessons/star_chart_9t12.html | |
79. Stars And Constellations It s the ninth largest constellation and it contains two of the ten brightest They are called the pointer stars since they point to the Southern Cross http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~dolan/constellations/extra/Centaurus.html | |
80. Astronomy 101: Lesson One The brightest stars in a constellation thus get named alpha, beta, gamma, From these regions, stars and galaxies formed; structure became apparent; http://www.astro.washington.edu/larson/Astro101/LecturesFraknoi/astro101s01.html | |
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