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41. JOB FAMILY LISTING OF FY05 POSITIONS 193X28, Dir HR Benefits, staff dev, WF, E, Officials Managers, 18 310X10,Asst Dir Corporate education, E, Professionals, 16 http://www.gpc.edu/~gpchr/Compensation/NumericalJobListingFY05.htm | |
42. VLA Jobline DESCRIPTION Maryland State Department of education (MSDE) seeks staff Specialistto provide Website design, dev., content mgt exp. desired. http://www.vla.org/jobline.asp | |
43. Harvard Graduate School Of Education: Career Services--1996 Graduate Survey Repo Student Teacher Certification in Elementary education, University of Colorado,Boulder, staff Assistant, HGSE, Cambridge, MA 02138. Professional dev. http://www.gse.harvard.edu/~cso/96_grad_list.html | |
44. Adjunct Faculty & Part-Time Staff Adjunct Faculty PartTime staff. Edward Abrasley, Adjunct Faculty. BS University of connecticut; M.Ed. Art education, North Georgia College and State http://www.pickens.tec.ga.us/about/ptime.htm | |
45. Anoka-Ramsey Community College - Faculty And Staff List Jim Clayton, Continuing education Customized Traini, 763.422.3395 Dana Irgens,Dir. of Academic Planning Program dev. 763.689.7088 http://www.anokaramsey.edu/directory/staff_list.cfm | |
46. Georgia Southern University College Of Education T4 required) M.Ed. (Certification) M.Ed. (NonCertification) M.Ed.(staff dev. College of education Georgia Southern University http://coe.georgiasouthern.edu/lthd/itech.html | |
47. Connecticut Children S Invest. Part. Dir - Local Initiatives connecticut Children s Invest. Part. Dir Local Initiatives Support Corp. Keywords Community dev., Children, education, Organization Website http://www.nonprofitjobs.org/jdetail.cfm?jid=17303 |
48. What Others Say About The Value Of Barry Sweeny's Consulting staff dev./Assessment, Schaumburg Sch. Distr. 54, Schaumburg, IL TerrySullivan, staff dev. Ldr. Danbury Schools, Danbury, connecticut http://www.teachermentors.com/RSOD Site/OthersSayConsult.html | |
49. Table Of Contents Institute for Religious education and Pastoral Studies 05/03/05 06/02/05 EDL635 LB Teacher Superv/Eval/staff dev (3) LIS LEC TBA TBA 04/30/05 05/14/05 http://registrar.sacredheart.edu/grsumcrs.html |
50. Mailing Lists -- Administrative Services And Departments execedstaff Wharton Executive education staff. facilitiessched Facilitiesand Scheduling Users wcit-devx Submit of wcit-dev for machines page msgs http://maillists.wharton.upenn.edu/cgi-bin/maillists/cat1.cgi | |
51. Professional Dev. Presenters Marimed Foundation staff, Charles Giuli, PREL, Lorri Bolton, There is a strong movement in education and business to integrate the power http://www.eval.org/eval2000/pdslist.htm | |
52. LVD State Contact List Program and staff dev. Specialist 203 Scovell Hall Extension education MethodsSpec. Department of Family Relations and Child dev. http://web.aces.uiuc.edu/lvd/contacts.htm | |
53. Center For Cancer Research - Staff Pages Office of Training education. Office of Training education. New from CCR Curr Opin Genet dev. 12 13741, 2002. PubMed Abstract. Journal http://ccr.cancer.gov/staff/publications.asp?profileid=5817 |
54. Oregon Sea Grant - Accessibility Ralph mentioned using education and Prof dev committee as the SG Academy advisory Beth Day education staff for NOAA Â 50% in NOAA Office of education. http://seagrant.oregonstate.edu/asgepl/EXCOMM_minutes_Mar05.html | |
55. Calendar Of Events And Educational Opportunities For Vermont Sheep And Goat Asso For more information contact Ed Jackson, Ag. dev. staff chef and consultantStuart London will speak to the group covering a broad range of farm/food http://www.vermontsheep.org/education.html | |
56. College Of Health Sciences Austin Boren S, Balas EA, Mustafa Z. Diabetes patient education on the web howgood is the evidence? J Nurses staff dev. 2004 MarApr;20(2)90-8. http://hs.odu.edu/hs/research/pubs.shtml | |
57. JobDI 4060100001, DIR, PERSONNEL SVCS/staff dev. 409410-0001, DIR, PHOTOG DIG IMAGING 401530-0001, DIR, UNDERGRADUATE education http://www.tulane.edu/~payroll/jobdl.htm |
58. East Stroudsburg University - Health Faculty And Staff Coordinator of Undergraduate Program in Community Health education. Office DeNike241 BA University of connecticut M.Ed. University of Cincinnati http://www3.esu.edu/academics/hshp/hlth/faculty.asp | |
59. NSDC - Connect With NSDC: About NSDC - Affiliates connecticut staff Development Council Linette Branham connecticut EducationAssociation Capitol Place, Suite 500 21 Oak Street Hartford CT 061068001 http://www.nsdc.org/connect/about/affiliates.cfm | |
60. Julie Giaccone M.S. CCC-SLP Speech Pathologist / Educational Consultant TABS Sta Speech Pathologist who has worked in schools in Florida, Wisconsin, andConnecticut. Inclusion Facilitator, and Special education Department Head. http://www.crec.org/tabs/staff/giaccone.html | |
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