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Connecticut Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
41. Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) parent Resource Center Regional Educational Laboratory CT parentsPlus (connecticut) Pam Langer United Way of connecticut 1344 Silas Deane Highway http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list_by_territory.cfm?territory_cd=ct |
42. Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) connecticut Top CT Parents Plus (connecticut) United Way of connecticut Pacific resources for education and Learning (Hawaii) Suite 1300 http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list.cfm?category_cd=PRC |
43. State And Federal Resources connecticut PTA Home Page, parent Teacher Association of connecticut, Inc. Also, check out their Federal resources for Educational Excellence website, http://www.ctpta.org/resources/links_state_fed.htm | |
44. CT Parents Plus CT parents Plus is connecticut s parent Information and Resource Center. Way of connecticut, the State Department of education and connecticut parents http://www.ctparentsplus.org/ | |
45. Education Resources This site organizes more than 10000 reviewed web resources for parents, The Academy is a group dedicated to improving connecticut education in math, http://www.educationindex.com/educator/ | |
46. IID | Parent Resources ERIC parent Brochures Brochures from The educational resources Information Center . The page also links to other education and parenting resources. http://www.groton.k12.ct.us/mts/pr29ii.htm | |
47. IID | Instructional Technology connecticut Statewide Educational Technology Plan (December 6, Other Educationresources. School Library resources parent resources Internet Tools http://www.groton.k12.ct.us/mts/ite31ii.htm | |
48. Parent Resources Elderweb a resource for people dealing with elderly parents some with homeexperiments connecticut - check out the sites of attractions in the state http://teachers.westport.k12.ct.us/resource/parents.htm | |
49. DisabilityInfo.gov: Education: State And Local Resources List of state parent Training and Information Centers, US Department ofeducation Web page links to state education resources organizations. http://www.disabilityinfo.gov/digov-public/public/DisplayPage.do?parentFolderId= |
50. Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy - IEP Resources By State - Connecticut Educational Issues.  Educational Issues  IEP State resources  connecticut connecticut parent Advocacy Center (CPAC) 338 Main Street Niantic, CT 06357 http://www.parentprojectmd.org/educational/connecticut.html | |
51. What's New: Financial Aid Resources, What's New: Financial Aid Resources connecticut Financial Aid resources education and Employment Information Center Alternative Loans for Students and Parents (ALPS) PO Box 2287 http://www.nebhe.org/aid.html | |
52. CT Commission On Children parent community involvement is an unfulfilled resource that has the potential parent involvement in policies, education activities, open classrooms for http://www.cga.ct.gov/coc/Why Parent Involvement.htm | |
53. Connecticut Homeschooling Laws - A To Z Home's Cool Refusal of certain parents to consent to use of special education programs orservices. Legal resources. connecticut Homeschool Law http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/laws/blCT.htm | |
54. Education World® : Technology In The Classroom Center Included Links to further resources, including free classroom materials. With administrators, tech support, parent volunteers, classroom teachers, http://www.education-world.com/a_tech/index.shtml | |
55. EDUCATION PLANET - 6715 Web Sites For Education TARGETING education The connecticut Adult Basic Skills Survey and mediaeducation and providing media education resources for parents and teachers http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Education | |
56. Stamford Public Schools Parent Resources The parent Center. education. Upcoming Events. Links and resources education.Lending and Resource Library The parent Center maintains a selection of http://www.stamford.k12.ct.us/FAQ/ParentResources.asp |
57. Planned Parenthood Connecticut, Birth Control, Reproductive Health, Women's Righ The education and Training Department of Planned Parenthood of CT offers a wide resources FOR PARENTS. Planned Parenthood of CT believes that parents http://www.ppct.org/education/education_intro.htm | |
58. Connecticut Divorce, Mediation, Collaboration & Family Law Resources By Susan K. connecticut divorce and family law articles and resources for divorce, Includes parenting education forms and brochure, complaints, and motions. http://www.smith-lawfirm.com/divres.html | |
59. Parent Involvement In Education Is parent involvement a valuable, if largely untapped, resource for schools Presents detail on parent involvement programs in New Haven, connecticut http://www.nwrel.org/scpd/sirs/3/cu6.html | |
60. Parents Available Through oneto-one telephone contact, resource publications and parent meetings, parents Complete Special education Guide Tips, Techniques and http://www.birth23.org/Resources/ParentsAvailable.asp | |
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