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121. The Baik-Group computational chemistry and molecular modeling. http://mypage.iu.edu/~mbaik/home.htm | |
122. C&EN 970512 - Computational Chemistry Impact Core computational chemistry and information management software It didn t take computational chemistry software firms long to recognize the potential http://pubs.acs.org/hotartcl/cenear/970512/comp.html | |
123. Research Group Of Tom Woo Group specializes in the study of catalyst modeling and computational chemistry. Page includes information about research goals, current projects, list of publications and facility resources. http://vivaldi.chem.uwo.ca/ | |
124. Barbara J. Garrison S Computational Chemistry Research Group Apply to Graduate School in Chemistry at Penn State. Shapiro Professor of Chemistry 104 Chemistry Building, Garrison Computational Research Program http://galilei.chem.psu.edu/ |
125. NWChem Home Page NWChem is a computational chemistry software capable of molecular dynamics simulations. It is designed to run on parallel computers and it is developed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. http://www.emsl.pnl.gov/docs/nwchem/nwchem.html |
126. Exploring Aspects Of Computational Chemistry: Concepts And Execrcises This volume of Exploring Aspects of computational chemistry Exercises seeks to put the basic concepts, described in its sister volume, Concepts, http://www.chimie.fundp.ac.be/cta/eacc/eacc.html | |
127. Seascape! Seascape offers computational chemistry and biology software/services including molecular dynamics calculations. http://www.seascapelearning.com | |
128. ESSENTIALS OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY Essentials of computational chemistry, Theories and Models, Second Edition provides an accessible introduction to this fast developing subject. http://pollux.chem.umn.edu/~cramer/backcover.html | |
129. NIU Electronic Conferences Electronic computational chemistry Conferences (ECCC) ECCC5- November 1998 The Fifth Electronic computational chemistry Conference (ECCC-5) was held http://hackberry.chem.trinity.edu/econf.html | |
130. Computing NWChem a computational chemistry package designed to run on WebMO - a World Wide Web-based interface to computational chemistry packages. http://www.technion.ac.il/technion/chemistry/links/computing.html | |
131. INSTITUTE OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY INSTITUTE OF computational chemistry. University of Girona, Catalonia, Spain 7th International Conference on Mathematical Chemistry http://stark.udg.es/eng/iqc.html | |
132. CCS Computational Chemistry Workshop of computational chemistry on the nation s leadership computing facilities. of computational chemistry applications on world class supercomputers. http://www.ccs.ornl.gov/workshops/Chem05/ | |
133. Theoretical And Computational Group Welcome to Theoretical and computational chemistry in Crete (TCCC) or (TC3). Department of Chemistry (DoC), University of Crete (UoC) and http://tccc.iesl.forth.gr/ | |
134. American Chemical Society Publications: Journal Of Combinatorial Chemistry Home Interdisciplinary journal that opens up channels of information for synthetic organic chemists, medicinal and analytical chemists, pharmaceutical scientists, biotechnologists, computational chemists, material scientists, and agrochemists. http://pubs.acs.org/journals/jcchff/index.html | |
135. Collaborative Computational Projects - Home Page Links to chemistry, physics, and engineering codes, many in Fortran. http://www.ccp.ac.uk/ | |
136. Computer Physics Communications Program Library Contains over 1800 refereed programs in computational physics and physical chemistry which are described in the journal Computer Physics Communications published by Elsevier Science. http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/ |
137. Laboratory For Computational And Applied Chemistry Molecular and engineering catalysis. Molecular modeling and drug design. http://lcac.ku.ac.th/ |
138. Other Cool Sites - Department Of Medicinal Chemistry A collection of links for chemists and students involved in organic, biochemical, computational, and/or medicinal chemistry research, maintained by Virginia Commonwealth University. http://www.phc.vcu.edu/othercoolsites.html | |
139. Indextest.html Multidisciplinary research and engineering at the interface of biology, chemistry, physics, and computational biology http://bdiv.lanl.gov/ | |
140. SysChem - Home computational organic chemistry software for retrosynthesis and synthesis development. http://www.syschem.com | |
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