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81. Book Reviews - Virtual Computer Library The internet Dictionary. Christian Crumlish. As a very basic guide, there is lessuseful material in The internet Dictionary than in Pfaffenberger s The http://web.austin.utexas.edu/vclib/bookreviews/review.cfm?filename=TID |
82. Computer Science, Guide For Finding Information Online dictionary and search engine for computer and internet technology definitions Dictionary of computer and internet Terms. R 004.03/36 http://www-library.uow.edu.au/eresources/subjects/inf/infcompsci.html | |
83. Dictionary Of Computers - Censorship On The Internet dictionaries Animals Computers Difficult Words English The Internetwas originally designed as a seamless network that would allow researchers http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/dictionaries/computers/data/f0000230.html | |
84. Quantum Books: Dictionary Of Computer And Internet Terms Dictionary of computer and internet Terms. Author Downing, Douglas A.; CoviISBN 0764121669 Pub Date Jan 1, 2003 Publisher BARRON S EDUCATIONAL SERIES, http://www.quantumbooks.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=qb&Pro |
85. Encyclopaedias: Computer & Internet - MavicaNET Encyclopaedias computer internet. Sites total 19 Ken s Dictionary ofcomputer Standards English URL http//www.charm.net/~kmarsh/dict.html http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/eng/24339.html | |
86. ITools iTools internet tools Search, research, reference, look up or translate just about More language tools », Specialized dictionaries and thesauruses, http://www.itools.com/ | |
87. Computer & Internet Web Links The PC Webopædia is a computer terms dictionary and a great source for accurate, Includes an antivirus hoax encyclopedia, computer virus myths, internet http://www.rcpl.lib.ca.us/vrd/computer.htm | |
88. General Assistance Dictionary. Dictionary (computer internet). Adult Basic Skills Dictionary (computer internet). computer Dictionary Click on first letter of word. http://sviweb.sccd.ctc.edu/dennisk/gen/gen_assistance.htm | |
89. Harrap Spanish Computers & The Internet Dictionary HarrapÂs Spanish Computers the internet Dictionary expands the Harrap range ofspecialist dictionaries into Spanish and covers all essential computing and http://www.chambersharrap.co.uk/harrap/catalogue/0245607129.php | |
90. Math & CS Library-CS Links Academic internet sites in Israel mathematics and computer science Kadow s internet Dictionary / Kevin Kadow, c1994. Mathematical programming glossary http://www.ma.huji.ac.il/~library/linksc.htm | |
91. Rutgers University Libraries: Electronic Reference Sources: Dictionaries Webopedia Online dictionary and search engine for computer and internet technologydefinitions. Whatis.com Search for a term, browse word lists, http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/e_ref_shelf/refdict.shtml | |
92. Dico Technologie dictionaries French - English /English - French Dictionary of internet Terms Glossaire anglais-francais des http://globegate.utm.edu/french/globegate_mirror/compdico.html | |
93. BSZ - Online-Nachschlagewerke Im Internet Das Netlexikon (zu internet, computer und Telekommunikation; von akademie.de) http://www.swbv.uni-konstanz.de/links/lexika.html | |
94. Terminology Collection: Word Online internet and Unix dictionary by Kevin Kadow Ripco Communications Inc. WinGlos 2.1 GalicianEnglish-Spanish computer dictionary (Hypertext glossary by http://www.uwasa.fi/comm/termino/collect/special/computing.html | |
95. Bomis: Internet Dictionary Ring A ring of internet dictionaries and glossaries. See also Computers/internet Search Wikia for internet dictionaries http://www.bomis.com/rings/netgloss/ | |
96. Whatis.com, The Leading IT Encyclopedia And Learning Center Dictionary of computing and internet terms and phrases. http://whatis.techtarget.com/ | |
97. NetLingo.com Dictionary Of Internet Terms: Online Definitions & Text Messaging Dictionary and glossary of internet jargon definitions for terminology and words. http://www.netlingo.com/ | |
98. CNET.com - Page Not Found computer Shopper GameSpot International Media MP3.com mySimon Release1.0 Search.com TechRepublic TV.com Webshots ZDNet http://www.cnet.com/Resources/Info/Glossary/ |
99. TechWeb TechEncyclopedia More than 14000 definitions of computer terms and concepts online. http://www.techweb.com/encyclopedia/ | |
100. Linguistic Data Resources On The Internet A topically organized list of language data resources on the internet. ARTFL Project TLF Dictionary Form, Jean Nicot s Thresor de la langue frangaise http://www.sil.org/linguistics/etext.html | |
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