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61. Computer Software And Computers - The Best Resources Are On CompInfo THE resources for computer software and computers for corporate users with extensive computer Background. computer acronyms computer Bibliography http://www.compinfo-center.com/ | |
62. Computer Acronyms A comprehensive listing of hundreds of computer related acronyms. In electroniccommunication or online documents, acronyms are used as writing http://www.5starsupport.com/acronym/c.htm | |
63. Glossary Of Acronyms Glossary of acronyms. and Development IROC Intrusion Resistant OpticalCommunications JOVIAL computer programming language LACE LowPowered Atmospheric http://www.rl.af.mil/History/Glossary.html | |
64. Glossary Of Internet Terminology - Computer Acronyms computer acronyms. Ever get confused about the Alphabet Soup of computer terminology? CCS Common Communication Support; CCTA Central computer and http://www.sidetrips.com/support/glossary_acronyms.asp | |
65. Technology Customer Services You will find much more complete computer acronym and terms resources, CATS Technology and communications Services - the division of UTD IR http://www.utdallas.edu/ir/tcs/techsupp/computer_acronyms.htm | |
66. Blue Water Systems - Acronyms And Terms List of computer Related acronyms and Terms. Control System + * Advancedcomputer System IBM + Anti Curl System + Asynchronous Communication Server http://www.bluewatersystems.com/ | |
67. NASA Acronyms - C Acronyms - Control And Display Unit To Communications Control Here s your chance to find out what those NASA acronyms stand for. CIUCommunication interface unit CIU computer Interface Unit http://space.about.com/library/weekly/blacroc.htm | |
68. NASA Acronyms - C Acronyms - Control And Display Unit To Communications Control Here s your chance to find out what those NASA acronyms stand for. From Controland Display CCS Console Communication System CCS computer Core Segment http://space.about.com/library/acronyms/blacroc.htm | |
69. Personal Open Directory Acronym Arsenal computer and communication acronyms; Acronym Attic - Over The Ultimate computer acronyms Archive (TUCAA) - A collection of over 10000 http://www.speechville.com/cgi-bin/pod/pod.cgi?dir=/Reference/Dictionaries/Acron |
70. IA Acronyms C4 Command, Control, communications, and Computers C4ISR - Command, Control,communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance http://iase.disa.mil/acronym.html | |
71. Computing Acronyms A list of some of the acronyms used in BITs and the EUCS Web site, Informationand communications Technology; International Computers and Tabulators http://www.ucs.ed.ac.uk/ucsinfo/acronyms.html | |
72. ADM-HEA acronyms for Art, Design Media, Learning Teaching in HE CAL ComputerAssisted Learning. C IT communications and Information Technology http://www.brighton.ac.uk/adm-hea/resources-Acronymlst.html | |
73. Computer Abbreviations And Acronyms computer Abbreviations and acronyms + Complement Carry Flag + computerMediatedCommunication Internet. CMD, Circuit Mode Data . http://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/faq/acronyms.html | |
74. CHAPTER 11 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS Air Operations Center (AOC) Standard Operating P GLOSSARY OF acronyms. AAA Anti-Aircraft Artillery C4I - Command, Control,communications, Computers, and Intelligence http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/usaf/docs/aoc12af/part11.htm | |
75. ASTER Glossary Of Learning Technology Acronyms Glossary of learning technology acronyms and terms CMC computer-MediatedCommunication, including email, discussion lists, bulletin boards, chat, http://cti-psy.york.ac.uk/aster/resources/tools/glossary.html | |
76. Dictionary Of Acronyms CAICCI computer Associates Integrated Common Communication Interface CAL computerAided Logistics CAL Customer Access Line CALS computeraided Acquisition http://www.xs4all.nl/~jrme/indexc.htm |
77. CSR Acronym Definitions A-D communications Standards Review telecommunications acronyms. CSPP, ComputerSystem Policy Project. CSR, communications Standards Review http://www.csrstds.com/acro-a-d.html | |
78. Glossary Of Radio Communications CIV - Radio computer interface made by Icom REACT - Radio Emergency AssociatedCommunications Teams TLA - Three Letter Acronym. TLK - Talk http://www.grove-ent.com/mtglossary.html | |
79. V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity Of Relevant Acronyms VERA Virtual Entity of Relevant acronyms BCC Base communicationscomputerCenter (mil., USA). BCC Blind Carbon Copy (telecommunication) http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/vera/vera_3.html | |
80. V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity Of Relevant Acronyms VERA Virtual Entity of Relevant acronyms CCCA Campus computer CommunicationAssociation (org., USA). CCCH Common Control CHannel (GSM, http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/vera/vera_4.html | |
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