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81. UCL Library Services -- Subject Guides - Computer Science There may be relevant material elsewhere in the science Library. Book collections computer science A general introductions to the subject http://www.ucl.ac.uk/Library/guides/subjcs.shtml | |
82. IEEE Computer Society Digital Library computer Computing in science Engineering IEEE Annals of the History of Sign Up for computer Society Digital Library monthly enewsletter updates. http://www.computer.org/portal/site/csdl/index.jsp |
83. ArXiv.org E-Print Archive Open eprint archive with over 100000 articles in physics, 10000 in mathematics,and 1000 in computer science. (Formerly called xxx.) http://arxiv.org/ | |
84. TU - Darmstadt; Department Of Computer Science: Library Department of computer science Library. Welcome to the pages of our Library.Sorry, but until now there are not all pages available in english. http://www.bib.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/bib/bibho_e.htm | |
85. Computer Science computer science Library Collection The University of Chicago computer science DBLP computer science Bibliography The Digital and Bibliography Library http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/compsci/ | |
86. CWI Library - Mathematics And Computer Science Sites Networked computer science Technical Reports Library (NCSTRL) Scholarly ElectronicPublishing Bibliography UCSTRI Cover Page http://www.cwi.nl/library/related/macssites/ | |
87. Carnegie Mellon Libraries: Search: Databases By Subject: Engineering And Science Engineering and science Library Reference Wean Hall, 4th Floor 412-268-2427sciref@andrew.cmu.edu Mellon Institute Library - Reference http://www.library.cmu.edu/Search/DB_ENGTECH.html | |
88. Directory Of Open Access Journals Keywords Internet, computers, computer science, library and information scienceStart Year 1996. Game Studies ISSN d0000088 http://www.doaj.org/ljbs?cpid=114 |
89. Directory Of Open Access Journals Keywords Internet, computers, computer science, library and information science Keywords cyberethics, computer ethics, library and information science http://www.doaj.org/ljbs?cpid=129 |
90. UVA Computer Science: Library Research The library most commonly used by computer science Students is the science andEngineering Library located in Clark Hall. Most useful services provided by http://www.cs.virginia.edu/helpnet/Library_Research/ | |
91. BUBL LINK: Computer Science Research Resource type index; computer science Library Wideranging gateway coveringall aspects of computer science, including technical back-up, websites, http://bubl.ac.uk/link/c/computerscienceresearch.htm | |
92. Networked Computer Science Technical Report Library (NCSTRL) Creating a Networked computer science Technical Report Library. James R.Davis Design Research Institute Xerox Corporation 502 Rhodes Hall http://www.dlib.org/dlib/september95/09davis.html | |
93. TEMPLATE Glossary of Social science computer and Social science Data Terms 92161 inEncyclopedia of Library and Information science Volume 41 - Supplement 6, http://odwin.ucsd.edu/glossary/ | |
94. Math & CS Library-e-journals Lecture Notes in computer science (Library list of selected LNCS conferences).Electronic journals providers ACM Digital Library IEEE (Institute of http://www.ma.huji.ac.il/~library/ejour.htm | |
95. Math And CS Library-CS Classification Mathematics and computer science Library Related library pages computerscience classification Alphabetic list of keywords http://www.ma.huji.ac.il/~library/classc.htm | |
96. HUT-Library Of Computer Science Library of computer science and Engineering. Current events Contact information Loans information. Information retrieval Teemu and other databases http://www.tkk.fi/Yksikot/Tieto/Kirjasto/Homepage.htm | |
97. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT POLICIES: Computer Science The Department of computer science offers undergraduate and graduate programmes (at The Steacie science Library has acquired two relevant indexing and http://www.info.library.yorku.ca/policies/colldev/compsci.htm | |
98. The Math Forum - Math Library - Computer Science The Math Forum s Internet Math Library is a comprehensive catalog of Web sitesand Web pages relating to the study of mathematics. This page contains sites http://mathforum.org/library/topics/computer_science/ | |
99. Computer Science-- UCSC Science & Engineering Library Subject Guides Networked computer science Technical Reports Library (NCSTRL) Suggestions forcomputer science books or journals for the library to purchase http://library.ucsc.edu/science/subjects/engineering/cs/ | |
100. Haverford College Libraries - Gilbert Fowler White Science Library Research assistance is available at the science Library for students and faculty.Stop by the science librarian s office or submit questions via email. http://www.haverford.edu/library/science/ | |
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