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21. Mr Free Free - Computer & Internet Dictionaries Online computer internet dictionaries ONLINE Definitions of 2000 computer terms;TechWeb Technology Encyclopedia over 11000 definitions of computer and http://www.mrfreefree.com/reference/computer_internet_dictionaries_online.html | |
22. Computer Dictionary, Internet Dictionaries Greek translation Greek dictionaries computer internet dictionaries, dictionaries Elsevier s Dictionary of computer Science and Mathematics (Book) http://www.translatum.gr/dictionary/computer.htm | |
23. Computer Greek Dictionaries & Glossaries Dictionary Glossary Various dictionaries searchable from this page Computers, internet, Technologydictionaries Telephony / Telecommunications dictionaries http://www.translatum.gr/dictionary/computer-greek.htm | |
24. AlphaDictionary * Free Computers And The Internet Dictionary - Free Computers An Top Specialty dictionaries computers and the internet computer and internetGlossary A comprehensive glossary of computer and internet terms with http://www.alphadictionary.com/directory/Specialty_Dictionaries/Computers_and_th | |
25. Dictionaries, Thesauri Grammars University at Albany Users; computer internet dictionaries; Dictionary Collections;English Language dictionaries; Foreign Language dictionaries http://library.albany.edu/reference/dictionaries.html | |
26. Press Release For Dictionary Of Computer And Internet Words Published By Houghto Houghton Mifflin s Press Release for Dictionary of computer and internet Wordsby Editors of the American Heritage dictionaries. http://www.houghtonmifflinbooks.com/booksellers/press_release/cpdict/ | |
27. The Internet Dictionary Project Companion It allows you to search the IDP dictionaries on your home computer, when you renot connected to the internet. It uses the dictionary files available from http://www.june29.com/IDP/IDPC.html | |
28. Khoj - Directory For Dictionaries And Encyclopedias The most comprehensive computer and internet dictionary online. Webopedia Theonly online dictionary and search engine you need for computer and internet http://www.khoj.com/Computers_and_Internet/Internet/Dictionaries_and_Encyclopedi | |
29. David And Lorraine Cheng Library - Dictionaries And Encyclopedias Abbreviations and Acronyms; computer and internet dictionaries computer andinternet dictionaries. FOLDOC Free OnLine Dictionary of Computing http://www.wpunj.edu/library/ReadyRef/dict.shtml | |
30. Guide To Computer Science Internet Resources [Internet Resources] {InterNIC Academic Guide to the internet computer Info Sciences} dictionaries. {BABEL} - A glossary of computer oriented abbreviations acronyms http://www.istl.org/97-summer/internet2.html |
31. Arabic Electronic Dictionary And Language Translators. Arabic - Other Languages Dictionary updates are available via the internet. Your organizer data canbe copied from your EAF430T to a personal computer for a backup. http://arabic.dictionaries.ectaco.com/ | |
32. Internet Quick Reference Shelf: Dictionaries And Encyclopedias : Computer And In Quick Reference Shelf dictionaries and Encyclopedias computer and internet TechEncyclopedia 14000+ definitions of computer, web and internet http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/internet/Dictionaries_and_Encyclopedias/Computer | |
33. Dictionaries, Encyclopedias & Other Reference Materials, Texas Tech University L F37 1996 Reference; The dictionary of computer graphics and virtual reality T385 . Random House Webster s computer internet dictionary QA76.15 . http://library.ttu.edu/ul/subjects/sciences/compsci/dict_ency.php | |
34. Dictionaries On The Web The internet Dictionary Project Search EnglishGerman-English, English-Russian-English Dictionary and Thesaurus of computer Terms http://www.helsinki.fi/~hkantola/dict.html | |
35. Vindex - Zoekresultaten Voor Dictionary and glossary of internet jargon definitions for terminology and words . Illustrated dictionary of computer terms for beginners with links to http://www.vindex.nl/dmoz.jspx?topic_id=Top/Reference/Dictionaries/By_Subject/Co |
36. Dictionary Of Computer And Internet Terms (Barron's Business Dictionaries) Book Dictionary of computer and internet Terms (Barron s Business dictionaries) http://www.aaabooksearch.com/Reviews/0764121669 | |
37. Computer And Internet Technology - Learn ICANN Internet Security Ports Try Memorylifter s computer flashcards dictionary. For example, the internetICANN ports dictionary helps internet security professionals and programmers http://www.memorylifter.com/dictionaries/lists/computer-training.html | |
38. Online Dictionaries A dictionary and reference site for computer and internet technology information.whatis.com A reference site for a range of information about computing and http://www.hero.ac.uk/uk/reference_and_subject_resources/resources/online_dictio | |
39. Ready Reference: Computer Dictionaries DESCRIPTION, An index to computer dictionaries on the internet. KEYWORDS,computer, network, internet, information, dictionary http://www.itcompany.com/inforetriever/dict_pc.htm | |
40. Librarians Internet Index Dictionaries Http//lii2.wested.org This site is a dictionary of over 4000 computer and internet-related terms, withlinks to related articles and resources. What makes it even more useful, http://lii2.wested.org/pub/subtopic/45705 |
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