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21. University Of Technology, Jamaica - Faculty Of Education And Liberal Studies Human Resource dev. Teacher s Certificate Lecturer. Barrett, Sharmaine M.Sc., B.Sc. Central connecticut State University, Teacher s Diploma, http://www.utech.edu.jm/Faculties/FELS/STVE/SOTAVE_staff.htm | |
22. Joe Marhefka -Education Technology Specialist TABS Staff Joe Marhefka has been with the CREC education Technology Services team since 1999 Joe has developed training programs for the connecticut Data Warehouse http://www.crec.org/tabs/staff/marhefka.html | |
23. ***UPDATE*** - Moorpark College providing them the best possible education. staff development s goal is tohelp maintain and nurture this atmosphere. staff dev. Committee Members http://www.moorparkcollege.edu/htdocs/news/sd/sd0011.html | |
24. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Richard, Robert, Asst. Specialist Program and staff dev, LSU Siewe, Youmasu,State Specialist for Health education/Family dev. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
25. Connecticut Education Association Professional dev.Use free teaching modules created by professional development The connecticut state affiliate of the National education Association, http://www.edutopia.org/php/orgs.php?id=ORG_404317 |
26. Q&A: West Des Moines Community School District Professional dev.Use free teaching modules created by professional development A citizens advisory council and a Community education staff assess http://www.edutopia.org/php/article.php?id=Art_619&key=137 |
27. Staff Directory Search Results (PCC) Riley, Erin Link to staff web site, Grants dev. Admin. Coord/education,SE TABOR 128. Rogers, Denise R, staff development, 503977-4752 http://www.pcc.edu/scripts/sdquery.pl?last=r&frst=&titl=&locn=&phon=&emal=&dept= |
28. Staff Directory Search Results (PCC) Findley, Daniel E Link to staff web site, education/Library Media, 503978-5526 Sr. Child dev Spec, SY HT 220. Fish, Greg N, Community Ed-Southeast http://www.pcc.edu/scripts/sdquery.pl?last=f&frst=&titl=&locn=&phon=&emal=&dept= |
29. The SID Goal #1 staff dev. Records. Survey results that will indicate quality of student use of Address the issue of involving parents in their childÂs education. http://www.k12.hi.us/~washinga/SID website/dreamweaver pages/sid1.htm | |
30. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Week Of Wintersession 2001 Newsletter - Education D 6376 ECE 575 01 Student Teach ECE staff no enrollment. 4186 EDU 200 04 Chld/AdolDevelopm connecticut education Association Student Program News http://www.easternct.edu/depts/edu/news/010115.html | |
31. Healthcare Information Technology Certificate Program dev., Rutgers University, Columbia Business School Executive education, Cook College, Real Estate Professional Program University of connecticut http://www.ce.com/education/Healthcare-Information-Technology-Certificate-Progra | |
32. Economic Dev. Links staff of the Grow Bridgeport Fund will design a flexiblefinancing program tailoredto meet connecticut Small Business Development Center (CSBDC) http://www.bridgeport-econ.org/economic_development_links.htm | |
33. OVERVIEW BUDGET SUMMARY Instructional Testing Computer education. Adult education Substitutes staff dev. Training (2211), 0, 150, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00%, 0.00 http://www.new-milford.k12.ct.us/BOE/Budget/doi-05.htm | |
34. OVERVIEW BUDGET SUMMARY The grant also supports substitutes for special education staff to provide for Based dev. (1213), 1384, 0, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00%, 0.00 http://www.new-milford.k12.ct.us/BOE/Budget/sped-05.htm | |
35. Economic & Community Dev, Dept Of The agencyÂs field staff possesses extensive knowledge of the The ConnecticutInner City Executive education Alliance was launched by DECD and http://www.das.state.ct.us/Digest/Digest_2002/Economic & Community Dev, Dept of. | |
36. Resource Library Inclusion A staff dev. series for general and special educatorsÃ) Kronberg, RM, Arkansas Department of Special education (1994) Little Rock inclusion, staff http://www.people.memphis.edu/~coe_rise/resourcebib.html | |
37. Responsible Staff 21114, CT SMALL BUSINESS dev CTR. 21400, BUSINESS DEAN OFC. 21401, BUSINESS SUM SESS 13, UNDERGRADUATE education, 21110, ADMUNDERGRADUATE education http://www.budget.uconn.edu/General/assignstaff.htm | |
38. Department External Document(s) Date Of Issuance COMMUNICATIONS Dept. of Health, education Welfare Privacy Rights of. Parents Students National staff dev. Standard for staff development, 2001 http://www.cmcss.net/ISO9000/extdoclist.htm | |
39. AED Job Description #KN5120 The center currently has a staff of 50 in Washington, DC, and manages large field education, Masters in one of the following or related fields dev, http://employment.aed.org/openings/grade7/5120-7.html | |
40. Inst Dev Events Main Listing Page See a fitness staff member for an invoice. The per class rates are And,classes can be transferred to both public and private connecticut colleges and http://www.mcc.commnet.edu/HermesWebApp/pageFactory?pagespec=490 |
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