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         Connecticut School Media Centers:     more detail
  1. Parenting through play for school readiness (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:429663) by Jerome L. Singer, 1998

1. SLIS IUB Careers MLS Career Links
School Media Centers. School Media Jobs. School Librarianship as a Career. California. Colorado. Connecticut. Florida. Illinois

2. LIS 622 School Media Centers
School, Delaware. Groton Public Schools, Connecticut. Montana State Library Collection Development Policy Guidelines for School Library Media

ILS 693 Issues in School Library Media Centers Institute Southern Connecticut State University Summer 2002. WEBLINKS

Issues in School Library Media Centers A Collaboration between CEMA and SCSU CREATING WEBQUESTS with Bernie Dodge Southern Connecticut

5. ALA 31-1 Lenk
Facilities Practical Tips for Planning Renovations and New School Library Media Centers at the Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Connecticut.3

6. Danbury Middle School Media Centers
Connecticut Homepage Danbury Homepage Staff. Athena. Policies Procedures Ms. Edwards Media Specialist Ms. Raffaele - Media Specialist Mrs .

7. The Status Of Public And Private School Library Media Centers In
school library media center data from the 1999.2000 SASS. The tables present data on traditional public school and private school library media

8. Selected Statistics On Public School Library/media Centers, By
3) 99.2 (5.3) 1 788 (90) 25.68 (2.6) Connecticut Public School Library Media Center Questionnaire .. 1999.2000; and ..Public Charter School

9. Connecticut Library Jobs
School Libraries and Media Centers. Corporate / Special Libraries. About this Page NOTE The Connecticut Library Association recommends a minimum

10. Sedgwick Middle School Library Media Center
on Wednesday during the school year. The Library Media Sedgwick Middle School 128 Sedgwick Road West Hartford, Connecticut 06107 This site

11. Connecticut Library Jobs
Positions in public, academic, school, corporate and specialized libraries and media centers.
home about CLC ... services jobs resources organizations summer reading acronyms ... museum pass list
Connecticut Library Jobs
Last update: September 17, 2005
NOTE : The Connecticut Library Association recommends a minimum salary for entry-level positions requiring an MLS. As of July 1, 2005, this salary is $23.29/hour, which is $42,388/year for a 35 hour week or $48,443/year for a 40 hour week. For more job-hunting assistance, visit our Links to Library Job Listings and Career Resources page.
Public Libraries
Sunday Reference Position for Fall/Winter and Reference Substitutes Avon Free Public Library . Reference librarian wanted for alternate Sundays 1-5 P.M. from November 6, 2005 through March 26, 2006. Also looking for reference substitutes for occasional weekdays, evenings, or weekends. MLS required. Must have excellent people skills, a strong commitment to customer service, knowledge of print and electronic resources, the Internet and computer software. Public library experience and working knowledge of SIRSI library system a plus. $21.79 per hour, no benefits. Closing date September 20, 2005

12. West School Library-Media Center
In New Canaan the district supports the school librarymedia centers with healthybudgets Every February the connecticut Nutmeg Book Award is announced. School Web Info/Library Media Page.htm Welcome Patron Guidelines Library Staff ... Children’s Literature New England (CLNE) Book Lists v Beyond Harry Potter: Books in the Fantasy Genre Welcome Welcome to the West School Library-Media Center , truly the hub of our busy school, located the center of Building 2. On any given day a visitor to the Media Center might observe story times, book discussions, classes engaged in research projects, students and teachers browsing and borrowing, and staff members and parents organizing resources and artwork to celebrate student work or to feature an upcoming holiday or a school-wide event. Top The library program at West School follows the guidelines set by the district’s Learning Resources and Information Technology curriculum. Though we focus on those performance benchmarks specifically identified for K-4 students, our K-12 curriculum is one that insures a smooth transition from the skills introduced in the elementary grades to those practiced in a more independent way in middle school and high school. Top Nation-wide, there is great support among school library professionals for what is known as

13. LMC Site-of-the-Month
a website created by one of connecticut s fine school library media centers . March 2004, Wilton High school Library media Technology Center
LMC Site-of-the-Month Each month during the school year, we will feature a website created by one of Connecticut's fine school library media centers. This is not a competition, but rather an opportunity to see the different ways that media specialists have utilized the Internet. Anyone interested in showcasing a website should submit their URL to the webmaster An archive of highlighted LMC sites will be maintained for your browsing pleasure.
The Site-of-the-Month for September is that of David St. Germain at Bugbee Elementary School , West Hartford.
ARCHIVE June 2005 Brookfield High School May 2005 Calvin Leete Elementary School April 2005 Amity Regional Junior High School March 2005 Greenwich High School February 2005 Duffy Elementary School January 2005 Bethel Middle School December 2004 Avon High School November 2004 Tootin' Hills Elementary School October 2004 Harborside Middle School September 2004 Staples High School June 2004 New Canaan High School May 2004 Stafford Middle School April 2004 Bristol Elementary Library and Learning Resources March 2004 February 2004 The International School at Dundee January 2004 Jonathan Law High School December 2003 Ellington Middle School November 2003 Whiting Lane School October 2003 Middlebrook School September 2003 Stafford High School June 2003 Newington High School May 2003 Sedgwick Middle Schoo l

14. ALA | School Library Funding
school library media centers can contribute to improved student connecticut,Delaware, Hawaii, Nevada, New Hampshire, Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming
Washington Office


Civil Liberties, Intellectual Freedom and Privacy
... Funding School Library Funding
School Library Funding
This Page: On Other pages:
Other Sites:
  • US Department of Education (main) Last Update: 15-Feb-2005 16:31
    Summary of the program
    The Improving Literacy Through School Libraries program is designed to improve student literacy skills and academic achievement by providing schools with up-to-date library materials and to ensure that school library media centers are staffed by well-trained and professionally certified school media specialists. The program is administered by the Department of Education and is the first program specifically aimed at upgrading school libraries since the original school library resources program was established in 1965. Numerous studies* show there is a clear link between the quality of library media programs in schools staffed by an experienced school library media specialist and student academic achievement. School library media centers can contribute to improved student achievement by providing up-to-date instructional materials aligned to the curriculum and instructional practices, collaborating with and supporting teachers, administrators, and parents, and extending their hours of operation beyond the school day.

15. EJ List By Subjects, Keio Univ. Media Centers (J)
connecticut Journal of International Law , University of connecticut school ofLaw, OPAC? Harvard Law school Publications Center, OPAC? Law. Int

16. Fairfield University Education And Allied Professions
school media Specialist Certification. Students holding a connecticut educator Students complete internships in school library/media centers,

17. Staples High School
Staples High school LIBRARY media CENTER 70 North Avenue Westport, 3) Stateof CT Electronic Resources (iCONN The connecticut Digital Library)
Staples High School
70 North Avenue Westport, CT 06880 203-341-1290
Our library is being renovated! We are now located in rms. . Our research computers are in rm. . We'll be back in our previous space, completely renovated, after April vacation!
U se school ID to access page with database passwords . For "domain" use wps0 (that's "zero" not "o") Teachers' Resources: CEU FAQs WEA Tech Service s
Computer Lab Information
YOUR WORLD Staples High School Mission Statement We are a community of learners engaged in a quest for academic excellence and committed to civic and social responsibility. We are unwavering in our belief that we must act with integrity and treat each other with respect. NEW: How much are students using our databases for research? Check out the stats here!

18. Waterbury Public Schools
Association of schools and Colleges); maintained its grade 4 connecticut new elementary schools and expand Crosby High school s media center over
The Board of Education's next regularly scheduled workshop will be Monday, September 26, 2005, 5:30 p.m., Wilson School's Cafeteria. Approximately 18,000 children attend the Waterbury Public Schools. The district consists of:
  • 20 elementary schools including two interdistrict magnet schools four middle and four high schools including the newly opened Waterbury Arts Magnet School (6 th th grade this year expanding to 12 th one alternative education school one learning center.
  • 19. Wallace Middle School - Home -
    school System is to establish itself as the leader in connecticut for urban The Wallace media Center has a collection of resources available to make
    Wallace Home
    Search our Site

    Media Center


    ... Waterbury Main SCHOOL CANCELLATIONS
    Posting for school cancellations will always be posted here as soon as they become available. Click on Cancellation History bellow for a history of school cancellations.
    Cancellation History
    Advanced Search Preferences MISSION STATEMENT
    The Mission of the Waterbury School System is to establish itself as the leader in Connecticut for urban education reform in partnership with the State Department of Education and the entire Waterbury Community ... First Day of School
    Welcome Back Students!

    Welcome back students! We hope your summer was fun and safe. The first day of school will be on Wednesday, August 31st. Lets get ready to have another great year here at Wallace Middle School! MEDIA CENTER
    The Wallace Media Center has a collection of resources available to make searching for books and materials easier. Visit the Wallace MS Media Center today and pick up a book for you and your child to read. SITE NAVIGATION You may navigate our site using the navigation panel on the left-hand side of the page. In addition, you can search this site using the "Search this Site" link located above in the top left-hand. Located above is a text box where you can search the internet using the Google search engine.

    20. School-Libraries.Net: Peter Milbury's Network Of School Librarian Web Pages
    Norfeldt media Center, Norfeldt school, West Hartford, connecticut. Sedgwick Middle school Library media Center Maintained by Lynne Hawkins,
    School Libraries.Net
    Peter Milbury's Network of School Librarian Web Pages
    Sponsored by the School of Library and Information Science
    @ San Jose State University
    Peter Milbury
    Original Creator Dr. Blanche Woolls
    Coordinator Dr. David Loertscher
    Coordinator Connecticut
    School Libraries
    K-12 Schools Curriculum Related Resources Professional Associations School Libraries
    Bedford Middle School LMC

    Maintained by Rita Hennessey, Media Specialist, Bedford Middle School, Westport, Connecticut Brooklyn Middle School Library Media Center
    Maintained by Kathryn Stellitano, Library Media Specialist, Brooklyn, Ct. Calvin Leete Elementary schoo l, Guilford, CT. Maintained by Teresa Garceau, Library Media Specialist. Coleytown Middle School Library Maintained by John Horrigan, Librarian, Westport, CT. Ellington Middle School Virtual Library Maintained by Shannon McNeice, Library Media Specialist, Ellington Middle School, Ellington, Connecticut.
    Groton Public Schools/Media Technology Services
    Maintained by Marie Crompton, Director of Media Technology Services, Valerie Koschmeider, Library Techical Assistant, and Steve Smith, MTS volunteer, Groton Public Schools, Groton, Connecticut.

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