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81. Internet Resources For Electrical And Computer Engineering A collection of websites offering computer related acronyms intended to improveunderstanding of the computer and Communication Standards Documentation http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/ee/internet.htm | |
82. Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification And Communication Through Shared Metad computer Mediated Communication LIS590CMC acronyms present another area ofpotential ambiguity that are often dealt with effectively in controlled http://www.adammathes.com/academic/computer-mediated-communication/folksonomies. | |
83. Acronyms For HP Users General computer acronyms. Text version ICCM, =, Interclient CommunicationsConventions Manual, for X-clients. IMHO, =, In My Humble Opinion http://www.robelle.com/library/smugbook/acronym.html | |
84. Abbreviations And Acronyms Abbreviations and acronyms. There are a large number of abbreviations used in Licensing Agency (UK) CMC computer Mediated Communication CMI computer http://www.elec.gla.ac.uk/TILT/abbrevs.html | |
85. Netz2K GbR ODP Webverzeichnis Acronym Arsenal computer and communication acronyms » Acronym Attic - Over 2million definitions for acronyms and abbreviations. Not human edited. http://www.netz2k.de/odp/index.php/Reference/Dictionaries/Acronyms/ | |
86. The Guru Of 3D computerRelated Abbreviations and acronyms 1/21/2003 Concurrency and RecoveryCCS Common Communication Support CCTA Central computer and http://www.guru3d.com/faq.php?cat=review&id=3 |
87. KHR's List Of Computer-Related Abbreviations And Acronyms A comprehensive list of computerrelated abbreviations and acronyms with more and Recovery CCS Common Communication Support CCTA Central computer and http://web.bilkent.edu.tr/Search/Lookup/ab.htm | |
88. Old Directory Acronyms In the meantime there will be a period where the old acronyms will still bepresent and they are CSTDS computer STUDIES; CSTUD - COMMUNICATION STUDIES http://web.apu.ac.uk/anet/directory/acronym.phtml | |
89. Acronyms CACM, communications of the Association for Computing Machinery It is acomputer program allowing users to explore and help create an online http://www.rand.org/publications/MR/MR650/acros.html | |
90. Www.phrack.org File 22 of 27 {acronyms Part II} D Data D Default supervision D Digits D FEC Forward error correction FECC Front end communication computer FED Far http://www.phrack.org/show.php?p=43&a=22 |
91. AFHAS* Collected By Paul Heckbert *Acronyms Frequently Heard Heckbert *acronyms Frequently Heard Around SCS+ +SCS = School of computer Science, a communication standard for computer networks TCP/IP = Transport http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~ph/acronym |
92. Maag Library How To Find Information On Telecommunications Telecommunications includes all human communication that is transmitted through Glossary Of Telecommunications And computer acronyms, Terms and Jargon http://www.maag.ysu.edu/guides/telecom.html | |
93. Glossary And Acronyms European Commission Information Society Website glossary and acronyms. The world s largest computer communication system, with an estimated 100million http://europa.eu.int/ISPO/infocentre/glossary/i_glossary.html | |
94. Dictionary Of PC Hardware And Communication Terms - Book Review Ian Wilks of Mitchell Shnier s Dictionary of PC Hardware and CommunicationTerms . Dictionary of computer Terms Click for details and orders at http://www.mantex.co.uk/reviews/shnier.htm | |
95. How To Understand Acronyms acronyms are the Internet s easyto-learn shorthand that works like a simple Everybody loves communication that is short, concise, and to the point. http://www.aarp.org/learntech/computers/howto/a2002-07-15-acronyms.html | |
96. Resources acronyms. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Personal ComputerMemory Card International Association http://www.nsa.gov/ia/acronyms.cfm?MenuID=10 |
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