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         Communications Computer Acronyms:     more books (15)
  1. Computer and Telecommunications Acronyms (Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary Subject Guide Series, Vol 1) by Julie E. Towell, 1986-10
  2. Acronyms and Abbreviations of Computer Technology and Telecommunications by Tavaglione, 1992-10-30
  3. Dictionary of Computer and Telecommunications Acronyms (Wynwood Lexicon Series)
  4. International Directory of Abbreviations, and Acronyms of Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Technology and Information Processing by Peter Wennrich, 1991-07
  5. Osi Standards and Acronyms by A. Stokes, 1992-01
  6. Information Technology Encyclopedia and Acronyms by Ejub Kajan, 2002-08-05
  7. Dictionary of Acronyms and Technical Abbreviations by Jakob Vlietstra, 2001-03-26
  8. The Osi Dictionary of Acronyms: And Related Abbreviations by Wendy E. Brown, Colin Macleod Simpson, 1992-09
  9. Dictionary of Internetworking Terms and Acronyms (Cisco Press Core Series) by Inc. Cisco Systems, 2001-02-12
  10. The Dictionary of Computing & Digital Media: Terms & Acronyms by Brad Hansen, 1999-05
  11. Comprehensive Networking Glossary and Acronym Guide by Gary Scott Malkin, 1994-08
  12. Alphabet Soup: Data Comm & Networking Acronyms and Their Meanings by Julie R. Weiss, 1993-06
  13. Net Talk by Nancy Tamosaitis, 1994-11
  14. Wan2Tlk?: Ltl Bk of Txt Msgs

41. IEEE Communications Society - Acronyms
ICCC, International Conference on computer communications INFOCOM,Joint Conference of the IEEE computer and communications Societies
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Quick reference guide
For quick reference, we have included a table of the most common acronyms found within this web site. AdCom Administrative Committee AEROCOM Aeronautical Communications Symposium AES Aerospace and Electronics Systems Group AIEE American Institute of Electrical Engineers ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPANET ARPA Network American Telephone and Telegraph BBN Bolt Beranek and Newman Corporation CERN Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Comsat Communications Satellite Corporation ComSoc Communications Society ComTech Group on Communications Technology FCC Federal Communications Commission GLOBECOM IEEE Global Communications Conference ICC IEEE International Conference on Communications ICCC International Conference on Computer Communications IMPs interface message processors INFOCOM Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies Intelsat IP Internet Protocol IPTO Information Processing Techniques Office

42. DT Media Ltd - Acronyms - C
specialises in the production of high quality computer based training solutions, C4, Command, Control, communications and computers. CA, Counter Air
Military Acronyms - C ACRONYMS A B C ... N° C Capacitor C C is the symbol used for the speed of light (3 x 10 metres per second) C Degrees Centigrade C² Command and Control C³ Command, Control and Communications C³CM Command, Control and Communications Countermeasures C Command, Control, Communications and Computers CA Counter Air CAD Computer Aided Design CADF Commutated Aerial Direction Finding CAI Computer Aided Instruction CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing CAMPS Computer Aided Message Processing Controls and Displays CAP Combat Air Patrol CAP Contractor-Acquired Property CAP Consolidated Aerial Post CAP Capacitor CAS Close Air Support CAS Contract Administrative Services CAS Cost Accounting Standards CAS Crisis Action System CBI Computer Based Instruction CBT Computer Based Training CBU Cluster Bomb Unit CC Chief Controller CC Command and Control CC Configuration Change CCB Configuration Control Board CCD Charge Coupled Devices Camouflage, Concealment and Deception

43. Test And Evaluation Acronyms, Abbreviations, And Definitions With Personal Compu
Establishes policy for acquiring and supporting computer equipment and programs Automatic gain control amplifiers are often used in a communications
Test and Evaluation Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Definitions with Personal Compu ter (PC) Annex

acronyms AND ABBREVIATIONS. 2D Two Dimensional (length/width) 21 CLW 21st Control, communications, computers and Intelligence CAD computer-Aided Design

45. RASSP Acronyms List A - Z
CS, Lockheed Martin communications Systems. CSCI, computer Software ConfigurationItems. CSEDS, Aegis System Evaluation Center, Moorestown, NJ
RASSP Acronyms List A B C D ... Y A
    A/D Analog to Digital AAW Anti-Air Warfare ABBET A Broad Based Environment for Test ABIST Automatic Built-In Self Test ACL Application Configuration Language ACTD Advanced Conept Technology Demonstration ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed ADA/C Programming Language ADI Analog Devices, Inc. ADI Applied Dynamics International ADP Automatic Document Processing ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation ADVT Architecture Definition/Visualization Tool AEP Application-Environment Profile AFAL Air Force Avionics Laboratory AFB Air Force Base AFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network AIM Application Interpreted Model AIRST Advanced Infrared Search and Track ALC Ascent Logic Corporation ALFS Airborne Low Frequency Sonar Affordable Multi-Missile Manufacturing AMD Advanced Micro Devices AMPLE Advanced Multi-Purpose Language ANSI American National Standards Institute AP Application Protocol API Application Program Interface APU HPSC Module w/Myrinet ARDM(S( Advanced Reuse Data Management (System) ARL Army Research Lab ARM Application Reference Model ASEM Application-Specific Electronic Module ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit ASSET Advanced Support System for Emulation and Test AST Architecture Selection Toolset ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare ATAG ABBET Technical Advisory Group ATD Advanced Technology Demonstration ATE Automatic Test Equipment ATL LM/Advanced Technology Laboratories ATM Automatic Test Methods ATPG Automatic Test Pattern Generation

46. International Development Institute's Networking Acronyms
IDI s Extensive List of computer Related acronyms with their Definitions From DThrough H. New CCIA = computer and communications Industry Association

47. LII - Results For "computers Dictionaries"
Searchable, and browsable by category, including communications, computer Abbreviations and acronyms pertaining to personal computers, multimedia,;query=Computers Dictionaries;subs

48. Acronyms Of Computer Science And Communications: A Comprehensive Acronym Diction
acronyms Of computer Science And communications A Comprehensive Acronym DictionaryAnd Illustrated Encyclopedia Author Kajan, Enjob; Author Kajan, Ejub.

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49. International Relations And Security Network ISN - Acronyms And Abbreviations
A database of acronyms and abbreviations relevant to the fields of international Portable computer communications Association, Parallel Concatenated

50. International Relations And Security Network ISN - Acronyms And Abbreviations
A database of acronyms and abbreviations relevant to the fields of international Control, communications and computer Systems Requirements (Navy)

51. V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity Of Relevant Acronyms - B
BCI Brain computer Interface; BCN Backbone Concentrator Node (Wellfleet) BELLCORE BELL communications REsearch (org., USA), Bellcore
Go to the first previous next last section, table of contents
B -
Binary 8 Zero Suppression [encoding] (ISDN, T1)
Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (BAP, RFC 2125)
Broken As Designed (slang)
Bayerische Akademie Der Wissenschaften (org.)
Bay Area GNU Enthusiasts League (GNU, org., user group)
Basic Access Interface (ISDN)
BALanced-UNbalanced [adapter] (cable), "Balun"
Bidirectional Associative Memory (neural nets)
Bundesanstalt fuer Materialpruefung (org., Berlin, Germany)
[PPP] Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (PPP, RFC 2125, BACP)
[PPP] Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (PPP, BAP, RFC 2125)
Business Application Performance COrporation (org., Compaq, Dell, HP, IBM, MS, Lotus, Intel, ...), "BAPCo"
Business Application Programmer's Interface (SAP, R/3, API)
BundesAmt fuer Post und Telefon (org.)
Base Address Register
Bay Area Regional Research NETwork (network), "BARRNet"
Basic Application RunTime (OS/2, IBM)
Bay Area Research Wireless Access Network (network, USA)

52. V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity Of Relevant Acronyms - C
CGARI Graphics communications Association Research Institute (org., CGA); CGDCcomputer ( CIFS Common Internet File System; CIL computer Integration
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C -
Commodore 128 [computer] (Commodore)
Command and Control Information Systems (mil., USA)
Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (mil., USA)
Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Information Systems (mil., USA), "C3I/IS"
Command, Control, Communications and Computers (mil., USA)
Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (mil., USA)
Commodore 64 [computer] (Commodore)
Cell Arrival (ATM)
Certification Authority (cryptography)
Computer Animation
Computer Associates (manufacturer)
Computer Aided Architectural Design
Carrier Access Billing System
Computer Aided Business Simulation
Computer Aided Crime
Connection Admission Control (UNI, ATM)
Computer-Assisted Circuit Engineering and Allocating System
Community Automated Counter-Terrorism Intelligence System (mil., USA)
Computer Aided Dispatch / Drafting
Computer Aided Design (CIM)
Computer Aided Document Engineering (Microstar)
Computer-Assisted Display System
Client Application Enabler (IBM, DB)

53. NCAR, UCAR, UOP News Center - Acronym List
Acronym List. • communications Staff. • Internal Services. • Style Guide This list decodes the full names of instruments, computer models,
News Releases Feature Story People Spotlight Today@UCAR ... advanced
Acronym List
A B C D ... Z This list decodes the full names of instruments, computer models, field programs, and other acronyms encountered frequently in the atmospheric and related sciences. It is updated regularly. Please send any revisions or additions to Yvonne Mondragon , 303-497-8601, fax: 8610.
Photo by Carlye Calvin. Top Home Organization Research ... Sponsored by

54. Appendix F
APPENDIX F. acronyms AND ABBREVIATIONS Command, Control, communications,computer and Information. CARDS. Comprehensive Aerological Reference Data Set
APPENDIX F ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABCS Army Battle Command System (Army) AC Active Component (DOD) ACARS ARINC Communication Addressing and Reporting System ACE Aviation Combat Element (USMC) ACFP Advanced Computer Flight Plan (AF) ACP Atmospheric Chemistry Program (DOE) ACRIM Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (NASA) ACU Acquisition Control Unit ADAS AWOS/ASOS Data Acquisition System (FAA) ADEOS Advanced Earth Observing System (Japan) ADFC Altimetry Data Fusion Center (Navy) ADLP Aeronautical Data Link Program (FAA) ADWS Automatic Digital Weather Switch (AF) AF Air Force (USAF) AFB Air Force Base AFCCC Air Force Combat Climatology Center AFGWC Air Force Global Weather Center AFOS Automation of Field Operations and Services (NOAA/NWS) AFSS Automated Flight Service Station (FAA) AGFS Aviation Gridded Forecast System (FAA) AIP Airport Improvement Program (FAA) AIRS Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (NASA) AL Aeronomy Laboratory (NOAA/ERL) ALDARS Automated Lightning Detection and Reporting System (DOI) ALDS Automatic Lightning Detection System (DOI) AMA AWIS Meteorological Applications (OFCM) AMC Army Materiel Command (Army) AMDAR Automatic Meteorological Data and Reporting AMOS Automated Meteorological Observing System AMSR Advanced Microwave Scanner Radiation (NASA) AMSS Automatic Meteorological Sensors System (Army) AMSU Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit AMU Applied Meteorology Unit (NASA) ANC Air Navigation Commission (ICAO) ANG Air National Guard AOC Aircraft Operations Center (NOAA) AOML Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (NOAA/ERL)

55. AvScholars - Aviation Acronyms And Abbreviations
the list above to jump to appropriate section of the acronyms and abbreviation . CMC Central Maintenance computer. CNS communications Navigations and
FREE counter and Web statistics from Aviation Acronyms and Abbreviations
A B C D ... Z
Select the first letter of the word from the list above to jump to appropriate section of the acronyms and abbreviation. All trademarks or product names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
- A -
A Autotuned NAVAID A At or Above (constrained altitude) AA American AAATS Australian Advanced Air Traffic Services AAC Aeronautical Administration Communication (a class of communication which supports administrative communication) AAS Advanced Automation System (the end systems for all FAA air traffic control, located at the ARTCCs) AATT Advanced Aviation Transportation Technology ABM Abeam A/C Aircraft AC Air Canada ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACARS ARINC communications and address reporting system (digital communications system used primarily for aircraft-to-airline messages) ACARS MU ACARS Management Unit ACAS Airborne Collision and Avoidance System ACF Area Control Facility ACFS Advanced Concepts Flight Simulator (a generic "glass cockpit") ACK Acknowledge ACMS Aircraft Condition Monitoring System ACT Active ADC Air Data Computer

Best guess Highspeed communications technology, Adobe Type Manager, or cashdispenser Best guess People Can t Memorize computer Industry acronyms
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20 Worst Acronyms
Sept ember 1995 20th Anniversary / 20 Worst Acronyms
A survey reveals the alphabetic combinations BYTE readers dread most. By far the most disliked is PCMCIA.
ATM Best guess: High-speed communications technology, Adobe Type Manager, or cash dispenser Give up? Asynchronous transfer mode BLOB Best guess: Cheesy sci-fi monster Give up? Binary large objects CORBA Best guess: Rikki Tikki Tavi's serpentine nemesis, spelled sideways Give up? Common Object Request Broker Architecture CSMA/CD Best guess: Befuddlement Give up?

57. List Of Acronyms If You Think, We Are Missing
List of acronyms If you think, we are missing your ECPA Electronic communications Privacy Act EDS-CEN - EDS computer Emergency
List of Acronyms If you think, we are missing your favorite acronym, or know of a similar compilation, please send e-mail to - AAL - ATM Adaptation Layer ABM - Asynchronous Balanced Mode ABP - Alternating Bit Protocol ACM - Association for Computing Machinery ACS - Access Control Store ACSE - Association Control Service Element ACTS - Advanced Communications Technology Satellite AE - Application Entity AFCERT - Air Force Computer Emergency Response Team AFI - Authority and Formal Identifier ANDOS - All of Nothing Disclosure Of Secrets ANSI - American National Standards Institute AP - Application Process APDU - Application Protocol Data Unit ARP - Address Resolution Protocol ARPA - Advanced Research Projects Agency ARQ - Automatic Repeat Request ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASIS - American Society for Industrial Security ASN.1 - Abstract Syntax Notation One ASSIST - Automated Systems Security Incident Support Team ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode BER - Bit Error Rate BIND - Berkeley Internet Name Domain BIPS - Billions of Instructions Per Second BISDN - Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network BISYNC - Binary SYNchronous Communication BITNET - Because It's Time NETwork BOOTP - BOOTstrap Protocol CA - Certification Authority CAI - Certificate Administrator Interface CASE - Common Application Service Element CASE - Computer Aided Software Engineering CATV - CAble TeleVision CBC - Cipher Block Chaining CBCPD - Cipher Block Chaining of Plaintext Difference CBW - Crypt Breakers Workbench CCIRN - Coordinating Committee on International Telephony and Telegraphy CCITT - Committee Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique CCR - Commitment, Concurrency, and Recovery CCS - Common Channel Signalling CERCUS - Computer Emergency Response Committee for Unclassified Systems CERIAS - Center for Education and Reseach in Information Assurance and Security CFB - Cipher FeedBack mode CIAC - Computer Incident Advisory Capability CLNP - ConnectionLess Network Protocol CMIP - Common Management Information Protocol CMIS - Common Management Information Service CMOT - Common Management Over TCP/IP COAST - Computer Operations, Audit, and Security Tools CONS - Connection Oriented Network Protocl CORES - Apple COmputer REsponse Squad CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Code CREN - Consortium for Research and Education Network CRL - Certificate Revocation List CSI - Computer Security Institute CSMA-CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access - Collision Detection CSNET - Computer Science NETwork CWS - Sun Microsystem's Customer Warning System DAC - Data Authentication Code DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DCA - Defense Communication Agency DCE - Data Circuit-terminating Equipment DDCMP - Digital Data Communication Message Protocol DDN - Defense Data Network DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation DEK - Data Encryption Key DES - Data Encryption Standard DFN-CERT - Deutsches Forschungsnetz - Computer Emergency Response Team DIB - Directory Information Base DIC - Data Integrity Check DIS - Draft International Standard DIT - Directory Information Tree DLE - Data Link Escape DMD - Directory Management Domain DMM - Data Mark Machine DMS - Defense Messaging System DNS - Domain Name System DOD - Department of Defense DP - Draft Proposal DQDB - Distributed Queue Dual Bus DS - Directory Service DSAB - Distributed Systems Architecture Board DTE - Data Terminal Equipment DUA - Directory User Agent EARN - European Academic Research Network ECHO - ECHO protocol ECPA - Electronic Communications Privacy Act EDS-CEN - EDS Computer Emergency Network EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation EGP - Exterior Gateway Protocol EIA - Electronics Industry Association EKE - Encrypted Key Exchange EWOS - European Workshop on Open Systems FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions FARNET - Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology FCC - Federal Communications Commission FCFS - First Come First Serve FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface FDM - Frequency-Division Multiplexing FIFO - First In First Out FILO - First In Last Out FIRST - Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams FRICC - Federal Research CInternet Coordinating Committee FSM - Finite State Machine FTAM - File Transfer, Access, and Management FTP - File Transfer Protocol FYI - For Your Information GA - Genetic Algorithm Gb - Gigabit GF - Galois Field GGP - Gateway to Gateway Protocol GID - Group ID GOSIP - Government OSI Profile HDLC - High-Level Data Link Control HIPPI - High-Performance Parallel Interface HMP - Host Monitoring Protocol IAB - Internet Activities Board IACR - International Association of Cryptographic Research IBM - International Business Machines ICCB - Internet Control and Configuration Board ICI - Interface Control Information ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol ID - Intrusion Detection IDEA - International Data Encryption Algorithm IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEN - Internet Engineering Notes IESG - Internet Engineering Steering Group IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force IGP - Interior Gateway Protocol IMP - Interface Message Processor INOC - Internet Network Operations Center IP - Internet Protocol IPES - Improved Proposed Encryption Standard IPRA - Internet PCA Registration Authority IRSG - Internet Research Steering Group IRTF - Internet Research Task Force IS - International Standard ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network ISO - International Organization for Standardization ISODE - ISO Development Environment ITSEC - Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria ITU - International Telecommunications Union JTM - Job Transfer and Manipulation LAN - Local Area Network LAP - Link Access Procedure LAPA - Link Access Protocol A LAPB - Link Access Protocol B LED - Light-Emitting Diode LEF - Law Enforcement Field LIFO - Last In First Out LILO - Last In Last Out LKM - Local Key Manager LLC - Logical Link Control MAC - Medium Access Control MAC - Message Authentication Code MAN - Metropolitan Area Network MAP - Manufacturing and Automation Protocols Mb/s - Megabits per second MCERT - Motorola Computer Emergency Response Team MD - Message Digest MDC - Manipulation Detection Code MDC - Message Digest Cipher MHP - Mobile Host Protocol MHS - Message Handling Service MIB - Management Information BASE MIC - Message Integrity Check MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface MILNET - MILitary NETwork MIPS - Millions of Instructions Per Second MMB - Modular Multiplication-based Block cipher MMS - Manufacturing Message Service MSP - Message Security Protocol MTA - Message Transfer Agent MTS - Message Transfer System NAVCIRT - Naval Computer Incident Response Team NCSC - National Computer Security Center NETBIOS - NETwork Basic Input Output System NETBLT - NETwork BLock Transfer NFS - Network File System NIC - Network Information Center NIS - Network Information System NISDN - Narrowband Integrated Services Digital Network NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology NNI - Network Network Interface NOC - Network Operations Center NREN - National Education and Research Network NSA - National Security Agency NSF - National Science Foundation NSFNET - NSF NETwork NSI - Nasa Science Internet NSN - NASA Science Network NTT - Nippon Telephone and Telegraph OC - Optical Carrier OFB - Output FeedBack OSF - Open Software Foundation OSI - Open Systems Interconnection PAD - Packet Assembler Disassembler PARC - Palo Alto Research Center PCA - Policy-level Certification Authority PCBC - Propagating Cipher Block Chaining PCERT - Purdue Computer Emergency Response Team PCM - Pulse Code Modulation PDN - Public Data Network PDU - Protocol Data Unit PEM - Privacy Enhanced Mail PES - Proposed Encryption Standard PGP - Pretty Good Privacy PID - Process IDentification PIN - Personal Identification Number PIN - Positive Intrinsic Negative Diode PING - Packet InterNet Groper PPP - Point to Point Protocol PSN - Packet Switching Node PU - Purdue University PUP - Parc Universal Packet QOS - Quality Of Service RACE - Research and development in Advanced Communication technologies in Europe RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks RARP - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol RDP - Reliable Datagram Protocol RFC - Request for Comments RIP - Routing Information Protocol RIPEM - Riorden Privacy Enhanced Mail RJE - Remote Job Entry ROSE - Remote Operations Service Element RPC - Remote Procedure Call RSA - Rivest, Shamir, Adleman - public key encryption scheme RSADI - RSA Data security, Inc. RTT - Round Trip Time SACK - Selective ACKnowledgment SAP - Service Access Point SAP - Service Access Point SAR - Segmentation And Reassembly SDC - Systems Development Corporation SDH - Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SDLC - Synchronous Data Link Control SDLC - Synchronous Data Link Control SDU - Service Data Unit SERT - Security Emergency Response Team SGMP - Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol SHA - Secure Hashing Algorithm SKID - Secret-Key IDentification protocol SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNA - Systems Network Architecture SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol SONET - Synchronous Optical Network SPAN - Space Physics Analysis Network SRI - Stanford Research Institute SRP - Selective Repeat Protocol SSRT - Software Security Response Team STM - Synchronous Transfer Mode STS - Synchronous Transfer Signal SYN - SYNchronizing segment TAC - Terminal Access Controller TCP - Transmission Control Protocol TDM - Time Division Multiplexing TDMA - Time Division Multiple Access TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol TGS - Ticket Granting Server TGS - Ticket Granting Service TGT - Ticket Granting Ticket TIS - Trusted Information Systems TOP - Technical and Office Protocol TTL - Time To Live UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter UCBCAST - University of California at Berkeley broadCAST UCERT - Unisys Computer Emergency Response Team UDP - User Datagram Protocol UID - User ID UNI - User Network Interface UUCP - Unix to Unix Copy Program VCI - Virtual Circuit Identifier VMTP - Versatile Message Transaction Protocol VPI - Virtual Path Identifier VT - Virtual Terminal WAN - Wide Area Network WCERT - Westinghouse Computer Emergency Response Team WDM - Wavelength Division multiplexing WG - Working Group X - X-window system XDR - eXternal Data Representation XNS - Xerox Network Standard

58. The Tower Of Babel
BIN Binary (file name extension) BINAC * Binary Automatic computer BIOS Basic DAT Data (file name extension) DATACOM Data communications dB Decibel DB
DR.BOND, UART a DIP. Return to Computing Facilities Page
Return to Neurophysiology Home Page
This page last modified on : Nov. 1, 1995

59. Romulus 2 : Computer UK - Computer Acronyms
The world of computers is full of acronyms, and even the most knowledgeablecomputer expert ECP, Enhanced Communication Port. EDO, Extended Data Out
x You are here: Home Guides Computer Acronyms
Computer Acronyms
Andrew Albrighton The world of computers is full of acronyms, and even the most knowledgeable computer expert couldn't possibly know them all. Below is a list of acronyms that should come in useful. Note: The colloquial acronyms used in Internet shorthand are listed here
Acronyms A I B I C I D I E I F I G I H I I I J I K I L I M I N O I P I Q I R I S I T I U I V I W I X I Y I Z Acronym Meaning Third Generation Language ABR Available Bit Rate Service ACR Actual Cell Rate ACTS Advanced Communication Technology Satellite ADC Analogue to Digital Converter ADCCP Advanced Communication Control Procedure ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line AGP Advanced Graphics Port AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone System ANSI American National Standards Institute AOL America On-Line ARP Address Resolution Protocol ARQ Automatic Repeat Request ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ATAPI Advanced Technology Attachment Programmed Interface ATM Asynchronus Transfer Mode AVI Audio/Video Interleaved BBS Bulletin Board Service BGP Border Gateway Protocol B-ISDN Broadband ISDN BOC Bell Operating Company BUS Broadcast / Unknown Server CBR Constant Bit Rate Services CD Compact Disc CDF Channel Definition Format CDMA Code Division Multiple Access CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data CDV Cell Delay Variation

60. Computer Dictionary - A CompInfo Directory
Here are listed various computer dictionaries available over the Internet. A Glossary of Online Jargon with Definitions of Terminology acronyms
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