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41. Martindale's Astronomy, Astrophysics & Space Center: Universe, Stars, Telescopes Micro lenses located in distant galaxies are massive, compact astronomicalobjects with a Table of constellations with info on 3164 stars. http://www.martindalecenter.com/GradSpace_7_Un.html | |
42. Resources For Middle School Science--4.33-- The Universe: Exploring Stars, Const In The Universe Exploring stars, constellations, and galaxies, students learnthat the stars and other bodies that make up the universe are constantly http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/rtmss/4.33.html | |
43. Chandra :: Photo Album :: The Antennae :: The Antennae Animations including image descriptions, constellations, an Xray sky map and comparisonswith Gas and stars from the galaxies are ejected into long arcs. http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2004/antennae/animations.html | |
44. Our Place In The Universe In addition to containing so many stars, most galaxies are located millions, ifnot billions of The constellations and Their stars;; The constellations; http://dosxx.colorado.edu/~bagenal/1010/SESSIONS/1.Place_in_Universe.html | |
45. Stargazer Online || A Fall Of Stars Autumn is a season of galaxies. Before we attempt to locate a galaxy, let s findtwo prominent constellations of autumn. The first one is easy. http://my.voyager.net/~stargazer/fall.html | |
46. Constellations (from Astronomy) --Â Britannica Student Encyclopedia constellations (from astronomy) The stars seem to form groups, or constellations . stars, constellations, moon phases and eclipses, and galaxies. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article-196834 | |
47. Science Question Of The Week - Constellations, Stars, Southern Cross - March 22, Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, two satellite galaxies of our Milky Waygalaxy, Not a single one of the stars in any of these constellations is http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/scienceques2001/20020322.htm | |
48. Science Question Of The Week -- Constellations -- May 20, 2005 Most of the constellations are too big to see all of their stars at the same time In fact, some nebulae and galaxies are named for the constellation in http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/scienceques2004/20050520.htm | |
49. UM Astronomy Resources: Constellations, Charts, & Atlases Galaxy Guide, This program emphasizes the sky s constellations, with informationon the individual stars, galaxies, nebulae, etc. found in each. http://www.astro.umd.edu/openhouse/UMastro_res/Topic/chart.html | |
50. The Educational Encyclopedia, Cosmology Astronomy constellations details about the star constellations stars, galaxies,and cosmology stars, galaxies, and cosmology. stars, galaxies http://users.pandora.be/educypedia/education/spaceastronomy.htm | |
51. Course Catalog - Fall 2005 - ASTR 132 - Stars And Galaxies Lab Using telescopes and their eyes, students will observe constellations, the Moonand planets, star clusters, nebulae and galaxies. http://courses.uiuc.edu/cis/catalog/urbana/2005/Fall/ASTR/132.html | |
52. LESSON PLANET - 30,000 Lessons And 377 Lesson Plans For Stars Students recognize that constellations are groups of stars. Earth Science11 Astronomical Science (stars and galaxies) - Students classify stars using http://www.lessonplanet.com/search/Science/Space/Stars | |
53. LESSON PLANET - 30,000 Lessons And 65 Lesson Plans For Constellations Space Make a Constellation - Students read stories featuring stars and M1 stars And galaxies - TLW Describe scientific evidence for the origin and http://www.lessonplanet.com/search/Science/Space/Constellations?startval=20 |
54. The Constellations - Enchanted Learning Software A constellation is a group of stars that, when seen from Earth, The spiralgalaxies M65, M66, M95, M96, and the elliptical galaxy M105 are nearby. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/stars/constellations.shtml | |
55. Cosmology, Stars And Galaxies Unit 1 Cosmology, stars and galaxies d. Cygnus e. Orion 2. For eachconstellation, select its brightest star (biggest dot) and find out its name. http://www.csus.edu/indiv/s/slaymaker/geol8/Unit1.htm | |
56. Cosmology, Stars And Galaxies Unit 1 Cosmology, stars and galaxies For each constellation, select itsbrightest star (biggest dot) and find out its name. Report your results. http://www.csus.edu/indiv/c/cornwell/8online/Unit1.htm | |
57. RFO Event Calendar For 2005 Learn about stars, nebulae, galaxies, novae, telescopes and more. Learn theconstellations, stars, deep sky objects, and more (fall and early winter http://rfo.org/calendar/events_by_event.html | |
58. Andromeda This means that the stars that make up all the constellations, The galaxieswe see in these constellations are not actually located in the http://hsci.cas.ou.edu/exhibits/exhibit.php?exbgrp=3&exbid=20 |
59. Shareware: Stars And Galaxies In 3D 2.10 - Download-By.net Find stars and galaxies by name, constellation, or distance and fly to them witha keypress. Select stars by magnitude, distance, or spectral type. http://www.download-by.net/education/other/10934,stars-and-galaxies-in-3d.html | |
60. Canes Venatici With one exception, the constellation s stars are quite faint, NGC 4485 andNGC 4490 are two splendid galaxies in the same field 4485 is more compact http://www.dibonsmith.com/cvn_con.htm | |
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