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21. The Great Leap Forward Account of the benefits to the communist party, and to the political establishment of the country of the events of the late 1950's. http://www.mtholyoke.edu/courses/sgabriel/economics/china-essays/4.html | |
22. Political Resources On The Net - Germany I (Parties) Index of german political sites available on the Internet, with links to Parties, Deutsche Kommunistische Partei DKP German communist party http://www.politicalresources.net/germany.htm | |
23. Kurdistan Organization Of The Communist Party Of Iran - Komala Includes information about the party's political background and program, tactics and political struggle. The site also features articles and press releases about the Kurds and Kurdistan. http://www.cpiran.org/ | |
24. Political Resources On The Net - Belgium I (Parties) political Parties Youth Organizations in Belgium by Ben den Butter Fédération du Centre du Parti communiste (Belgique) communist party http://www.politicalresources.net/belgium.htm | |
25. Communist Party: Information From Answers.com communist party, in Russia and the Soviet Union, political party that until 1991exercised all effective power within the Soviet Union, and, as the. http://www.answers.com/topic/communist-party-3 | |
26. Charlotte Despard Abstract Born in Ripple, Kent, in 1844. In 1874 her first novel, Chaste as Ice, Pure as Snow was published. During the next sixteen years she wrote ten novels. She became a member of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) and in 1906 joined the Women's Social and political Union (WSPU). In 1930 she visited the Soviet Union and impressed with what she saw she joined the communist party and became secretary of the Friends of Soviet Russia organization. She died in Ireland in 1939. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/Wdespard.htm | |
27. Communist Party Of Peru: Information From Answers.com communist party of Peru Politics of the Republic of Peru Republic of PeruConstitution Parliament Presidents - Premier political parties in Peru - http://www.answers.com/topic/communist-party-of-peru | |
28. Leonid Ilich Brezhnev A brief biography of the late General Secretary of the communist party of the Soviet Union. His political career marked some of the most critical events of the Cold War. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/7477/brezhnev.htm | |
29. IV. The System Of Multi-Party Cooperation And Political Consultation Leaders of noncommunist political parties and representative figures without All the non-communist political parties have their members holding leading http://www.china.org.cn/english/Political/29034.htm | |
30. AN Illustrated History Of The Communist Party Of China-china.org.cn The communist party of China (CPC) is a great Marxist political party. It is thevanguard of the Chinese working class, and the leading core of the Chinese http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/45954.htm | |
31. Elections BC Candidates, political Parties Constituency Associations Information, communist party of BC, communist party of BC, communist party of British http://www.elections.bc.ca/reg/polpartiesreg.htm | |
32. ABM Political Parties In Belarus Belarus has 18 political parties, 39 national trade unions, 18 confederations of The larger of them are the communist party, the Agricultural party, http://www.belarus-misc.org/bel-pol.htm |
33. South Africa's Political Parties - SouthAfrica.info The Independent Democrats (ID) is South Africa s newest political party, Formed in 1921, the communist party of SA was predominantly white, http://www.safrica.info/ess_info/sa_glance/constitution/polparties.htm | |
34. Communist Party -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article In modern usage, a communist party is a (An organization to gain political power) the (A political party that actively advocates a communist form of http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/c/co/communist_party.htm | |
35. Communist Party Of Vietnam -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article communist party of Vietnam. Categories political parties in Vietnam, Nationalliberation movements, communist parties, Authoritarian political parties http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/c/co/communist_party_of_vietnam.ht | |
36. CPUSA Online - communist party Statement on Karl Rove. by CPUSA political Action Commission,07/26/2005 1442. The communist party, USA calls for Karl Rove to be fired and http://www.cpusa.org/ | |
37. AllRefer.com - Tajikistan - Political Parties In Tajikistan - Communist Party Of In the mid1980s, the communist party of Tajikistan had nearly 123000 members Since the civil war, several new political parties have functioned legally http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/tajikistan/tajikistan55.html | |
38. ADEPT : Political Parties Of RM : Parties' List : Party Of Communists Of Moldova Following the suspension of the communist party activity in August 1991, aninitiative Under the provisions of the Law on political Parties and Other http://www.parties.e-democracy.md/en/parties/pcrm/ | |
39. Canada Election 2004 Voter Guide: Political Parties - Communist Party Of Canada The party The communist party of Canada (MarxistLeninist) is registered with The party takes the stand that Canada s other communist party is http://www.mondopolitico.com/elections/canada2004/parties/marxist.htm | |
40. Canada Election 2004 Voter Guide: Political Parties - Communist Party Of Canada The party platform says that the aim of the communist party of Canada is It tramples on the political right of the Canadian people to exercise any http://www.mondopolitico.com/elections/canada2004/parties/communist.htm | |
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