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         Communist Political Party:     more books (100)
  1. Labor--key force for peace, civil rights and economic security: Report to the National Conference of the Communist Party, U.S.A. on the political perspectives 1966 by Gus Hall, 1966
  2. Toward Peace, Freedom, and Socialism: Main Political Resolution, 21st National Convention, Communist Party, U.S.A., 1975 by Communist Party of the United States of America, 1976
  3. The struggle ahead: Time for a radical change! : main political resolution, 22nd National Convention, Communist Party, USA, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan, August 23-26, 1979 by Communist Party of the United States of America, 1979
  5. Communist Party, U.S.A. Draft Main Political Resolution. An Assessment and a Projection. January 1969. by U.S.A. Communist Party, 1969
  6. The Finnish Communist Party in the Finnish political system 1963-1982 (Research reports / University of Tampere, Department of Political Science and International Relations) by Jukka Paastela, 1991
  7. The communist party in Wisconsin: A political report to the 1968 state convention by M Eisenscher, 1968
  8. The struggle for socialism: Political thesis of the Revolutionary Communist Party of India : sixth conference, Feb. 25-March 1, 1950 by Sudhirkumar Dasgupta, 1950
  9. Interview granted by Erich Honecker, first secretary of the SED Central Committee, to "Unsere Zeit", German Communist Party (DKP) newspaper (Political documents of the German Democratic Republic) by Erich Honecker, 1974
  10. World Communists in action: The consolidation of the Communist parties and why the growing political influence of the sections of the Comintern is not sufficiently maintained by O Pi¸ a¸¡tnit¸ s¸¡kiĭ, 1930
  11. The political report: Of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the Eighth National Congress of the Party, delivered on Sept. 15, 1956 by Shaoqi Liu, 1956
  12. Cold War Political Justice:The Smith Act, the Communist Party, and American Civil Liberties by Michal R. Belknap, 1977
  13. Notions of political pluralism in the policy of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in 1968 (Working study / Research project "The experiences of the Prague Spring 1968") by Zdeněk Mlynaář, 1979
  14. The political structure of the Soviet state;: The Communist Party (Foreign policy reports) by Vera Micheles Dean, 1932

21. The Great Leap Forward
Account of the benefits to the communist party, and to the political establishment of the country of the events of the late 1950's.
Essay Number 4
September 1998 Political Economy of the Great Leap Forward: Permanent Revolution and State Feudal Communes
By Satya J. Gabriel

A bird flies above
A wooden man-made figure
Of a bird flying.
T The theoretical underpinnings of the Great Leap Forward are similar, in many ways, to the arguments of the late E. F. Schumacher, as presented in his book Small is Beautiful . Schumacher argued in favor of a strategy of development based on "intermediate" or "appropriate" technologies, rather than the most technologically advanced and capital intensive technologies that are often considered most desirable or the more "primitive" technologies that were often in use in less industrialized countries. Like Schumacher, Mao wanted Chinese direct producers, particularly farmers, to use more advanced technologies than the relatively crude implements that were available but he argued against a continuation of the Stalinist approach because it relied on what we would today call capital-intensive investments. In the Stalinist drive to "modernization" the number one priority was the building of larger "economies of scale" industrial operations, particularly those operations that were most critical to further industrialization, i.e. the heavy industry sector where the primary output was capital goods (machines used in the building of other outputs, including more machines). The Stalinist approach of placing emphasis on investment in heavy industry at the expense of light (consumer goods oriented) industry and agriculture required substantial net social resources, i.e. surplus resources in excess of what was needed for consumption purposes. These resources were obtained by draining surplus products out of the rural work force: a process that has been described as super-exploiting the rural labor force.

22. Political Resources On The Net - Germany I (Parties)
Index of german political sites available on the Internet, with links to Parties, Deutsche Kommunistische Partei DKP German communist party

(1:5 Parties) Last updated:
Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany
Constitution by ICL Elections in Germany By Wilfried Derksen Governments on the WWW: Germany By Gunnar Anzinger Politik Politics (Yahoo Deutschland) Politik:Parteien Parties (Yahoo Deutschland) Parties online Parties and Elections in Germany By Wolfram Nordsieck Politik Forum Deutschland Democracy Online Today Deutsche Volksunion - DVU German People's Union (Landesverband NRW) Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands - KPD Communist Party Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands - KPD Communist Party, Rote Fahne Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands - Roter Morgen Communist Party, Red Morning Arbeiterbund fur die wiederaufbau der KPD Workers' League for the Reconstruction of the KPD Deutsche Kommunistische Partei - DKP German Communist Party Deutsche Kommunistische Partei Hamburg - DKP German Communist Party (Hamburg) JUKO - Junge KommunistInnen, Hochschulgruppe der DKP Hamburg Young Communists, student's group of the German Communist Party Marxistische-Leninistische Partei Deutschland Maoist Party Linksruck Netzwerk Jung - sozialistisch - aktiv!

23. Kurdistan Organization Of The Communist Party Of Iran - Komala
Includes information about the party's political background and program, tactics and political struggle. The site also features articles and press releases about the Kurds and Kurdistan.
In English
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24. Political Resources On The Net - Belgium I (Parties)
political Parties Youth Organizations in Belgium by Ben den Butter Fédération du Centre du Parti communiste (Belgique) communist party

Kingdom of Belgium
(1:4 Parties) Last updated:
ICL Elections in Belgium by Wilfried Derksen Elections Belgian electoral results since 1830 Suffrage Universel La participation politique des allochtones en Belgique by Ben den Butter Web Watch Government and Institutions Belgian Yellow Pages Political Parties Belgian Yellow Pages Politics Web Guide Political parties Belgian parties represented at the federal, regional or community level Political parties in Belgium by Pierre-Yves Lambert De Belgische politiek A place where you can discuss Belgian politics L'espace citoyen
NVA Groen! Ecolo FN The francophone elected representatives from all political democratic parties, wishing to discuss the issue of the information society and to promote the use of the French language on the Internet Partij van de Arbeid van België Workers' Party of Belgium (Dutch site) Parti du travail de Belgique Workers' Party of Belgium (French site) Workers' Party of Belgium (English site) International Resistence Socialistische Arbeiderspartij/Parti Ouvrier Socialiste Trotskyist Party Socialistische Jonge Wacht/Jeune Garde Socialiste Trotskyist Party Youth Kommunistische Partij - Vlaanderen(KP) Communist Party Parti Communiste Communist Party Fédération du Centre du Parti Communiste (Belgique) Communist Party Mouvement pour une Alternative Socialiste Trotskyist Party Linkse Socialistische Partij Left Socialist Party [ Additional site Militan Left Socialist Party (Turkish)

25. Communist Party: Information From
communist party, in Russia and the Soviet Union, political party that until 1991exercised all effective power within the Soviet Union, and, as the.
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Encyclopedia Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Communist party Encyclopedia Communist party, in Russia and the Soviet Union, political party that until 1991 exercised all effective power within the Soviet Union, and, as the oldest and for a long time the only ruling Communist party in the world, carried heavy or controlling influence over the Communist parties of other countries (see communism Origins Marxist socialism (see Marxism ) took root in Russia in the 1880s. Led by Georgi Plekhanov , a small group of Marxists formed (1883) the League for the Emancipation of Labor, stressing the revolutionary capabilities of the growing industrial proletariat. Other groups were soon founded, the largest of which was the Jewish Bund, and in 1898 they united to form the Russian Social Democratic Labor party. The second party congress (1903) in Brussels and London split into factions of Bolshevism and Menshevism . The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Ilyich

26. Charlotte Despard
Abstract Born in Ripple, Kent, in 1844. In 1874 her first novel, Chaste as Ice, Pure as Snow was published. During the next sixteen years she wrote ten novels. She became a member of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) and in 1906 joined the Women's Social and political Union (WSPU). In 1930 she visited the Soviet Union and impressed with what she saw she joined the communist party and became secretary of the Friends of Soviet Russia organization. She died in Ireland in 1939.
Charlotte Despard
USA History British History Second World War ... Email
Charlotte Despard, the daughter of William French, a naval commander from Ireland , was born in Ripple, Kent, in 1844. By the age of ten her father had died and her mother was committed to an insane asylum and she was sent to London to live with relatives. Charlotte was shocked by the poverty she saw in London and as a result developed radical political opinions. In 1870 she fell in love and married Max Despard, a Frenchman who shared her political beliefs. In 1874 Charlotte's first novel, Chaste as Ice, Pure as Snow was published. During the next sixteen years Charlotte wrote ten novels. Most of these novels were romantic love stories but A Voice from the Dim Millions dealt with the problems of a poor young factory worker. Charlotte was unable to find a publisher for this novel. When her husband died in 1890, Charlotte decided to dedicate the rest of her life to helping the poor. She left her luxurious house in Esher and moved to Wandsworth to live with the people she intended to assist. Charlotte joined the

27. Communist Party Of Peru: Information From
communist party of Peru Politics of the Republic of Peru Republic of PeruConstitution Parliament Presidents - Premier political parties in Peru -
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Communist Party of Peru Wikipedia Communist Party of Peru
Politics of the

Republic of Peru
Republic of Peru Constitution Parliament Presidents Premier Political parties in Peru ... Elections
Communist Party of Peru is a political name used by different left-oriented organizations. Some are still active, others have disappeared and some joined the ranks of Shining Path or the MRTA According to , the oldest communist party in Peru is the Partido Comunista Peruano - Unidad , founded in , by Jos© Carlos Mari¡tegui There is another party that also considers itself the communist party of Peru: Partido Comunista del Peru Patria Roja , founded in , and is now headed by Alberto Moreno. It descends from the mainstream fraction of PCP-Bandera Roja, which, in turn, originated as a Maoist fraction within the Partido Comunista Peruano. Both PCP-Bandera Roja and PCP-Unidad are named after their traditional press organs; the name "PCP-Unidad" is an informal designation - the official name of the PCP-Unidad is simply "Partido Comunista Peruano". There was a fraction called PCP-Mayoria around 1980: its members considered that PCP-Unidad had taken a Eurocommunist turn - they preferred a more hard-line Soviet stance themselves.

28. Leonid Ilich Brezhnev
A brief biography of the late General Secretary of the communist party of the Soviet Union. His political career marked some of the most critical events of the Cold War.
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"Leonid Ilich Brezhnev"
Biography Leonid Brezhnev, b. Dec. 19, 1906, was the leader of the USSR from October 1964 until his death on Nov. 10, 1982. A native of Russified eastern Ukraine, he rose steadily in party ranks during the 1930s and in 1939 was appointed propaganda secretary of the Dnepropetrovsk regional committee. During World War II, he worked at the front as a political commissar attached to the armed forces, becoming a major general in 1944. In the postwar years Brezhnev worked under Nikita KHRUSHCHEV in Ukraine, later serving as Communist party chief in Moldavia (1950-53) and Kazakhstan (1954-56). He was elevated to the highest political body in the USSR (the Presidium, later called the Politburo) once Khrushchev's political opponents had been defeated (1957). For four years (1960-64) he served as the titular head of the USSR. After helping to oust Khrushchev in 1964, Brezhnev became first secretary (later general secretary) of the Communist party. Any suggestions for this page can be sent to ME Get your own Free Webpage

29. IV. The System Of Multi-Party Cooperation And Political Consultation
Leaders of noncommunist political parties and representative figures without All the non-communist political parties have their members holding leading
IV. The System of Multi-Party Cooperation and Political Consultation I. The essence of the multi-party cooperation and political consultation
The multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is a basic political system in China.
The system means that the CPC is the only party in power in the People's Republic of China while under the precondition of accepting the leadership of the CPC, the eight other political parties participate in the discussion and management of state affairs, in cooperation with the CPC.
Political consultation means that under the leadership of the CPC, all parties, mass organizations and representatives from all walks of life take part in consultations of the country's basic policies and important issues in political, economic, cultural and social affairs before a decision is adopted and in the discussion of major issues in the implementation of the decisions.
Political consultation takes the organizational form of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
Political consultation is the most important political and organization form of the multi-party and political consultation system.

30. AN Illustrated History Of The Communist Party Of
The communist party of China (CPC) is a great Marxist political party. It is thevanguard of the Chinese working class, and the leading core of the Chinese
A translation of Manifesto of the Communist Party was published in Shanghai. Eighth Route Army soldiers celebrating victory on the Great Wall. Mao Zedong went to Chongqing to talk with the Kuomintang government. Private handicraftsmen turned to the socialist path by way of cooperatives. Workers of the Daqing Oilfield at work. A village-level organization signing a contract with peasants. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is a great Marxist political party. It is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, and the leading core of the Chinese people of all nationalities.
Since its founding in 1921, the CPC has traveled a glorious path of struggle for the liberation of China and the happiness of the people, as well as the progressive cause of mankind ... >>Enter The Nature and Guiding Ideology
The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, and the core of leadership of the Chinese socialist cause.
After the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, the CPC became the ruling party, leading the country in its political life and social activities ...

31. Elections BC
Candidates, political Parties Constituency Associations Information, communist party of BC, communist party of BC, communist party of British
Registered Political Parties Contact Information Party Name Party Name
on Ballot Other
Names Contact Name/
Address Phone / Fax
Annexation Party of British Columbia, The Annexation B.C. Annexation B.C. R. Gordon Brosseuk
PO Box 1007
3600 248 St
Aldergrove, BC
Phone: (604) 534-5550
Fax: (604) 530-8918
Web site: BC Youth Coalition BC Youth Coalition BCYC Mike Milat 4500 Kelly Dr Delta, BC Bloc British Columbia Party, The The Bloc BC The Bloc BC Patrick Roberts South Slocan, BC V0G 2G0

32. ABM Political Parties In Belarus
Belarus has 18 political parties, 39 national trade unions, 18 confederations of The larger of them are the communist party, the Agricultural party,

33. South Africa's Political Parties -
The Independent Democrats (ID) is South Africa s newest political party, Formed in 1921, the communist party of SA was predominantly white,
Tue, 20 Sep 2005 About South Africa Culture Democracy Demographics ...
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macro-to-micro South Africa map
South Africa's political parties South Africa has a vibrant multiparty political system, with 12 parties represented in Parliament. The African National Congress is the majority party in the National Assembly and controls eight of the country's nine provinces. But opposition parties remain robust and vocal. To help you get the full political picture, here's the rundown on the history and policies of the parties represented in South Africa's Parliament. Click on the list below to jump to each party's profile, and click on the party logo to visit its website. African National Congress
(279 seats in the National Assembly, plus nine

34. Communist Party -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article
In modern usage, a communist party is a (An organization to gain political power) the (A political party that actively advocates a communist form of
Communist party
[Categories: Communist parties, Communism]
In modern usage, a Communist party is a (An organization to gain political power) political party which promotes (A political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society) Communism , a sociopolitical (The rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics) philosophy based on the particular interpretation of (The economic and political theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that hold that human actions and institutions are economically determined and that class struggle is needed to create historical change and that capitalism will untimately be superseded) Marxism put forth by (Russian founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR (1870-1924)) Vladimir Lenin . Many such parties formally use the term "Communist" in their official name. Communist Parties first started to be widely established across the world in the early (Click link for more info and facts about 20th century) 20th century , after the creation of the (Click link for more info and facts about Communist International) Communist International by the (A federation in northeastern Europe and northern Asia; formerly Soviet Russia; since 1991 an independent state)

35. Communist Party Of Vietnam -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article
communist party of Vietnam. Categories political parties in Vietnam, Nationalliberation movements, communist parties, Authoritarian political parties
Communist Party of Vietnam
[Categories: Political parties in Vietnam, National liberation movements, Communist parties, Authoritarian political parties]
The Communist Party of Vietnam ) is the only legal party in (A communist state in Indochina on the South China Sea; achieved independence from France in 1945) Vietnam . It is a (Click link for more info and facts about Marxist-Leninist) Marxist-Leninist (A political party that actively advocates a communist form of government; in Communist countries it is the sole political party of the state) Communist Party supported by (and a part of) the (Click link for more info and facts about Vietnamese Fatherland Front) Vietnamese Fatherland Front
The party was founded by (Vietnamese communist statesman who fought the Japanese in World War II and the French until 1954 and South vietnam until 1975 (1890-1969)) Ho Chi Minh and other exiles living in (A communist nation that covers a vast territory in eastern Asia; the most populous country in the world) China as the Vietnam Communist Party but soon changed its name to the Indochinese Communist Party after its founding conference held in (Formerly a Crown Colony on the coast of southern China in Guangdong province; leased by China to Britain in 1842 and returned in 1997; one of the world's leading commercial centers)

36. CPUSA Online -
communist party Statement on Karl Rove. by CPUSA political Action Commission,07/26/2005 1442. The communist party, USA calls for Karl Rove to be fired and
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fight for peace, equality, democracy and socialism Communist Party, USA Demands Full Federal Support For Katrina Victims by CPUSA National Board, 09/02/2005 21:50 Hurricane Katrina has inflicted an immense and unspeakable tragedy on the people of the Gulf Coast. The situation grows worse by the hour. The Mayor of New Orleans estimates that thousands have died and as many as 100,000 may still be trapped in the flooded city. Without food or drinkable water, time is running out for these men, women and children. The Communist Party, USA expresses its fullest sympathy and solidarity with all the people who are suffering from the effects of the hurricane, especially the infants, children and seniors, who are the most vulnerable...

37. - Tajikistan - Political Parties In Tajikistan - Communist Party Of
In the mid1980s, the communist party of Tajikistan had nearly 123000 members Since the civil war, several new political parties have functioned legally
You are here allRefer Reference Tajikistan
Tajikistan Political Parties As long as Tajikistan was a Soviet republic, political power resided in the Communist Party of Tajikistan, not in the state. Until 1991 the party was an integral part of the CPSU, subordinate to the central party leadership. In the years before independence, several opposition parties appeared with various agendas. Since the civil war, the opposition's official participation has been limited severely, although some parties remain active abroad. Communist Party of Tajikistan During the 1920s, Tajik communist party membership increased substantially. But in the following decades, the percentage of Tajik membership in the Communist Party of Tajikistan rose and fell with the cycle of purges and revitalizations. Throughout the Soviet period, however, Russians retained dominant positions. For example, the top position of party first secretary was reserved for an individual of the titular ethnic group of the republic, but the powerful position of second secretary always belonged to a Russian or a member of another European nationality. In the mid-1980s, the Communist Party of Tajikistan had nearly 123,000 members, of whom about two-thirds represented urban regions, with subordinate provincial, district, and municipal organizations in all jurisdictions. The Communist Youth League (Komsomol), which provided most of the future party members, had more than 550,000 members in 1991. The end of the Soviet era witnessed a waning of interest in party membership, however, despite the privileges and opportunities the party could offer. By 1989 many districts were losing members much faster than new members could be recruited.

38. ADEPT : Political Parties Of RM : Parties' List : Party Of Communists Of Moldova
Following the suspension of the communist party activity in August 1991, aninitiative Under the provisions of the Law on political Parties and Other
Political parties
of the Republic

of Moldova

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Political parties
Parties' List

Political Dialogue



Points of view
Press Review Elections Elections 2005 Results 1994-2003 Electoral Blocs Useful information Bibliography Links Party of Communists of Moldova See also: Program Governing bodies Statistics Participation in elections Date of establishment : October 1993 Chairman: Vladimir Voronin Address:
118 M. Dosoftei str., Chisinau Tel.: E-mail: Web: Doctrine:
Communism Newspaper:
Comunist published in Russian and Romanian Historic background
Following the suspension of the Communist Party activity in August 1991, an initiative group headed by Vladimir Voronin was established in order to fight for annulling the law stipulating the suspension of the party registration. Under the provisions of the Law on Political Parties and Other Socio-Political Organizations the Committee started collecting signatures for establish a new Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova. In October of 1993 the Party of Communists founding conference was held. At the conference 179 delegates of the Party of Communists were elected representing party organizations and committees from Chisinau, Balti, Comrat, Cahul, Soroca, Drochia, Straseni and other rayons of the republic. Also at the conference the establishment of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova was declared, the Statute was approved, and the Republican Party Soviet was elected together with other three co-chairs, one of them being Vladimir Voronin. A call was issued during the conference to all interested persons to join the party. Following the conference, the Party Republican Soviet started forming party structures.

39. Canada Election 2004 Voter Guide: Political Parties - Communist Party Of Canada
The party The communist party of Canada (MarxistLeninist) is registered with The party takes the stand that Canada s other communist party is
LINKS TO MONDO POLITICO: Home Discussion Election Sites Library ... Parties
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News Polls Election 2000 Results ... Discussion
Political Parties Jump to Party Descriptions:
Abolitionist Canadian Action Christian Heritage
Leader: Sandra L. Smith (the widow of the party founder and long-time leader, Hardial Bains Web Site: Platform: Party Program Candidates: Read the list of nominated candidates here . As of May 27, 2004, the party had candidates named for approximately 25% of Canada's ridings. The Party: The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is registered with Elections Canada by the name "Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada" only so as to avoid confusion with the other

40. Canada Election 2004 Voter Guide: Political Parties - Communist Party Of Canada
The party platform says that the aim of the communist party of Canada is It tramples on the political right of the Canadian people to exercise any
LINKS TO MONDO POLITICO: Home Discussion Election Sites Library ... Parties
Voter Guide

News Polls Election 2000 Results ... Discussion
Political Parties Jump to Party Descriptions:
Abolitionist Canadian Action Christian Heritage
Leader: Miguel Figueroa Web Site: Platform: Election 2004 Platform . The party's extensive Program (which explains the party's ideology and goals) is also available online. Candidates: The party's list of candidates is here. As of May 27, 2004, the party had nominated candidates in almost 10% of Canada's ridings. The Party: The Communist Party of Canada ("CPC") web site says that the CPC was formed in 1921. The party platform says that the "...aim of the Communist Party of Canada is to establish a socialist and, ultimately, a communist society in Canada."

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