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121. Computer Systems Research At Carnegie Mellon Special focuses include faulttolerant distributed computing, mobile computing, and electronic commerce. Part of the Carnegie Mellon University computer science department. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/groups/systems/systems.html | |
122. Computer Science Department Web Servers Web and gopher servers of computer science departments at universities throughout the internet. http://www.cs.haverford.edu/CS-Departments.html |
123. Rohit Sharma Graduate in computer and Information science at University of Oregon. Projects, programs, and links to music, movies, technology and Indian sites. http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/~rohits/ |
124. WebSpeed Error From Messenger Process (6019) PhD Program in computer science (Dottorato di ricerca). GRADUATE PROGRAMME.Master of science in computer science (Laurea specialistica) http://www.inf.unibz.it/ | |
125. International Conference And Research Center For Computer Science Schloss Dagstu All past and future conferences in Dagstuhl are listed on the web site. http://www.dagstuhl.de/ | |
126. Department Of Mathematics, Statistics, And Computer Science @ The University Of Mathematics, Statistics and computer science http://www.math.uic.edu/ | |
127. JCU - School Of Information Technology James Cook University Web Sitemap Search AZ index Contacts Calendar Campus Maps Faculty of science, Engineering and Information Technology http://www.it.jcu.edu.au/ | |
128. Stuart Russell Professor at the computer science Division of Berkeley University and author (with Peter Norvig) of the famous AI textbook Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach . http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~russell/ | |
129. School Of Computer Science And Information Systems (CSIS) At Pace University The Pace School of computer science and Information Systems, established in 1983,is the youngest and fastest growing school within Pace University and one http://csis.pace.edu/csis/ | |
130. Algorithms Courses On The WWW Links to courses in algorithms maintained at various university computer science departments. http://www.cs.pitt.edu/~kirk/algorithmcourses/ | |
131. Swedish Institute Of Computer Science Research focuses on distributed interactive realtime systems. Publications and software. http://www.sics.se/ | |
132. Gregory Dudek Professor at the School of computer science and Centre for Intelligent Machines (CIM). Research areas include navigation, shape, mobile robotics, computer vision, vision, visualization, and recognition. http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~dudek/ | |
133. FICS'2001 Fixed Points In Computer A Satellite Workshop to PLI'2001. Florence, Italy; 8 September 2001. http://www.dsi.uniroma1.it/~labella/FICS.html | |
134. University Of The Pacific School Of Engineering And Computer Science The University of the Pacific School of Engineering computer science conssitentlyranks high among the top 100 engineering colleges in the United States. http://www1.pacific.edu/eng/ | |
135. List Of Schools With Computer Science Departments List of Schools with computer science Departments, linked directly to their faculty lists. http://www.acm.org/crossroads/resources/list.html | |
136. Department Of Computing Computing Department. Research is centered around information systems, computational science and theoretical computer science. http://www.comp.mq.edu.au/ | |
137. Computer Science Home - Department Of Computer Science Wayne ,,,Department of computer science, Dr. Farshad Fotouhi, Department Head, CS,Research Activities, Research Facilities, Labs, computers, computer science, http://oenone.cs.wayne.edu:8080/ |
138. Math-Net Page With Standard Labels For Department Of Mathematics , University Of Mathematics and computer science. http://www.uni-essen.de/fb6/Math-Net/ | |
139. Comp.Theory FAQ History of (Theoretical) computer science Unified computer scienceIndex http//www.cs.indiana.edu800/cstr/search Technical Reports Library http://db.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/comp-faq/faq.html | |
140. MCS Publications Technical report anonymous ftp area. Most documents are available in compressed dvi or compressed postscript. http://www-fp.mcs.anl.gov/division/publications/ | |
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